>Directed by Jon Watts, who direct the first movie.
>Written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers, who wrote the first movie.
>Tom Holland, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon confirmed to return as Peter Parker / Spider-Man, Aunt May, MJ and Ned.
>Tony Revolori, Angourie Rice and Michael Mando expected to return as Flash Thompson, Betty Brant and Mac Gargan / Scorpion.
>Peter and his friends will be attending junior year on high school.
>Gwen Stacy being introduced as a foreign exchange student from Europe and a "femme fatale".
>Begins right after AVENGERS 4, with Peter grappling the consequences of the war against Thanos (probably the death of Tony Stark).
>Peter will team up with another superhero. Rumored to be Doctor Strange as they become buddies during AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR.
>The main villain will be someone that hasn't been featured in the Raimi/Webb movies. Rumors point towards Mysterio due to the possible Doctor Strange tie-in.
>Release on July 5th, 2019, kicking off Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
>Gwen Stacy being introduced as a foreign exchange student from Europe and a "femme fatale"
So guaranteed Muslim, right?
Cooper Jones
Asher Scott
Camden King
I mean it has an Anglo larping as a Jew Yorker, a spic larping as a poo, an annoying asian fatass and a unspecified gender black specimen as MJ.
Cooper Adams
looks good to me
Mason Evans
It's going to take place in Europe and have Gwen Stacy as the love interest
Elijah Morgan
I've seen seven Spider-Man films in my life. I don't care anymore, I couldn't give two hoots.
Henry Hall
Mysterio or Kraven would be dope but the main problem is the Sony-Vese.
Upcoming Sony movies with Spider-Man villains:
>Venom (Tom Hardy) Carnage (Riz Ahmed>) will also in the movie >Black Cat and Silver Sable >Mysterio and Kraven (rumored, hopefully not true cuz I want those characters in the MCU) >Morbius, the Living Vampire
Michael Cruz
homecoming was surprisingly decent, I had no hype for a third spiderman reboot but enjoyed it.
if marvel/disney are smart they'll lock holland into a long long contract so they can build spider-man from his beginnings into an experienced veteran hero. the first iron man movie was 10 years ago and they've kept RDJ around this long, 10 years from now Holland could be one of top guys leading a new avengers lineup.
depends on who's writing. if you're talking Golden Age Spidey, maybe a little. mostly a cocky little dweeb though. GOD DAMMIT.
Ethan Nelson
It will be painfully devoid of tall, lanky, weird-looking but oddly cute slavic blonde qts who make Pete sweets.
Gabriel Scott
VENOM is not part of the MCU.
Jordan Jones
That doesn't mean anything.
HOMECOMING had scenes in Germany and Washington, D.C.
Luis Myers
They could very easily do Carnage without even coming close to referencing Venom or symbiotes. my first thought was the red goo cloud thing from Thor: The Dark World.
The auditions and casting call for Gwen Stacy was for someone Euro, though
Ryan Carter
Kevin Robinson
This is the weird thing about slowly phasing reacquired properties into a decade-old universe. You have to explain where all this shit was the whole time or else juryrig a different origin for it based on what you've already done. I can only imagine how they're going to explain the X-Men.
Kevin Wood
Yes, she's an exchange student.
Xavier Powell
Why didn't Iron Man simply murder the Vulture?
Brandon Sullivan
It's crap
Jeremiah Martin
I have a little story to share about Tom. The first time I saw was in Billy Elliot, the musical back in 2010 and he was so good at it, he really blew me away. Then he was in the Impossible and I realised that he was the same kid, *after a while though). His performance in the Impossible was absolutely brilliant, he almost got an Oscar nomination but they gave it eventually to Naomi who was also brilliant but not as good as Tom was. He also gave an amazing performance in the Heart of the Sea, he was better than most of the adults in the movie including Chris Hemsworth. Years later they cast him as Spider-Man & I knew that his career was over. Doing those superhero movies is the worst decision an actor can make. He's young to understand his mistake but in a few years he's going to regret taking this role & he will try his best to find roles that can separate him from the Spider-Man image.
Looking at his future movies on IMDB, I have to say that his career took the wrong turn & he's just wasting his talent.
Charles Rogers
That's stupid. Reality-altering cosmic energy is entirely different from killer alien symbiote.
