Redbox accuses Disney of attempting to stifle competition through a lawsuit that seeks to halt the sale of digital...

>Redbox accuses Disney of attempting to stifle competition through a lawsuit that seeks to halt the sale of digital movie codes to the automated kiosk service’s customers.
>In a response to Disney’s copyright infringement suit, Redbox argues that the Burbank entertainment giant is engaging in anti-consumer and anti-competitive behavior in seeking to halt a service that its customers like — and that it invested the better part of a year and more than $700,000 to develop.
>At issue is Redbox’s sale of the digital download codes that Disney bundles in a “combo pack” that also includes a Blu-ray disc and a DVD of the same film. The studio says it offers the bundle at a discount from the price a consumer would otherwise pay if they purchased the individual discs and digital copy separately. Each package contains a label that expressly notes that these codes “are not for sale or transfer.”
>Redbox disassembles these combo packs and sells the digital version at a discount — promoting them as a “smart buy” or low-price alternative to other digital services. Disney asked the federal district court to stop this practice through a preliminary injunction, saying the kiosk service is contributing to copyright infringement by enabling its customers to download copies of Disney films without authorization.
>The kiosk service countered in its response that Disney is attempting to rewrite seven words — “codes are not for sale or transfer” — into an after-the-fact, restrictive license that violates a principle of contract law known as the “first sale doctrine,” which limits certain rights after a copyrighted work is sold.

Who can stop the Disney monopoly?

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>Who can stop the Disney monopoly?

Government regulators. However, the draft dodger in chief is against regulations so don't hold your breath. Oh, and massive deregulation results in massive recessions so at least we have that to look forward to

>mfw Disney became an unstoppable empire under Obama’s “equality” programs
>mfw Trump busts the monopoly
Y’all leftists are going to feel like damn fools when it’s all said and done.

I hope Redbox wins this. I'm so tired of Disney's monopoly.

>Oh, and massive deregulation results in massive recessions

Source on this?

Disney became this monopoly under Obama’s “fuck America” economic policy. Obama and his merry band of liberals decided to levy corporate taxes so large that only Disney could afford to stay in business (sort of like how Ocare was a palm-greaser for the 3 major insurance companies).

This problem has already been corrected by Trump, and you will see the competition rise over the next few years.

Basically, over the last 3 centuries economies all over the world had booms which led to deregulation since everyone was saying the economy was so good so who needs regulations? The deregulated environment led to shady business tactics and bubbles which burst creating larger than normal recessions. There's a link to a PDF of the study

Those digital downloads you get with bluray films are total spyware.

>buy The Lord of the Rings trilogy on bluray
>comes with a free digital download
>let's download it before it expires
>it isn't just a .mp4 file or whatever, have to download DRM software to play the videos
>lol whatever, download it anyway
>every time I start up the computer this Warner Bros. DRM software boots up-- as if I'm going to watch TLOTR every single time I start my computer
>go through a long, convoluted process to disable it from running on boot
>download a pirated copy instead
Fuck your digital downloads, Hollywood. You're slowing down my fucking computer with your shitty DRM software.

Corporate tax rates were the same under Bush and Obama. Obama even extended the Bush tax cuts which were set to expire.

>3 centuries
What the fuck is with humans and repeating the same mistakes over and over again?