Does SNL even have jokes anymore?

Or is a liberal's idea of a joke, "LOL, Trump is bad!"

Other urls found in this thread: vs liberal

watch on mute and ogle mommy chastain tbf

they had that great one were Hillary sang Leonard Cohen the day after he died.


SNL went to shit when everything was just LOL PENIS JOKE PENIS JOKE PENIS JOKE, but now it's that plus LOL TRUMP BAD



i mean i have to be honest, not to sound like a meme, but i love their blood. every second of Trump has been gorgeous.

You weren't joking... Jesus Christ...

>lefties bitch that their tactics aren't working and aren't making a dent into Trump at all
this is glorious, thanks for sharing friend

I remember that. Holy shit that was so embarrassing.

The opening segment, too. Is that what mental devastation looks like?

I hate to use this term because it’s become a cringy meme, but big redpill here. The left had never been funny, it was all subversion. If you’re watching this and not laughing, they were not subversive enough and not successful in brainwashing you.

Look at your friends who still love SNL though. Ask yourself “why do they think this is funny?” as you watch them. You know in your heart the answer is they just do and they don’t know why. You know though.

It's amazing how out of touch they are. Their propaganda suffers from it.

you're right....that was cringey

i only watched a few minutes because that's all the SNL i can stand, but it seems like they're mocking people with TDS (trump derangement syndrome)?

anyway i don't care enough to reply to you so don't (You) me

>mommy chastain
You know she's barren, right? That's why she's such a cunt.

Giving them too much credit tbqh.

>The left had never been funny,
Yeah, but so what?

What they do is hire, control and subvert those that are actually funny.

Lately though, it seems like the whole system is falling apart.

you are obviously working for SNL so tell them they have to actually have people anywhere in your daily life who like Trump for the joke to work

what a clever little samefaggot....baka

Yeah, their show is one big joke.

Jesus H that comment section is the most cancerous thing I've ever read in my life. new Civil War is the only thing that can save the country at this point

Just imagine for a second if everything Trump has been criticized for was done by Obama.

I didn't realize it had gotten this bad... but they've gone full SJW...

If you told me ten years ago that Trump would be President, I'd believe it. If you told me he was President and no one could make a funny joke, I'd something something.

god i wish i was american just so i could vote Trump

Then Republicans would have pretended to be outraged just like Democrats are pretending to be outraged now. It's a two way street famalam.

Schaub bless my guy

Republicans don't make up 99 percent of the media though so not really a fair comparison as we've found out, plus Trump is triggering a shitload of RINOs while he's at it

Liberals seem incapable of understanding why this happened, and wish to ensure a 2020 reelection for Trump by continuing these tactics that only push the swing voters towards the right. Whatever, it's entertaining seeing them squirm.

Is it just me or do they have more women front runners now on the show. Not that I give 2 shits. But int he past there was at least one male and one female. How did they let this happen. No wonder I don't watch it.

This video was painful. They bring on the men only to make them shut up. No one relates to this. Why doesn't Fox create their own show and add Sam Hyde to mix things up.

Republicans would largely keep quiet fearing being labeled racist. It's okay to mock and ridicule Donald Trump because he's a wealth and unapologetic white man, which the Left despises the most.

>it's a finding a bar that is an inch or two off the ground and stepping over it and having a circlejerk about your athletic polevaulting prowess thread

jessica chastain is painfully unfunny.

>Republicans would largely keep quiet fearing being labeled racist
if you can't criticize obama in a way that doesn't sound racist, then you probably actually are a racist


yup, all signs are pointing towards republicans doing very well in the midterms this year

sorry my mistake, SNL is obviously right wing

and who defines what sounds racist? the leftist media

is calling him a no good crack smokin', homosexual nigger considered racist?

And niggers.

it's considered a giveaway that you're in middle school

Because she's always been dramatic

Bullshit. Say anything negative about a minority and you're quickly called racist by liberals. Even something as acknowledging crime statistics will enrage these people.

centrist liberals and leftists are different

>Bullshit. Say anything negative about a minority and you're quickly called racist by liberals
nope, only if you do it in a way that is racist such as
>Even something as acknowledging crime statistics will enrage these people.
this bullshit where you people constantly try to use muh fbi crime statistics as the cheat code for unlocking justifiable racism

>t. reddit

>Does SNL even have jokes anymore?
SNL Korea is pretty funny stuff.

>facts are reddit

Was this after Trump was elected?
Why would they have her dressed as Hillary to sing it?
Did they make this in honor of Cohen?
Why the fuck is she dressed as Hillary?
What is the goddamn point?

Fuck, this new contemporary liberal "humor" kills me. At least when Bush was in power The Daily Show and Colbert Report had some tact, but the entire concept of humor has just shifted to "THIS SO BAD LOL DON'T YOU AGREE?" Fuckin' A, why are we letting these companies dictate the course of social and cultural mores?

It would only happen in Fox News though. And probably only on their prime time.

How is pointing out that nearly half of all violent crimes are committed by only 13% of the population racist? Are we to simply pretend that black people are statistically more predisposed to violence?

It's funny if you honestly believe bullshit like Trump being racist because it would seem wildly strange for anyone to not be bothered by the president being racist.

