Which Seinfeld character practiced the best form of birth control?
Which Seinfeld character practiced the best form of birth control?
RAW doggin' without the consequences
what would newmans contraception be?
Sloppy seconds and blaming the first guy for the baby
I don't understand this political compass
discarding the body when hes done with it
That seems more like a George thing to do.
>Look, Jerry, I'm TIRED of the abortions. Sick of them!
>Why aren't you wearing a condom?
>I AM! I am wearing a condom, Jerry. But it keeps happening. I'm cursed! So I'm going to stop
>Stop wearing condoms?
>No! I'm going to stop... Having sex.
>You can't do it.
>Just watch me, Jerry. They say Isaac Newton died a virgin
>But you're not a virgin, George
>And I'm not going to invent calculus either. Here on out, it's gonna be pure George.
Did you watch the show? George was willing to raise a child with some random he banged
>RAW doggin' without the consequences
What are STDs?
>George putting in real work
>for no benefit
Seems OOC desu
Female to male STD infection rate is extremely low
You could slam a pussy that looks like a cherry cheesecake and come out clean.
>But you're not a virgin, George
>And I'm not going to invent calculus either.
this is real and it's spectacular
don't post the rest user
lel i rmr those..where can i find the rest
>Female to male STD infection rate is extremely low
>You could slam a pussy that looks like a cherry cheesecake and come out clean
Kramer. Anal is the least likely to result in a pregnancy of those four.
>I've figured it all out... Anal sex!
>You're going to have to give me more than that
>*Kramer gives an odd look and looks about to speak*
>About what you're talking about.
>It's the way to never worry about pregnancies, Jerry! Or condoms! I'll save hundreds of dollars! Kaching!
>Most women don't like anal sex.
>Aaaah, but here's the thing, with all my extra money, I can buy the women who do!
>You can't just BUY women
>Oh yeah? How much did your last date cost
>70 bucks but that's not---
>Kramer walks out and slams the door behind him
Awesome writing. You should write an entire episode or 90 min screenplay then contact Jerry's agent. Just don;t send the whole thing unsolicited otherwise the ideas will get stolen. Years back I sent a musical idea for Back to the Future to Zemeckis and Bob Gale. Years later Bob Gale is on a radio show talking about this awesome musical BTF idea he has.
I once wrote a screenplay called Billy and the Cloneosaurus.
You'll never know what it was turned into
elaine has STDs, why do you think this women didnt want to be near her?
she probably got aids after opening that doornob