Juan Edwards
thats a valid complaint. Im not even sure they're gonna *do* the X-Men. but if they do, they could just pull some multiverse bullshit and call it a day. they've already established multiversal shenanigans in Doctor Strange.
David Sanchez
t.doesnt read comics
Jordan Barnes
>not pic related
Ethan Ward
I liked pretty much every marvel movie (excluding age of Ultron and iron man 2) and I'm a big Spider-Man fan. I was so hyped for homecoming and boy was I disappointed. It was so bad so terribly bad. For how much everyone bitches about the casting and diversity I thought the story/script were godawful. Just a terrible plot and script.
Parker Roberts
Peter is in Europe tracking down a group of alien weapon tech smugglers. After Avengers 4 we basically have a scenario similar to Homecoming, people are finding alien tech and using it for themselves.
The movie takes place primarily in Germany, at one stage Peter remarks on his plans to see Otto Octavius doing a science lecture and the movie cock blocks you by having Black Panther show up and make Peter miss this.
Black Panther is the side hero this time, he comes into the story primarily to chase down Vibranium smugglers. He briefly fights Spider-man thanks to Mysterio making it seem like Spider-man is working with the criminals.
Ana Kravinoff is Kraven the main female villain of the movie, a hunter/smuggler. She smuggles everything from Vibranium to Animals, She is sympathetic in some regards and is spared by Spider-man at the end of the movie owing Spider-man a life debt.
Brian Quentin Beck is a TV cameraman who becomes obsessed with Ana after an interview. This leads him to temporarily work with her similar to Shocker working for Vulture. He gets angry that she rejects him and is the main antagonist of the final battle.
The Daily Bugle is introduced as a Superhero fan site, surprisingly run by Ned Leeds. J. Jonah Jameson is mentioned as someone who dislikes Spider-man in the comments who Ned blocks.
The movie leans heavily on the alien weapon smuggling aspect set-up in the previous movie. Scorpion does not appear however Peter questions the state of New York in his absence, referencing a few villains such as 'A guy dressed as a Rhino, A big fat guy and A guy with stilts for leg'
The last of which is shown in a comedic scene where it plays out like Spider-man 2's Doc Ock introduction. We are in a cafe with a family, suddenly we see the drink ripple as we hear sirens, it's revealed that a kid is kicking the table and the sirens are a very slow moving police car behind a guy on stilts while Spider-man is staring confused at them.
Justin Gomez
Riz Ahmed is not Carnage. He's rumored to be the Chameleon.
Jordan Carter
I say end the shared universe meme, or at least not have every superhero live in New York.
William Price
It wasn't that bad. The main reason most of us don't like Homecoming is the young cast & the fact that it's mostly written for a younger audience. It feels like a movie for kids & that was their goal, to approach the younger generation. Adults don't really enjoy those movies.
Colton Cook
>The Daily Bugle is introduced as a Superhero fan site, surprisingly run by Ned Leeds. J. Jonah Jameson is mentioned as someone who dislikes Spider-man in the comments who Ned blocks. I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL DISMEMBER YOU, YOU CUNT.
Chase Hughes
Homecoming was a bad movie, the tone was inconsistent, the pacing iffy, it did nothing remotely new with the character other than remove his iconic traits.
Hudson Harris
Xavier's mansion is upstate, my guy. but that doesn't mean they can't change it. the mansion's location isn't really important.
Hunter Davis
I liked Homecoming. It's not my favourite Spider-Man movie but it was pretty good. I think it'd be better if Tony was not in it though. He really ruined the movie for me.
Liam Long
What does mysterio have to do with doctor strange? I'd watch it but idk if he really fits the 'tone' of the mcu
Joshua James
Mysterio is just really good at illusion, he was a special effects guy before turning into a criminal. one time he convinced Peter he was just a few inches tall. he really wouldn't fit into the kinds of shenanigans that Strange and co. are part of. he's more of a cheap imitation.
Angel Reyes
How would Raimi handle this?
>Peter was raped by his friend Skip when he was a kid.
Parker Perry
Also this experience probably turned Peter into a closeted fag based on this outfit.
Austin Cook
I didn't care about the young cast. I was actually okay with most of the non-action scenes outside of Peter's fat faggot friend. It fell short when it tried to be serious or exciting, because everything is a joke, and not a particularly funny joke. Michael Keaton was scary in that one scene though.
