What did you think of Dark and, most importantly, what the fuck was Hannah's problem?

What did you think of Dark and, most importantly, what the fuck was Hannah's problem?

That show dragged on for far too long.

>Hannah's a cunt.

What? It's very slow paced, but it's just 10 episodes.

t. adhd yank child
its slow but none of it felt like filler. It got a bit repetitive with delivery (dramatic music to scenes at 4/5 every episode before wrapping up) but I enjoyed it

Fuck the end though it answered zero questions.

She was hotter as a teen.

Anyone else think Jonas has a beautiful neck?

which questions

is there any explaination as to who created the holes in the cave? I also didn't really get what the nuclear plant had to do with the time travel, other than the fact that at the end, to open the black hole, they use a radioactive element.

What happens to the guy who was arrested in the early timeline for the murder of the children? Who murdered those kids and why?

What happened in the future timeline that shows the war zone?

What was the point of the machine?

Why did they have an intricate door design?

>What happens to the guy who was arrested in the early timeline for the murder of the children? Who murdered those kids and why?
If you0re talking about Ulrich, that's clearly left for the next season. The kids were killed by Noah with his experiments. We even saw them in the room/getting kidnapped, are you dumb?
>What happened in the future timeline that shows the war zone?
Again, obvious cliffhanger for the next season.
>What was the point of the machine?
Only legitimate question, I'm kinda pissed off that there isn't even a hint at what's the point of it.

tl;dr the show left some unanswered questions, but most of yours are retarded

fucking hell, noah himself explains, hes the biblical noah and wants to create an ark only for "right" people

Thought it was really good, I liked the twist and turns with the character. Hannah was just cock hungry also the ginger chick had nice tits.

well duh, but in my book the vague biblical mmbo jumbo doesn't equal a real explaination. an ark for what? does he want to save the righteous from something? he just wants to go live in the future or past? there isn't a real explanation for what he's doing. maybe he knew the nuclear apocalypse would happen and wants to prevent it, but that's just my theory

this is what i'm worried about

does it leave things unanswered, does it end on a cliffhanger? can i stop watching after season 1

It ends on a cliffhanger but if you have watched it you can tell what happened and where you are, you can stop there if you want but there's more questions that pop up through the series that you will want answers for.

Of course

> the question is not where, but when

is this show creepy or unsetling at all? I want some horror, not teen drama

There's some unsettlingness, the scenery, the houses, but it's not a horror. It's not a teen drama as well, just because there are teens doesn't mean it's Dawson Creek In Time

There are some creepy moments in the first episode, when you don't really know in which direction they are going. Especially when it comes to the abducted children.

Once you get used to the atmosphere there is less creepy stuff. But sometimes there is a sense of really dark humour which is pretty uncommon for a german production.

Trips from the future or the past.

There's not really any teen drama in it it's more adult drama if you know what I mean, it really can be a little freaky and unsettling at times

That qtpie aunt in the rain scene.
If i was jonas i would not have rejected her. Aunt or not

What are you people talking about?
The machine was built to stop the wormhole, but in the end created it. He got the blueprints from the future people.
How was that hard to grasp?

But they didn't really explain the portals yet that opened outside the wormhole tunnel in the cave and how he ended in a future timeline which would be a new forth now.

Which portals outside the wormhole? They were all in or around the tunnels. Yes the last point wasnt explained, I give you that. We have no idea how he got into the future

Noahs time machine seems to open portals and drops randomly the corpses of the poor kids in one of the other 2 timelines.

The same thing happend when future Jonas used the machine. Before teenage Jonas' eyes suddenly a portal opened that connected to the abduction room where the kid version of Helge Doppler was at that moment. After they touched each other hands throught the portals Jonas was thrown into the future. The nature of that portal wasn't really explained so far. My best guess is that another wormhole was created somehow that now connects the 1980s with the 2010s and the 2040s.

The accident in the power plant is what created the first time portal in the caves under the plant.

d a r k was absolute kino - based Sup Forums recommendation

how did the young kid at the start go accidently go back in time when you have to go through that door way to go back?

There are clearly some other ways to travel through time than just the 3-way wormhole. Noah time machine is one of them but it doesn't really work so far.

I don't get why the marketing was 'this is the scariest netflix show'

It's NOT horror. It's great though

no the machine did by trying to stop it, they explicitly said so
The experiment room was right above the tunnels and even hab on exit going into it.
They had to amplify it with their eperiment to work
Noah uses the wormhole, his room is just above it

>it's an autists need answers spoon fed to them instead of filling in the blanks themselves episode

I thought it was way too brooding and drab and gray and everything was dark and there was constant rain and dirt and unlikable brooding gray germans filled my screen and I kinda gave up on being interested enough to remember all those unlikable germans.
And then the ending was all "look, next season will feature post-apocalyptic type of thing with proper strong gun wielding female characturss" and I gave on it in advance.
I just gave up.

>there was constant rain and dirt
Well yeah that was actually the point. They are pretty consistent regarding the visual and thematical motifs. I just say Noah, the circle of shit and mistakes happening and repeating in families over generations and during history. A dark future to come...


>gun wielding female characturss" and I gave on it in advance.

Also its was most of the time raining, because it rained in 1986 and as they said everything repeats itself every 33 years, so does the weather, too. This is actually nice attention to detail.

Hannah's probably the most accurate portrayal of a woman in live-action medium. Sorry if that upsets you.