So how is he still alive?

So how is he still alive?

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his nose makes me sick

pure spite


What the fuck...

remember when lisa g got teary eyed because she thought artie had potential and was kinda attracted to him but he just kept getting fatter and getting more drug addicted and ultimately she saw no hope for him

isn't he in his early 50s?

Did you really post to ask his age when you could have found it much quicker?

hes handsome

did you really post to tell someone just to google something you could of easily told them? stop being such a faggot, thats why no one likes you.

do you think i was really looking for the answer instead of just making conversation? You sound like a basement dwelling autist

>lisa g takes shits at work

>we will see norm do a tearful eulogy for artie within 2 years

who dies first, Stern's show, or Artie?

you could have said this every year since 2010

nugga sterns show will go off the air ten years after the sun burns out

That's not very nice

he's one of those people who would have lived to 100 if he wasn't a fat drug addict


Is Lisa g still a thing?

Blessed by god.

If you listen to Gavin McInnes's latest podcast, he talks about how he thinks Artie is a great guy, but for some reason he's lying about what happened while he was in jail. Artie claims he was put in gen-pop, but it's crazy to think they'd put a celebrity in there with everyone else. Artie claims he was beaten with a lead pipe, and he's also wearing gloves which he says is because his hands are cracked with diabetes. Gavin says that he thinks Artie's been scratching himself like crazy and his fingernails have come off.

gavin is a stupid nigger

the world of men will fall

I don't think Artie is the kind of celebrity who's big enough to get special treatment in jail.

Cumia is such a retard for partnering with Artie. Even when Artie was making millions on the most popular radio show in the world he was a flake that didn’t show up and did a shitload of drugs, how do you expect him to behave on some retarded podcast nobody cares about? People just need to get away from Artie and let him self-destruct, all this “help” is just prolonging his misery.

He looks like Joey Buttofuoco

i bet dana is watching this thinkin holy shit i dodged a canonball

link related

>hello, fellow kids

*snorts coke next to a recovering junkie*

makes sense, as a former junkie you scratch the fuck out of your self when high on dope. but there would be open sores on his face and neck and blood spots on those white gloves, im not saying something didnt happen to his fingernails but it seems unlikely.

I hate how everyone always says “he’s such s great guy”
No he isn’t. He can be funny, but he seems like a pathetic piece of shit that preys on pity. Fuck him.

hes always been pretty generous, you dont know him you cunt. being a dopefiend doesnt make you an asshole, you just lie about why you sleepy/need money/missed work.

I wonder why Gavin doesn't swear on his new show, but he swears a ton and talks about doing drugs and fucking whores on his podcast, which is still associated with CRTV.


He won't live to 100 and probably never wanted to, but what if he in fact DID live longer because of the drugs?
I'm not saying the drugs are a direct cause of him living, but it kills some people sooner and others later. I'm not claiming it makes sense.

by all accounts artie is a great guy, there are numerous stories of him interacting with fans, people in the military, and being extremely generous with his time and money. he even donated 10k to the family of a cop that was killed in pittsburghh, i think i have that right. hes a junkie but the difference is he has the money to afford his life style, hes not breaking into cars for change like the junkies i know. It sucks for his mom, but hes not hurting you or I. He "seems" so is he or isnt he because you dont even "seem" to know. fuck this thread is full of faggots

he was never in great shape but this was Artie about 15 years ago

they've both been dead for years, the nerves twitching just make seem like they are alive.

I wouldn't call what he is 'alive'

You don't just quickly die from this self-abuse. Your body has an immune system and protections to save itself. The fallout is an agonizing and slow process unless you luck into a massive coronary. Most of these famous junkies fade from the public eye, then die years later. Artie is an example of the process happening in public, in real time.

I honestly would think it was fucking hilarious if Stern actually died before Artie. Not saying it's likely at all, but I would fucking laugh my ass off.

Stern has an Alcor contract.

Fuckin sociopathic kike. Figures.

>If you listen to Gavin McInnes's latest podcast

I pay to watch his show too. He's a funny dude.

Hey gavin.

How much heroin do you have to snort to achieve this mode?

gavin is a literal faggot and so is everyone who gives a shit about anything he says
>be the alt right
>hate gays
>look up to faggots like milo and gavin
really making me think here

Sup Forums tends to hate both of those guys these days.

he's covering his track marks on his hands, he might have had an infection or an open sore that day but couldnt cancel. i used to wear gloves at work for the same reason before I quit. His addiction is worse than it seems, thats why he's losing all that weight.

