Early Valerian reactions are mostly postive


Other urls found in this thread:


>mostly positive

What they're saying is that it's The Fifth Element with more SFX and not "Ancient hippies barely manage to prevent total breakdown of intergalactic society by reminding important political figures to not fuck this one up."

The only thing that looks interesting in this movie are the robots.

Huh, they've gotten upgraded a lot!

Yeah, I don't see this doing well at the box office. A shame, since the trailers were pretty nice.

Well, I'm willing to watch it as long as there's lasers and robots and aliens and stuff exploding and space ships doing space things.


gonna be a massive flop. No one wants this shit.

This will flop in the US but not in Europe

I'm glad that Cara Delevingne managed to get a good movie role after her awful performance as the Enchantress in Sucide Squad.

Totally, shame too because it looks like a real damn good movie.

>ugly children: the movie

What made the Fifth Element good wasn't the SFX (which are really quite dated in parts) but the storytelling, editing, performances, script...

It still holds up today because it's very well put together, not because it has flying cars and aliens. If anything, the New York it depicts isn't really a step up from the Los Angeles depicted in Blade Runner 13 years earlier in terms of SFX.

They look like pretty standard Elysium/Days of Future Past/whatever robots to me.

Tintin situation.
It will do great oversees but the US will shit on it since its not an IP they are familiar with and doesn't have James Cameron's name stamped on it or Tom Cruise running somewhere fast.

I am very amused that weird looking Dane DeHaan is in all these high profile movies, while Michael B Jordan only has Creed and nobody remembers that other guy.

From the trailer it looks like it won't be your average "space opera but it's set entirely on earth" type of movie.

>Dehaan not playing a mental patient for once

I want to fuck them

Everyone on Sup Forums MUST watch this.

The robots, apparently called K-Tron, looks like they're from the concept artist Ben Mauro. So yeah, they look fuckable awesome.


Fifth element director all I care about

It looks so boring though

Hollywood keeps making so many movies about space right now

I'm sure that it won't be a box office smash but I'm still excited to watch this.

Good I fucking love space opera

Between this and GOTG and Star Wars Im on cloud 9

well those and then these alien movies

there was one with Chris Pratt, another one with Ryan Reynolds, and another one with Jeremy Renner

Every time I see a preview for another one I just roll my eyes because it's like my god a movie just like this came out 2 weeks ago

What's the Renner one about? I didn't see Passengers or Life cause they didn't interest me, I prefer exotic aliens and colorful starfaring adventures

I'm assuming he's talking about Arrival.


>This will flop in the USA but not in Eurasia, South America and Canada

Most likely.

This looks a lot like Mass Effect actually. Only, you know, good. I wouldn't be surprised if that gets some butts in the seats.