Johansson then related her own personal experience: “Suddenly I was 19 again and I began to remember all the men who...

>Johansson then related her own personal experience: “Suddenly I was 19 again and I began to remember all the men who had taken advantage of the fact that I was a young woman who didn’t yet have the tools to say no, or understand the value of my own self-worth,”

>Though she didn’t name him directly during her speech in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, a rep for Johansson later confirmed to the L.A. Times that the actress was indeed referring directly to Franco when she said: “How could a person publicly stand by an organization that helps to provide support for victims of sexual assault while privately preying on people who have no power?” Pausing for effect, she then asked Franco for her pin back. Her comments start at the 1:25 mark.

Will Scarlett get her pin back?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd like to pin her back if you know what I mean

just a jew jewing, user

>the tools to say no
What did she mean by this? Unironically

Hahahahaha roastie, forget it.

Aziz fucked your movement in the ass.

T.J. Miller and Jordan Voght Roberts LITERALLY fucked roasties in the ass and now fucked your movement in the ass.

And Franco? Forget about it, slut. Ghost In The Shell's box office returns mean you aren't getting anything fucking back.

Franco is going to get nominated for an Oscar. You're going to be a short haired ugly soccer mom and former Hollywood star screeching into the void.

Just so you know, you will never be as original or autistic as the D R O P P E D guy

>A List actress accuses Franco now

I bet noted SJW's Apator and Rogen are definitely going to drop him any minute now, right?


What are they complaining about now?

not even once

Notice she says absolutely fucking nothing? No direct accusation. No actual explanation of what he has supposedly done.
