Reminder that Rian Johnson directed the best episode of Breaking Bad

Reminder that Rian Johnson directed the best episode of Breaking Bad

Remember when Sup Forums had good taste?

Breaking Bad was shit

your mom is shit

Didn't he also do the fly one?

your mom is shit


true but that one was polarizing among fans even though I personally loved it

Yes he did, and then he directed a shitty Star Wars movie. What's your point? If I like one thing he did, I automatically have to like everything else?

I'm probably the only person in here who doesnt give a shit about star wars but wants to see TLJ when its out on bluray because I like the stuff the director made before

sounds like a lot of the complaints about the movie are nerd shit, like it doesn't fit "the lore"

Ohhhh nononono

Breaking Bad is probably the most overrated show to exist.

Nah, its genuinely poorly written and this is coming from someone who doesn't really like star wars either.

Also, writing within the "lore" is considered good writing. If you just fuck up lore for the sake of fucking it up, you're not a good writer in any sense of the word. You're a retard.

>Game of thrones
>stranger things
>TWD (pre season 6)
Need i say more?

In the case of game of thrones, it hasn't been good since season 4. Stranger things is a fun little show but people act as if it has no flaws what so ever. The walking dead used to be regarded as really good when it's not.

Sup Forums wouldn't recognise kino even if it was in front of their eyes. Catchphrases and labels is the only thing pajeets here understand.

Fuck off you contrarian troll fag

Your either a jew or you aren't, your mother must be a jew, you can't be 12.5% jew.

People compare them shows too Breaking Bad, because they legit think it's the best show ever.

Despite Gilligan already making a show with a better story and characters, nevermind that not even being a top 10 show of all time itself.


ethnicelebs doesn't show you the actor's inclination to religion in %, it shows their genetic heritage.

please delete this

i dont know how to do it

>Reminder that Rian Johnson directed the best episode of Breaking Bad
Reminder that he didn't write it, and is normally a capable director when he doesn't touch the writing

You're literally fucking retarded. Do you believe in Santa clause?

>what is Fly

Directing something good in the past doesn't mean you'll never make shit again. Also he didn't write that episode.

The directing was not the issue in TLJ. It was very competently directed. The writing was fucking awful.

a great episode, pleb

he up in the big leagues now, hon

but it was shite

did the walking dead become kino all of the sudden? What happened in season 6?

He should have stopped right there then because he has exposed himself as a complete fraud and a hack ever since.

that was just the culmination of the plot, it would have been fucking hard to fuck that up

fly was also shit

He didn't write it though, did he? Vince did, and that's why it was a good episode. It was what happened in the episode that made it good, nothing about the way it was shot was at all memorable.

And the worst.

First of all, this is not the best episode of BB.

Second of all, Rian was simply following the marching orders and trends already set by Gilligan and the other more talented people who worked on this show long before he ever tagged along.

If I pull the lever on a device that was built by someone else, do I deserve credit for making the device?

The best episode of Breaking Bad is Salud. Ozymandias is up there, though with Crawl Space, Shotgun and Cancer Man.

was that the episode with the fly? becuase that episode was the best one

>don't care about rian johnson
>come to this thread
>user says he directed an episode of bb
>look at wiki
>mfw rian johnson is responsible for three of the worst episodes of bb, all directed by him

I see how important now writers are

Better Call Saul is unironically better than Breaking Bad

>Santa clause