Titans Rebirth

What is Sup Forums thinking about Titans Rebirth so far? I am enjoying it and I am liking the characters but it is nearly impossible to get enough time for each character when it only runs once a month and there are 6 to 7 characters that all need attention.

It's entertaining enough. Better than the last Titans book (low bar of course).

Wish they were not treated as a c tier hero group.
These guys are the future for heros after the big 7 at the justice league age and die.

Yeah but everyone knows that will never really happen. 100 years from now the Justice League will still be the same people which is sad since Wally (before his recent nerf) is arguably the most powerful hero right now and the rest are pretty powerful too.

Now that Titans is getting a TV series expect the comic to change to cash in on TV parity

Awful book that is kept alive just because Wally and Dick are in it. The book is a complete dead end and they are a joke of a hero team.

I doubt that happens. Maybe Starfire escapes the Teen Titans, they had her slut around in Outlaws for a few years already, but Raven and Beast Boy never will leave the book.

The initial arc was fun, but I haven't exactly been enjoying the past couple of issues.

I think it's OK nothing that great but it's not shit tier either. it's not one of Abnett's stronger works and I feel like he's better with cosmic, bigger settings, worldbuilding, and juggling a big casts (which he's doing with Aquaman). Titan stories are more intimate and full of drama and family and Abnett's stories don't always end up being feel good and seeing how autistic some Titans fans can be they're already making a big deal out of the Wally/Donna shit (but since I'm not that attached to these characters I guess I'm not that concerned with it).

>Wish they were not treated as a c tier hero group.

Why not? Outside of Dick and Wally, they all basically are c-listers. In fact, in some of their cases even that seems generous.

Dan Didio has literally said Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman will never age and die. That's why he wanted to kill Nightwing.

Man. The art is fucking atrocious.

is not

its really boring

With Rocafort on art now, they're all downright fuckable.

They came pretty damn close right before the new 52 started.

They're all so hot

I haven't really known Oracle's existence. So it's cool that I get to read adventures in it

Why Beast Boy still in Damian age? Before Flashpoint he was 20s like Dick and Wally. These two still between 20/23yo and Garth is a pre teen. WHY?

Booth is back in August I believe.

because no one actually cares about him or Raven so they're synergy fodder

Cyborg would be there too if not for being pushed as a JL member because of that synergy. And Starfire is lucky that she has to be old enough to fuck Dick.

They still haven't given me a Flash, Vibe and Killer Frost team book

I still think before Rebirth the best way to do that would have been Wally(+maybe his kids), Vibe, and Gypsy doing multiverse adventures

Was Dick still Batman at that point?

>Maybe Starfire escapes the Teen Titans, they had her slut around in Outlaws for a few years already
Her solo was so much fun, while Teen Titans has kinda sucked so far.

yes and the JL was basically a legacy team

I think I remember coming across some site that calculated the ages of all the DC characters and most of the main guys were like 40+, I think Bruce was 46 or something.(Granted I think he was de-aged or magically healed 3 or so times, or something like that.)

It's good. Not the best thing coming out of DC Rebirth but I have enjoyed every issue so far.

From what I read I liked it (although it was nothing special/interesting) and I want to read more.

It made me remember how I wanted to read the old Titans comic a long time ago but I couldn't find them. All I could find were Teen Titans.

Wally gets all the bitches.

At first I was like This is great.
Now I'm like Get on with it.

Who were the JL members?

Even that Hawkeye