He's just funny. My favorite moments are behind the paywall, but there was one segment where he made fun of a bunch of black people in Africa doing hilarious nigger dances at a wedding and I laughed my ass off.

why aren't any of the people in his life called out for being the enablers they are?

howard stern is such a piece of shit

Stern gave Artie plenty of second chances.

Will he stay sober this time?

>remember when lisa g
remember when Howard Fired the the entire TV team and most of the news team and never really mentioned it on air?

Why do people want Artie off drugs?

No one ever liked Artie as a sober person, his whole shtick is he's the rude, loud mouth drug addict

He'd be worthless as a sober guy, he's not a natural comedic talent like Conan or Tim Heidecker

this fuck is going to live to 90

There is a balance to be made.

Too much drugs and you don't show up for contracted gigs.

Too few drugs and you show up for gigs and are boring at them.

Fool made the mistake of getting famous while high in the part of the industry where success is determined mostly by SHOWING UP and LIVING LONG.

>I invented the purge, Robin
>not many people know this

the bodies might be alive, but the souls therein are well and truly dead.

do you think artie would have changed his life if howard let him back on the show

hell no, if anything he would have faked it then went totally scorched earth, 6 stars on GTA, legend for all time meltdown.


Sad but true. I think if you are really an addict you never "recover" or stay sober for more than a year. Anyone who gets clean for a decade was just in a bad spot in their life and not really an addict.

theres no hope for people like me

i hope he dies


I felt bad for this stupid bitch. It's like she's literally too retarded to understand what she's doing.

I can't even get a (you). Wish I had the balls to shoot myself in the brain.

thats not true user
my dad was a drug addict for most of his adult life
it took losing his business and my mom leaving him to hit rock bottom
but instead of croaking
he found a support group and a strong community of friends and he put in the work
and now well over a decade later hes still clean
make no mistake though user he was an addict
he could still be classified an addict
his addictions are just more or less benign now
he doesn't trust himself with intoxicants of any kind still

the reason you claim that there is no hope is that giving up is easier than fighting
you have to be willing to fight
not many are able to come back
and this may be falling on deaf ears
but if you choose acceptance rather than resistance
you at least need to make it a conscious choice
you could get clean
but that would mean choosing the hardest path

On the beauty scale, is he a 1 or 2/10? I


Steve Langford


Your dad isn't really an addict or he's secretly using. I guarantee it.

It's not that it's easier to not quit, it's that I don't want to live without it because it's the only thing about life that I enjoy.

i would make him snort that little spoon up his faggot nose

>It's not that it's easier to not quit, it's that I don't want to live without it because it's the only thing about life that I enjoy.
for now, when you fuck up yourself so much that death comes knocking you'll find other things that give you pleasure
or you'll die and that's cool

I envy the dead

I appreaciate you user, it's just that I'm a lost cause and it's only a matter of time before I kill myself.

What the fuck would Gavin know? His theory sounds retarded. Getting beat up by niggers in NYC gen pop sounds a lot more believable.

lisa g was a stuck up jew cunt who will never be loved by any living thing

baking cannot fill the chasm in her soul

did high pitch get banned from the show for his latest death threats?

>he's also wearing gloves which he says is because his hands are cracked with diabetes

persistently-high blood sugar and poor peripheral circulation contribute to a lot of opportunistic fungal infections in the extremities of diabetics, so it could very well be true

>who dies first, Stern's show, or Artie?

Artie is still technically alive for the moment

Sad if true

How's he an enabler? He fired him and has nothing to do with him at this point because of all the drug shit.

Beggars can’t be choosers. Jim needs to tell Sirius to make Ant his co-host.

Fucking hated that attention whore bitch. She was easily the most worthless person Howard had on staff.

Jon Hein was way worse and he's still fucking there.

That's because they are those Civic nationalist fags.

spoken like a true junkie

the key is differintiating your intentions and thoughts (do better etc.) and the thoughts and intentions of the drugs (theres no point in quitting, you need me to feel normal etc.)

its like fighting an abusive relationship in your brain

Funny thing is I've been off of them for a few months and life is worse. At least when I was using I felt good sometimes instead of just a baseline of pure depression.

I don't expect someone who isn't themselves an addict to understand.

Also I'm going to stop shitting up this thread because I'm just a stupid junkie and people don't want to hear this. Sorry to bother you nice people.

he was cute when he was plump
now he's a zombie

Any amount with glass in it

> living in Hoboken
You're just asking for your entire life to be fucked up

high pitch got verified lol

what is she up to now?