Why is she godawful?

Why is she godawful?

Because you touch yourself at night.

Because she's a Bendis character and not because she's young, black or a girl.

Because she wasn't a character created from inspiration. She was a character created for diversity quota

This is what people never seems to understand.


When will they force him out? and who will do it?

Maria Hill is good

because you're racist. nobody forces you to read it

Because she's a Mary Sue based on Bendis's adopted daughter.

Hey vic von doom from cbr.

Im more upset she built an Iron Man suit on a dare and got praised for doing jack shit in Civil War 2

Pretty much this.

Better to blame the shitty writer than the character. They're always screwing up good potential.

>Hurr if you voice a negative opinion about a character who happens to black and a girl then you're a racist and nobody's forcing you to read the comic

Ok OP. This is like your 7th thread like this today. You need to go back to bed.

Trips confirm

A Bendis character? Hold on...THAT Bendis? Brian Michael Bendis?

Because the original Iron Man is still popular but Marvel is forcibly replacing him with a diversity quota.

40-somethings triyng to write hip millenials are a mistake.
Her dialogue is "WOW THAT WAS RAD TUBULAR" tier.

Because she replaced Tony for no reason

Marvel is doing this whole diversity thing WRONG

This is a more accurate take on what the comic is than this

> ask a question
> get a legit answer
> get upset over the truth

dont ask then you fucking racist

>for no reason
clearly dont read comics. Doom is the one who replaced Tony and none of you racist are complaining about his skin tone

Because Bendis is a godawful writer.

>didn't read my post
Marvel still killed characters for the sake of diversity

Tumblr shut the fuck up. I'm black and think Riri needs to go to hell. She's a fucking Mary Sue created by a hack writer for a diversity quota.

There is nothing original about her. She literally walks around in a slightly fem version of the Bendis Iron suit. Stupid bitch needs to get the Jason Todd treatment.

If you legitimately enjoy this character you need to get some fucking taste.

She's a product of Bendis ego and greed.

Nothing wrong with diversity. You still got many white guys.

Falcon is no longer Cap, so why cry about it?

Only Thor, Ironman, Hulk got replaced. Clints still hawkeye, there many spidermen.

Is Riri Williams the greatest Marvel Supervillain in recent decades? I'd say so.

I don't care about who's white, I care about my characters being killed and replaced with shitty value brands

> change the subject
Your bitching was about replacements, not him dying.

>oh no they found me out
> oh I know!
>I'll pretend to be a black!
>now I'm safe

Riri took over the Invincible Iron Man comic dumbass. Nobody acknowledges Doom as Iron Man.

Also even if Doom did take Tony's place, it would make a hell more narrative sense than Riri. An established character with potential for growth who starred alongside Tony for a good bit before assuming the mantle? That sounds like an actual legacy character.

Riri on the other hand came out of nowhere as an already perfect Mary Sur in 2-3 issues before the volume ended and took his book.

>Tony Stark was based on Howard Hughes
>Genius playboy inventor thrill seeker womanizer with deep seated mental and emotional problems
>Riri was based on...
>A six year old?

Because she's new. Most new characters are awful because they have no history and their writers have to carve out a place for them in the universe, usually by overstating their worth and turning them into the new Spiderman/Ironman/Ms.Marvel/whatever. For every character still in a comic today, there are a hundred forgotten to history because they were awful.

I'm not even that original user you replied to. Are you saying blacks can't have a negative opinion on a shitty black character.

Fuck off and quit trying to speak for us. Riri is everything wrong with modern comics.

> complaining about Tumblr
> that Reddit spacing
> pretending to be black
Wew lad

Because every minute those lips aint sucking dick they're squandering their god given gifts

>Unironically defending Bendis

Just kill yourself now. Nobody will miss you.

yeah, like a guy who started calling himself the real Spider-man. This thing annoyed me when Ben made it, which at least had a minimum of legacy, and i was full autism REEEEEEE with Azrael Batman, despite his failure was, however, the point of the story.
Now think of one that has nothing to do with Peter who boasts of being the true Spider-Man.

Why today it seems so hard to create a new minority character and give him an Important role without any stupid legacy? When characters work, it does not matter if they are white or black, Black Panther and Static prove it.

>Can't handle the truth
My sides!

Every cover she's on, she's just stand around not doing anything like fighting a villain or looking like she's in danger

>t. Bendis fan

This is the state of Sup Forums


>t. loser

This is the state of (YOU)

>kate bishop
>jane foster
>the new wasp
>carol danvers
>kamahameha Kahn
>nick fury jr
And those are just some 'legacy' characters.
Do you really want to say 'plenty of white left' because you know thats not the issue. Sam Cap was the only switch that actually made any kind of sense and Marvel ran it into the ground with race politics. Every black guy I've run into at my LCS, people in person mind you, fucking hated the run.
Iceman. Why? Fucking why?
America Chavez.

>because you're racist. nobody forces you to read it
First of all race has nothing to do with it, I hate how awful characters have this race card bullshit that they can just hold up and people can't accept they're just bad and second of all the whole "noones forcing you to read it" argument falls flat when they're being spilled over to different books.


Trips of truth right here. Under a competent writer who cares about crafting an engaging story more than pushing an agenda, she wouldn't be so bland and annoyingly perfect.

Perfect characters are boring, regardless of skin colour or sex. Miles has the same damn problem.

Yes, Bendis. That's Bendis.

You have to be 18 to post here princess

Jesus christ, that's awful.

bendis the writer?

