Name a more american show than the simpsons

name a more american show than the simpsons

you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

>starts a bit iffy and needs to find its footing
>really starts picking up
>hugely popular show and does incredible for years
>hits a bit of decline
>goes downhill
>now it will never be the same
It's like poetry

Leave it to Beaver

well this reply just brought me down to reality
as if

Easily in the Top 10 Sup Forums posts of all time.

It stopped being American when this happened.

I expected the Kesha intro.

>drawn in another country

>started out good
>the longer it kept going, the worse it got, especially when Celebrities started popping up
yes, just like America.

Moral Orel

Actually it stopped being American years ago but as soon as they involved propaganda against Trump it just went to a whole new level. Atleast they started mocking SJWs so maybe they are trying to fight back against the pressure.

it's not anti-american to make fun of the president, snowflake

Doesn't get more american than that really

Ofcourse not. But it is to reinforce lies about him.

Wow that sucked.

I think the biggest problem was the horribly shitty animation

>Donald Trump was the leader of the birther movement for years

Fuck off dude.

Cool it was tampered with though. And Trump has already come out and said it was set-up like that. Keep up with the info you liberal goon he doesn't believe Obama was not born here and stop believing what pedophiles on tv tell you you.

"Trump golfs a lot, tweets stupid shit in the middle of the night and doesn't like to read legislation/briefings/anything" aren't lies


In other Trump is a fucking moron news:
>Time magazine has asked the Trump Organization to remove copies of a fake cover of President Trump that were on display at the company’s golf clubs, The Washington Post reported Tuesday afternoon.
>The request came after the newspaper reported that at least four Trump-branded golf clubs had displayed a fake Time magazine cover that depicted Trump with the headline “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!”
>The cover, dated March 1, 2009, was never published by the magazine at any point, a spokeswoman for Time confirmed.

Nah man stop being so in love with establishment propaganda. Look I don't want to get banned for posting too much political content like a video but do some research and watch Alex Jones. I know you haven't really looked into any of this.

Eww get that main stream pedo news article away from me.

>shitty jokes
>celebrity wank
I can't

Topkek nice one

What's more petty, the shit Trump's golf clubs is pulling or any serious news outlet reporting on it like it's real news?
You gonna shoot up a pizza joint or what?

Don't jump the gun, assuming people will take jokes seriously is wanting to get angry

I can never tell if posts like this is elaborate trolling, or just some redditors who're unfamilair with Sup Forums.

Dude you have completely lost me now. I'm sorry.

>mainstream pedo news
I honestly thought you were making some kind of Pizzagate reference.


No and I don't believe in pizzagate because it's to distract from the real pedophile networks. I do believe John Podesta is a pedo seeing a picture of him laying half naked next to a half naked child that isn't his. I was actually talking about a lot of shit how they are promoting pedophilia among other things like covering up pedophilic crimes. I like to not use too many links and videos on this board but they are trying to teach you that pedophilia is ok.

King of the Hill.

>reporting on it like it's real news

the people deserve to know what a phony the president is

and it puts his lie about having the all-time record of Time cover appearances in a weird new light

He has been on the cover very often though. You can just look it up. Why wouldn't he be? He is one of the most succesful people in the world.

That doesn't mean much after 8 years of the most corrupt presidency we've seen in ages. The only reason the Trump ship can't sink regardless of how many holes it blasts into itself is because of the wreckage already underneath it, and the media putting out actual fake news all the time doesn't help either.

It can't sink because people just don't listen to the MSM anymore but to Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux etc. Trump doesn't blast shit in the ship. He's trying to fix it with 4d waterpolo.

The green pill rears it's knobbly head once again.

So why not frame one of those instead of shopping a fake and lying about how many times he's been on the cover?

I thought the hill was mainstream pedo propaganda, how am I supposed to believe it now

I'm not that guy but the news covers stories that are partially real when they don't want to be associated with it or it has become too popular that they have to cover it to control the narrative. I'm not touching that dirty article but I assume they, like some other outlets, have distanced themselves from the Russian-American collusion conspiracy theory narrative.

>So why not frame one of those instead of shopping a fake and lying about how many times he's been on the cover?
Do you even understand that that makes sense? That that news is fake and that Trump didn't put out fake magazines? No why would he photoshop a magazine if he does appear in it all the time it should be incredibly obvious that it's fake news.

Seriously why would I put out msn news as a source.



Why are Trumpfags so easily triggered?

They're from reddit just sage and move on

Daddy issues, mainly.

>Alex Jones
You fucking dumbass.

>Debating is being triggered because I have different opinion.
No join the conversation or leave. This is a Trump thread now.

Yes I'm sure you believe all the lies about him as well but it's your opinion. But I suggest actually watching him first before judging.


Alex Jones Show.

he's right

Andy Griffith

Looney Tunes
GI Joe

Good post.

Honestly, I hate to say it, but Family Guy.

Wrong picture?

No, but I cropped out the context, since birthdays aren't related to the topic at hand. He just has such a specific expression of quiet defeat that's summarizes how I felt in that post.

Pre Zombie-Simpsons and South Park may speak for America, but Family Guy and its enduring success really represents us as people.

>The fact that something like family guy is actually famous and making money defines America.
Interesting view.

Fucking hell he's right.