You fuckers going to buy Generations and Legacy or what?


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Marvel can be globalist racists elsewhere for all I fucking care - the only title I still read is Slott's Spider-Man.

Ill read it on Sup Forums for free like everyone else here.

I haven't looked forward to a comic this bad for a long time
I mean Doomsday Clock, not Legacy

>Buy Marvel
AHAHAHAHAHA... Oh, you're serious?

It's still all the same shitheads, right? Why the fuck would anyone care about these things?

Butthurt bigots so assblasted marvel changed went to other companies they wouldn't even try before.

Mentall illness.

I only buy comics after reading them here.

None of the publishers deserve the kind of trust that a blind purchase would require.

So what you're saying is you're still part of the problem.

I don't care about the diversity shit mostly, and I think is one of these /x/phile tier idiots in particular, but I still have fuck all interest in 95% of Marvel's line-up.

There's no creative change-up on Legacy, almost nothing has a decent hook, there's no indication of stuff that might make me interested in what they've got again.

If Legacy is a success I fully expect them to do like, Memorial or some shit within a year.

Hell fucking no, I honestly feel like by next year for the first fucking time I'll have no marvel on my pull list

>Signing up for Doomsday clock
You idiots never learn

This has to be bait.

Only yourselves to blame Marvel.
And you can't burn it down and still win like you did in the 90's. DC isn't the same shit show it was then.

I havent read shit free recently. Someone needs to start storytiming old good stuff more often. Shove the new stuff.

>company changes
>buy someone elses product instead

Seems right user. I dont see where the butt blasted comes in.

what happened now? did marvel killed another hero just to replace him with a brave black girl or something and their sales flopped again?

Comic store owner I think talking about the new push from marvel called legacy. And how no one wants it. Mostly it seems to be homages to comic covers with more of the same garbage they did recently inside.

Ultimates ending so I'm only buying Captain Marvel now.

Maybe when Hijewki reduces the cool down for posts again, I honestly enjoyed storytoming the couple of times I did it but I'll be dammed if I have to spend two days posting pictures

But Marvel totally changed everything with their announcement last week?

>If Legacy is a success I fully expect them to do like, Memorial or some shit within a year.
After seeing how Marvel's been inflating numbers with Diamond, I think Legacy will be a "success" on all fronts except critical reception.

>what happened now?
Marvel released the Legacy lineup and it's the exact same lineup we have right now except with a new Moon Night and Human Torch/Thing comics as well has homage covers.

I'll keep buying GOTG and Ultimates, but that's about it.

They literally changed the entire comic industry!

Also a new Midnight Sons (essentially).

Plus Sam's going back to being Falcon and Ultimates may be cancelled.

arent like half of those guys already dead and replaced by political correct versions of them?

Nah. The critics will fall in line like the good little shills that they are.

No? Pretty sure that's the current lineup, even.

Ryan, stop posting screenshots of your every new tweets here, this shilling is getting really out of hand.

I wish there was a way to separate legitimate discussion and criticism of Marvel comics from retarded Sup Forums type shitposting.

Tony is still in a coma and Thor is still unworthy

I know that Marvel advertises everything they do as being the Next Big Thing and will change the Marvel Universe forever, but to say that they're changing the face of the comic book industry?

That takes balls.

Just don't respond to it famalamborghini.

>ghost rider is there but not nova

Fuck this gay shit.

last time I read a marvel comic was when

>thor was a girl
>ironman a black girl
>miss marvel a dyke
>hulk chinese
>cyclops was kill
>captain america was hydra or something
>spiderman was black

I'm still in shock...I nearly had a heart attack. Nothing will be the same...except everything.

>new Moon Knight
Why? They are going to ruin it.

And it's funny when it turns out all it was was largely homage covers.


See Marvel announced something that would literally the entire comic industry.

Said thing was variant covers and a few new books.

Needless to say, some were not impressed.

Go back to your safe space faggot

I think Marvel's aware that most readers don't want Sam, but this company refuses to ever admit they're wrong about anything

Get politics out of the comics and you wont see political responses to politics. We should all just ignore Marvel for 12-18 months.

So you've never read comics? Fuck off.

>miss marvel
Way to reveal yourself as a casual.

>not reading Silver Surfer

Damn, some of his other tweets.

>There's a retailer call with Marvel later this week about Generations. They've got a huge uphill battle to sell us on this.
>Marvel creators, retailers NEED to know what's going on with Generations/Legacy. The messaging from Friday is so confusing.
>I'll accept DMs from anyone, and won't say a word publicly. I'm super worried here.

>Marvel forcing retailers to literally beg just to find out what the fuck they're doing

Exactly my point.
What's better is that the press release they put out to advertise their reveals on Friday was the same press release they would post alongside the revealed books. They were so lazy that they didn't even try to make a second press release.

They are sticking their fingers in their ears and going LALALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU.

But some of the best Marvel and DC comics of all time have been highly political.

Anybody have the screencaps from Higgins talking about the differences between the Marvel and DC retailer forums?

Because that says enough about the situation in itself.

Anyone have the shot of Slott complaining about BleedingCool exaggerating things when they only used Marvel's own words in the press release?