Female characters aren't allowed to be in danger or ever experience discomfort. Comic books are a safe space. Dont you remember the shitstorm over the batgirl variant cover with joker on it? Millions of young female comic readers were literally psychologically RAPED by that book!

Same thing in my mind. Why do you care so much about my opinion?

Moon Girl beats her out on that front.

Hold up, Janet is still THE Wasp. Nadia gets prefixed all the time and is also a while woman.

>Sam Cap

This made sense, indeed, and i'm fine. Jane refusing to call herself Lady Thor or get angry when they do it's ridiculous.

Yes, Bendis the "Bendis the writer". Or just, you know... Bendis.

Not OP, but Vic 'ere. Hey, I hate Ree-Ree but I'm not wasting time creating hate threads... I just bump them...

Who am I talking to? Shill1 or Shill2?

Holes have ruined comics

Bendis the hack


I'll never get people who defend established characters getting kicked out for the quota's sake.

In all frankness, I am of the opinion that these have only contributed to making the cover even more famous and iconic. And it's a great cover.

I feel the same way about Chulk. I just wish that SamCap wasn't handled so poorly. What a disservice to both Sam as a character and Cap as a legacy mantle.

i dont read comics
what happened to all the established characters while this is going on?

They're either killed off or written out somehow. Tony specifically is in a coma.

Because you're looking at her in the wrong perspective, this is not a story about a young girl taking on the mantle of another hero, but the story of a young girl slowly becoming a villain.

where does Bendis get his ideas for new characters?

What do you guys think about Diversity and Comics idea about making her a villian will be the only way to help.

I don't know if she's god awful or not because this comic does not appeal to my demographic so I do not purchase or read this comic.

Because she's a narcissistic SJW that became a "hero" because she thinks she's a "victim" because her nice teacher in 5th grade wouldn't say that our society is racist and sexist and thus she doesn't have any "struggle" to overcome, like that black female astronaut.

In short: she's awful human being with a hideously petty and evil reason for being a "superhero", unlike Iron Man who had to survive war wounds and captivity or something else traumatic like with Peter Parker.

A white person as a villain makes more sense

Maria Hill isn't only written by Bendis

>It's this thread again

The problem with Marvel's recent diversity push isn't the diversity push itself, but the writers behind it. Do we really need to drill that in your head?

What's wrong in here? Is it wrong that I actually liked this?

you like what you like, I just find the history lesson obnoxious

In Marvel Universe, every character , every fucking character as a temporary villan phase.

So that's not exactly a new thing. It is like a rite of passage.

>Hey you're white, could you please be racist and discriminate against me since you're white? Oh wait you're not? But you're white!
Horse shoe.

please tell us more about the black experience, fat middle-aged white man

You are the only one pointing the ethnicities. She is asking to be discriminated for being a woman.

Yes. She's acting like a sociopath.

How so?

The Trips don't lie.

She's basically Bendis' stepdaughter. Just like in that horrible Princeless comic where the writer basically inserted his own adopted daughter into a comic book then failed to make her likable.

Wew, Bendis has at least two more All-New, All-Different characters™ in store.

Of course, but for Bendis she she's cool, right and heroic. Reminds me of the Sentry's case. When he was written by any casual/normal writer, he was an insecure psychopath, when was Jenkins (his creator) he becamehis pet, a Mary Sue Superman messiah. Same thing for Thanos when Starlin writes him, which becomes an invincible villan that no one can defeat.

She' a dimensional prop made by a man filled with white guilt.

Because the sum total of what Marvel and DC did is this:

> Keep the Name and Costume (slight variations aside)
> Traded the outie for an innie.

That's it.

These are just shoehorned expys of the original characters that are unable to stand on their own because they're shackled to the original heroes they're based off of.

What a psychotic little bitch.
>I want to be scientist!
>Sure, that's fine.
>But, you're white! You should be racist and sexist to me, so that I feel like a victim and can try to overcome it!
>That was decades ago, kid. Our society isn't racist and sexist anymore, it's a meritocracy.
>*Stares like a obsessive sociopath*
>Fine! You'll never be Tony Stark!
>Haha! I'm a victim of evil white hegemonic oppression! I'll show you!
And that's her hero "inspiration"! Nothing horrible, just her not being a "victim"!

Her teacher is giving her a honest and good nature responce about how times have changed and that she at the very least isn't racist nor she thinks she can't do anything because she is a girl, but Riri instead of being content keeps staring at her until she gives the responce she wants. I mean, the whole reason she wants to be a super hero is because she asked her teacher to be ''opressed''. If that isn't messed up, I don't know what it is. Not to mention that the whole reason she got into MIT was because she stole stuff and build something someone made ten years ago in a cave.


He's like a tumorous growth on her soul.
You can't see it physically, but in her every move and deed you can sense its presence.
Like a sickness.

Once she's had that fatty overbloated corpuscule removed, she'll probably recover then turn into something a lot more enjoyable and far more appealing.

Bendis won't write about them. They're white.

...she's gonna be wrong about that facial hair.

I'm sure this whole shit will be canceled one day. Peter Parker will survive Bendis and this bleak wind of perbenism. Miles Morales will die somehow... spectacular.

>implying he wouldn't just genderswap his own family and himself
I suspect that's Bendis endgame: make a team book about his fictionalized family.

that's a nice teacher. BUT THE KIDS IS SO FUCKING AWFUL WTF

I thought that was a fat lex Luther it reminds me of that alternate universe that superman was a black man.

What kind of sane woman needs to be told she can't be something because she's a girl, to actually start working?

probably should've given her a defiant look.

joker could've taken bruce's dick with a rusty pair of shears and he would have a look of "so what?" in his face.