Van, when you were born, it was the happiest day of my life. When I first saw your beautiful little face...

>Van, when you were born, it was the happiest day of my life. When I first saw your beautiful little face, when your tiny fingers squeezed my hand so tight, like you never wanted to let go. I've watched every step, every struggle, I... but, Van, I, oh, Rao help me.. but I don't think you're real. I don't think any of this is real.

>Don't say that, Daddy! Please, you're scaring me.

>No, no, I don't want to scare you, Van. You are everything I ever wanted in a son. This... this is everything I ever wanted in a life. But I've got responsibilities, Van. And I... . have to go now...

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Fuck off, Mongul.


Personally I have like if they have done an animated episode of Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow.

>the madman himself Alan Moore liked this
Tells you all you need to know

>Clark was raised almost his entire life in Kansas
>Considers himself human first and foremost
>"hurrrrrr his secret desire is to live on a planet he never knew hurrrrrrr"

Alan Moore had some good stuff but he had some real stinkers too lemme tell ya

i would kill a world if that happened to me

The Black Mercy gives you what you can't have so you'll stick with it to see it play out, why would Clark want more Smallville when he's lived and enjoyed it to the fullest and coped with the passing of those he knew there?

It's like how Batman sees Thomas beat the shit out of Joe Chill, it's not that he still doesn't want to be Batman and care about/protect people he has or anything it's that the one thing he doesn't and can't have is what is given to him to keep him locked in that illusion so any developed acceptance psychology does not interfere with the Black Mercy's hallucinations.

I always thought Black mercy as "What if that one great tragedy in your life didn't have to happen"
So Krypton going kapoof for Supes, Chill gets asswhooping for Bats

For the Man who has Everything was published before COIE. He was still alien first back then.

It's hard to pin down naturally since the psychology of a person is malleable as they go through life, comparing the psychology of various people at various points to grasp why one would be pleased or obsessed with something at some point while another wouldn't gets even fuzzier.
Mongul for example embraces a future of further tragedies put upon others rather than any past improvements or his own life being bettered.
I mean, he's evil so that goes without saying, he's likely long past past regrets, but it still seems the Black Mercy gear itself towards giving someone at the very least what they don't have or have not had as then the illusion is something they're less likely to question than something they've had and would know the experience of to start comparing expectations and questioning aspects of it as it develops.
Bruce and Clark both knew something was supposed to go wrong at the start of their delusion, but as it carried on they stopped having a frame of reference.

Only thing I'm sad about is, we didn't get to see what Wonder Woman's fantasy would be.

>Happily married to Bruce?
>Justice League all female?
>Never left Themyscira?

Diana don't have a tragedy in her backstory per se, so it's debatable. Maybe something like what if Zeus was not a dick to them or the sort.

The first arc of Trinity had some funny ideas about what Black Mercy does too. Or was that Ivy's doing?

After finally reading the issue it became really apparent where they stitched over Robin's involvement.
I feel like the comic version had a pretty depressing version of Krypton. Really struck me as odd that that was Superman's "greatest desire"

>I feel like the comic version had a pretty depressing version of Krypton. Really struck me as odd that that was Superman's "greatest desire"
Yes, that was the point. It was a "be careful what you wish for" thing because it turns out what Superman wanted most would be a life worse than the one he had.

The flawed Krypton wasn't part of his desire, it was Clark's psyche peeling away at the illusion. He knows something is wrong with the world around him and so the Black Mercy tries to adapt to that suspicion and paranoia by facilitating scenarios to placate his concerns away from the real truth towards a distraction.

It's like how in a dream if you start getting worried about something you're likely to shift into a nightmare scenario and see it actualize to justify that sudden emotion since your mind doesn't really understand that in reality expectation and actuality aren't always tied together, we just correlate them in our thoughts to be prepared as a defense mechanism.

Like how you might think you've noticed someone following you when really you just so happen to be going the same direction, but in a dream he'd actually start following you and he'd likely get threatening or violent.

>Personally I have like if they have done an animated episode of Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow.

he shows up in Batman Beyond so that's just not possible.

Black Mercy vs Starro
Who wins
What happens if either party wins

>Gilbert Gottfried voicing this...

Well Black Mercy are relatively harmless to anyone but their victim since they're just parasitic, they feed on something until there's nothing left.

Starro has an agenda, once it's on it's anyone's call what happens next.

If you're asking about a literal vs I'm not sure a Black Mercy could really get to the point of a threat for a Starro with all the array of abilities the latter has.

Dammit I read those pages neutral, now I won't unhear on re-reads.


>Rebirth ends like this
>Jon was just an illusion all along.

>they gave Superman an obscure hint in his battle with a nigh-all-powerful being
>they didn't just tell him

>Rebirth was all just Superbro's black mercy dream about being a better Superman and having relationships built in the universe, we're still actually stuck in shitty New 52 times

DC infected their readers with the Black Mercy

I'd like to think
>"Taking the kids to go see grandpa Zeus, so she and Bruce can have a week alone together".