No they covered topics that would be considered political. These comics cover people who consider themselves political and make every attempt to avoid discussing reality they can.

They are sjw cancer and you know it.

>I’ve lost track. Are we at the backlash to the backlash against Secret Empire yet, or have we passed that and headed into utter apathy?

>Considering the series seems apathetic itself at the moment and has turned into a macguffin chase, I think apathy is fair. I didn't hate the Hanktron stuff though.

>Barely anyone talks about it anymore. Fell into the memory hole

Marvel is not even worth reading free, let alone pirating. Waste that net on something enjoyable.

DC I understand but which Marvel books?


Kek, Slott is pathetic.

I laughed.

Daredevil: Born Again and Steve Gerber's Foolkiller jumped to mind but honestly, huge swathes of the 60s and 70s Avengers and Captain America books are outright political. The X-Men in the 80s get pretty direct too.

I'm glad someone saved that because Bleeding Cool changed to disqus or whatever and it deleted all their old comments.

>Sandman Mystery Theater trade got cancelled
Well, now I don't feel as bad for pirating the whole series.

Social media of all kinds is cancer and OP deserves to be pistol whipped for spreading it here.

God loves man kills.

The whole x-men xdisease that symbolized aids.

But that is the larger definition of politics when the original complaint was "Sup Forums shit" which I would call a smaller circle of politics mostly involving sjw cancer and complaining about them.

The larger definition covers almost any topic important to humanity.


Alright, which one of you anons is running this channel?

I agree

That Marvel discussions continue to invite Sup Forums-tier shitposting is criticism in of itself

It's pretty easy. The ones who are Sup Forums level write similar to that SWC guy.

I don't know, but if they can amass 11k views in eight hours, I really need to hop that bandwagon.

>video shitty on best boy Bazz and best girl Jess
delete your channel

Why do you faggots constantly shill this fucking nobody? Him and the Irish shop.

Soliciting is against the rules

Also what the fuck mods Twitter threads are supposed to be banned. Fuck you.

>he's a casual for not choking down D*sney's Marvel-flavored diarrhea

You interns are really getting desperate huh?

There is legitimate criticism going on though. Marvel has generated apathy across the board. Yeah sure I understand no wanting to hear people whining about how they replaced Tony Stark with some nigger bitch, but if you replaced every current diversity character with a straight white male people would still upset. Marvel has been coasting on shock value for the past few years. Eventually everyone was going to stop being shocked.

Are you being ironic? I'm genuinely confused. Are you being sarcastic or are you really, really trying to persuade me to buy these products?

What are you trying to tell me? Are you baiting? I could believe you were seeing as how obvious it is that everyone here knows Marvel to be disappointing and constantly shit upon -- fans included.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just not reading Marvel, and won't until I start enjoying what they publish. And I'm not.

What are you doing, OP? Why are you doing this? Did the Mouse make you?

Seems retarded, just neck yourself.

Nigger, shit on Marvel for shitty writing, not because they have characters other than white male and female. Miles and Riri's problem isn't that they're black rather they're written by Benis. You'd know if you read the actual comics but shitposters with Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums tier response don't actually read comics.

I agree with that, yeah. I just get tired of the muh niggers muh white pride shit.

I like to think Slott pays so little attention he didn't even know Marvel Legacy was a thing.

Slow down, autismo.

No the race and gender is the problem. The race/gender and the terrible writing are linked. They come from an attitude that if there is anything wrong its your fault because you must not like the race or gender. They are literally seen as needing to pull their weight less.

If it was just normal tradition white thor, iron man, spider man whatever they would just accept that they need to write better but no now we get this shit until it absolutely crashes.

Well miles was good as spider man now shoved into the main universe I am not so sure.

Marvel takes the cake... and THROWS IT TO THE GROOOOUND!

Also half the stories are shitty race bait bullshit as well. The race/gender of the character is tied to it.

>reading slott
Stop you're killing spidey, don't you see slott is fucking his whole character?


>No the race and gender is the problem.
Stopped reading right there. They are not the problem, writing and editorial is. There's lots of stupid fucking shit in books that are not race/gender bent.

Next they'll be CHANGING THE VERY FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE by doing lenticular covers

This. Race and gender are a crutch the the writers fall back on, both to virtue signal and to avoid legitimate criticism with cries of "racist!" and "bigot!" But there's nothing wrong with Miles and Riri being black and everything wrong with Bendis being a fucking hack who shamelessly panders to his own white guilt and his god damned adopted kids.

If Miles and Riri were white, they'd still be shit because Bendis is shit.

I'm adding Marvel two-in-one to my sub Wednesday.

>buying series based on literally just a title and a cover
you're part of the problem

Has the creative team been announced?

Bendis and Land.

Stop shilling your channel

>Shitting on Green Lanterns

But why?

this is that one guy who's like blowing Rich Johnston or something isn't it

He doesn't talk to Rich Johnston.

Are you one of those Marvel shills who've been going about doing damage control by attacking what retailers say?

Nope. I doubt that i'll even pirate them to read for free. Marvel isn't even worth that little effort

>They are not the problem
Stopped reading here.