What was the bigger FU to combat?

What was the bigger FU to combat?




With either of these, does it prove that now the films are just a ticket to show off ILM and fuck all to stories?

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>Rogue one hammerhead scene: A single star destroyer is temporarily disable by an ion bomb run conducted by a group of fighters
>A corvette rams into the disabled star destroyer and pushes it into another one, the momentum and positioning causing the destruction of the star destroyer
>This is all plausible, makes sense, doesn't violate the laws of physics established in the universe, makes for a very nice scene

>TLJ hyperspace ram it: Violates all the fundamental rules established in the series, completely tears apart logic, changes warfare irreversibly
People just complain about R1 because they are brainlets who don't understand how space works. TLJ scene was actually contrary to the established lore and ruins warfare completely in all future and past movies.

R1 was fine. TLJ was retarded and breaks ship-to-ship combat for all the movies

Why were the Star destroyers a different colour in Rogue One?

Mk I's The Mk II's are seen TESB onward. Funny thing is, technically, the Supremacy is a Mk I of its type, but...it would have unfortunate implications to have that color.

>ruins warfare completely
>breaks ship-to-ship combat for all the movies
No it doesn't. Destroying your best ship to cripple the enemy's best ship is not worth it in most combat situations unless you're desperate.

The difference of whether they are good or bad isn't whether they break 'lore' (Star Wars has been space fantasy from the beginning), for me it's whether they worked in the context of the film. TLJ's hyperspace jump was a truly last ditch effort t save the last of the Rebellion, it was built up as significant and a big sacrifice, it was truly unexpected, it looked cool as fuck, and it saved established characters who we care about.

Rogue One wasn't so desperate or high stakes, it was a maneuver that was signposted by the name of the damn ship, to disable a shield, so some people we didn't care about could transmit a signal, to deliver plans that we already knew would get delivered. Rogue One overall just had less tension and felt more cynical I think was the problem

>or me it's whether they worked in the context of the film.

Like how Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan, with his last breath he should've turned into a 100-foot Hulk and smashed those Nazi tanks with his metal fists, before collapsing from the effort and telling Ryan to earn it

>it looked cool as fuck

You all know damn well the super weapon in IX has got to be something like the Suncrusher. I mean, where the fuck can they go from here logically? Something like Centerpoint Station and throw planets into each other?

>implying the climax of the IX won't be Rey destroying the entire Dark Side of the Force with her pure untrained amazingness, uniting all the galaxy in a progressive utopia free of hate