Camden Wilson
>Peter's fat faggot friend
you just hate him cuz he fucked hottie aunt May
Joshua Bell
I want Cindy Moon
Sebastian Jones
> Scorpion is the founder of the Sinister Six > Vulture joins to get personal revenge on Peter > Shocker is hired by Scorpion, he is a paid thug > Kraven is blackmailed with photos from her smuggling days > Mysterio is reluctant after getting beaten but signs up for a chance to be with Ana > Otto Octavius is not the founder of the Sinister Six and is actually the last to join > Otto Octavius idolizes Spider-man and thinks being a villain is the only way to get noticed > Tinkerer has run out of stuff to give so Scorpion just jokingly remarks on giving him the spare mechanical Scorpion tails.
To recap the list; > Scorpion (Leader) > Vulture (Wants Revenge) > Shocker (Hired Thug) > Kraven (Blackmailed) > Mysterio (Wants to bang Kraven so joins) > Otto Octavius (Just wants to be noticed)
Andrew Nguyen
Damn. That would be a great choice.
Grayson Hall
He's neither. They confirmed he's the CEO of the Life Foundation.
Bentley Allen
Dude even looks like Cletus Kasady in the comics and we know he can play crazy.
Nicholas Jackson
Colton Anderson
This would be good casting, so it's not going to happen.
Bentley Moore
Mysterio often pretends to be a sorcerer in his first appearance, passing off his illusion tricks as real magic.
Dominic Gomez
I liked the kid stuff everything else about the movie sucked though
Cameron Sanders
Could still be Chameleon. Carlton is literally who.
Mason Barnes
It was a different time.
Connor Campbell
Who would you cast as Mysterio? I really can't think the right person.
Hudson Ross
That'd be a pointless change.
Grayson Cox
Mysterio is not really iconic. Anyone can play him.
Like, say... Patrick Wilson.
James Butler
Nathan Fillion
He had a minor cameo role as an actor on posters for GotG2's earth scene. This could tie-in with him being an actor.
Aiden Torres
Raimi's Mysterio was alright.
Parker Edwards
Sold. He is huge enough to look imposing next to Tiny Holland too.
Jayden Sanchez
Or Patrick Warburton.
Cooper Evans
>Patrick Wilson
Do you mean Reed Richards? He'd be perfect for that role.
Eli Perry
They might do some Spiderverse shit
Robert Brooks
what his dumb voice and fish bowl head are pretty iconic
Parker Parker
So it'll happen.
Grayson Peterson
That's Sony, not Marvel. There are doing one with Miles Morales.
Aaron White
Could not care less. We've had way too many Spiderman movies over the last 10 years plus the capeshit fatigue has set in for me. Missed Ragnarok and I actually kind of wanted to see it but couldn't be assed to do it.
I don't know how people care. I might go see Infinity War if only because I know they'll all be losing and somebody dies finally.
John Lewis
>I don't know how people care
yet you clicked in this thread & posted
Jace Price
the first one was an absolute train-wreck. good thing I torrented it and gave the (((producers))) literally no money. I just hope they spend some more money on CGI this time desu, homecoming looked fanmade
Gavin Gutierrez
OP asked for opinions. I gave my opinion. Are you retarded? It took all of 8 seconds for me to type that and clear the capcha.
Nolan Bailey
it took another 8 secs to reply to me, good
Caleb Johnson
>Thoughts and expectations?
Homecoming was shit, this will be shit too.
Ayden Jackson
venom, dr. octopus, green goblin, scorpion guy, rhino guy, glam safari hunter guy and vulture are all more popular
Nicholas Cruz
>>Peter and his friends will be attending junior year on high school. So they'll go back in time?
Brayden Watson
Will best girl finally be given something to do?
David Wood
Why are they filming in Germany? This is going to have some Nazi shit, right?
Henry Murphy
>disney after ruining luke skywalker will now ruin mysterio Fuck this shit
Jose Gray
> We’ve learned from our source that Marvel Studios, under the supervision of longtime casting director Sarah Finn, are on the hunt for a European actress in her 20s to play what was described to us as a “femme fatale". We can confirm that Peter Parker will cross paths with a mysterious European young lady that will likely lead him into danger.