Enough with the british white girls Disney, we get it

Enough with the british white girls Disney, we get it.

All the blondes are Australian
All the brunettes are British
And all the American actresses are lesbians.

You mean enough with the non Felicity Jones girls

I want to see only Felicity and no one else



Daisy is hideous why did they pick her to be in the main series and the other better ones (in the looks department at least) for the spin offs?

Find me an american that isn't a fucking thot OP.

name 2 of each

t. asshurt goblin

i love fleshy art like this

Id be ok with it if they cast qt British white girls

giv aryan gf

You’re the same breed of orcs as the Amerimutts.

Kate Beckinsale
Daisy Ridley

Samara Weaving
Abbie Cornish

Ellen Page
Kristen Stewart

Don't know what the purpose of that was.


They're honestly better censored


>b-b-but everyone in England is ugly and Muslim

56%ers btfo

erm wat do i Gogol to find this?

t. reddit

>mads designed the death star to look like his daughter's asshole


They are better than the average _________.

Fucking reddit! I'm white, I swear! I have a European last name!

That truly is weak

guys better be careful someone might report you to the police for a hate crime and they might come to your house better hide the butter knife

Why do Brits constantly talk about how their women are slags but then get super defensive about it?

I guess I'll just have to trust the government, which is currently busy running the country, because we area 1st World nation.

Can't stand the bantz?

t. reddit

Go and protest your lack of government you idiot


t. reddit

they're probably cheaper
