ITT: soyboy bait


if you can't enjoy ghibli then you have no sentimentality and are thus useless because you will never know unconditional love.

That sounds exactly like what a soyboy would say.


I just like the colors and comfy though

This sounds like something a weak ass nigga would say



fighting new shit memes with classic memes



go back to fucking reddit faggot



The best characters are the ones that act like real men. Duke Leto, Stilgar, thufir Hawat,

Triggered, soyboy?

All this stuff described for soyboys that was made for literal children.



>completely anti soyshit
>somehow it’s soyboy bait

you’re not making any sense here libshit

Sup Forums doesn’t want to admit this is daycare for soys in denial



Oh no

>can;t make desciosn on their own so they appeal to a strong man leader to take care of them, and praise them for arbitrary characteristics


soy boy


>all of those asshurt replies



I love how overly defensive liberals on Sup Forums never fail to bring up muh Sup Forums boogeyman when faced with the ever growing and important problem of soy consumption and numaleism.

Sup Forums is soyboy central. All dumbass fat no-muscles white dudes without two brain cells to rub together. That's the real soy effect. They're all like women. Driven by emotion and disregard logic or facts when it is convenient to them. There are way, way more of these guys in the world than there are Wil Wheaton "male feminist" types.

If you have nothing better to do with your life, go to a comic book store some time and find the smelliest, dumbest, biggest of shit mother fucker in the room. Then ask him what his political beliefs are. You'll see what I'm talking about.


ummm no sweetie

>immediately angry (you)s appear

Meant for It triggets polfags so quick.


>the soyboy Shai Hulud
>the chad Fedaykin

Rent free desu

based board sex poster



t. reddit



See this is what really fucking annoys me about you leftypol/jidf faggots. Look at the post count for christs sake and he look at this post