
Now do one with The Dud.


Sneed me for one second

You know these threads are quite similar to the ones they have at Reddit


I hope you're prepared for mouthwatering feedburgers.

steamed sneeds

This guy. This guy, right here. He's fucking gone. G-O-N-E. He's out. Kaput. Sayofuckingnara. And why? Because I'm sick of this fucking shit. I'm even going to sit things out over the next three days after I'm inevitably turfed myself because I announced a report. I know the rules. I'll be a good little goy and play by them, too.

This cunt, though? FUCK YOU. Whether you play by the rules or not, FUCK YOU. If a mod's here? Like, genuinely here watching this? I'd love if you (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) this cunt for being such a fuckwit and ruining threads like this. Oh and if you think I'm some fucking tourist from you-know-where and being a "soyboy" or whatever stupid shit you're going to pull, know that I've been here since 2009 and I'm goddamn sick of it. I'm sick of these phoneposting cunts, ALL of them.


Good Lord! What is happening in there?


Uh- Chucks? At this time of year, at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your Seed and Feed?


May I suck it?