It's not funny if you know the truth behind a lot of the supposed scandals, like the "Trump called Mexicans rapists" turning out to be that Trump talked about 80% of the women coming across the border are raped on their journey and so obviously "somebody's doing the raping".

It's also why a lot of the leftist impressions of Trump come across as pretty horrible since if you have watched or heard Trump outside of soundbites then you know he actually sounds. You'd also know how often he's joking around. Whereas leftists only hear a few soundbites and think that is Trump, resulting in them reading tweets of his like yesterday's about women marching and thinking he may be serious. A lot of leftists don't even realize he does joke around constantly.

tell me, oh intelligent one, what are the major policy differences between the so called liberal centrists and leftists. Do they differ on globalisation, borders, welfare, military, social issues?

While it's pretty politically charged segment, I feel like most of Sup Forums used to have that exact attitude: Who cares? The skit was just short of saying voting doesn't even matter anymore, which isn't all that controversial a statement on Sup Forums but would be too cynical for normies to handle.

>facts are racist

>not leftist
You’re either intellectually dishonest or genuinely ignorant of who you’re talking about. The mainstream FOX/CNN party propaganda outlet duo is not providing you with an accurate representation of reality. Don’t be a tool for them.


>Are we to simply pretend that black people are statistically more predisposed to violence?

No, but the idea is to go a bit further and see why they are more predisposed to violence. Saying "it's because they are black, it's in their genes" or some other pseudo-science like that is what makes people call you racist.

If you look at other variables such as access to education, employment levels, etc, then the picture is much more realistic.

Having said that: the Democratic party hasn't helped the black community one bit. In fact, I'd say they have an interest in keeping minorities poor and promising they'll make their lives better all the time.

>How is pointing out that nearly half of all violent crimes are committed by only 13% of the population racist?
because of your intent in doing so, see
>Are we to simply pretend that black people are statistically more predisposed to violence?
you're to realize that hiding behind phrases like "statistically predisposed" isn't doing a very good job of hiding your intentions of trying to justify your hatred of black people and your probable desire for a white ethnostate because you live in a fantasyland

Retard alert.

If the strap-on fits...

>Republicans would largely keep quiet fearing being labeled racist.

But being openly racist is cool now.

>delusion and naivety: the post

>If you look at other variables such as access to education, employment levels, etc, then the picture is much more realistic.

Even rich black neighborhoods have higher crime rates than poor white neighborhoods. Don't give me that nonsense, it's more than just simply circumstance.

>If you look at other variables such as access to education, employment levels, etc, then the picture is much more realistic.

Oh boy, you're opening a whole can of worms that isn't worth discussing. Just let the argument lie in simplifications like "its genetics."


Actually, they make up over 90% of actual news viewership. For all the other news studios that exist, nearly all the news actually being watched is watched on FOX. The others are competing for single digit percentiles of the total viewership. They’re that bad.

honestly Trump should be considered a feminist at this point
the first female prime minister is hated by the UK and what the hell would feminists look like if they defended Hillary as first female president
I'd never vote for a fucking female after her shit show

Why is nobody talking about how white right wing extremists trying to launch a race war kill more people in America than actual muslim jihadists?

>do my research for me or i'm right
reality is always just sitting there waiting for you, you can go do some reading if you'd like to find out more about topics you don't understand
yes we all know this is your strawman rebuttal to being caught trying to pretend your racism is just "acknowledging the FACTS AND DATAS"
your right, only the right wing has a spectrum of differing stances on issues, the left is literally entirely the same from the center to the fringe

>Having said that: the Democratic party hasn't helped the black community one bit. In fact, I'd say they have an interest in keeping minorities poor and promising they'll make their lives better all the time.
Welcome to a Democracy where you can't craft policies intended to help and support 13% of the population without the support of the other 87% (or at least without an additional 38% for a 51% majority).

>reality is always just sitting there waiting for you, you can go do some reading if you'd like to find out more about topics you don't understand
you could've just said "no"

Cecily Strong is fat now.

Wait I may be misunderstanding you here. Are you saying the reason democrats haven't helped black and hispanic people is because they don't have support from Republicans?

you obviously took the blue pill and now think that anything other than the lack of pure and good whiteness is responsible for black people's circumstances
you could've just tried to find out about the thing you didn't know about instead of asking the person who feels no need to help you

The last one seemed like a satire of third wave feminism, tho.

>genes, IQ and the history of human civilisations are pseudoscience
Blacks are in America still because the democratic party wants to make America less white so that they can destroy the constitution and bring in corporate, European socialist, style tyranny. They are not 'kept' poor, blacks just can't maintain themselves in high white civilisation. The only reason Democrats talk very little about them now is because they can get more non-white numbers from illegal immigrants and spics (especially given the black populations stagnation). The entire game is to destroy the culture, the people and the system of America.

the burden of proof is on you

we already know the answer is "no", it's your job to prove us wrong

So, when Dems are in majority power in multiple states over the decades, what has stopped them from passing legislation that actually helps blacks instead of chaining them to the welfare state evermore?


> now think that anything other than the lack of pure and good whiteness is responsible for black people's circumstances

That's not what I'm saying at all dumbass.

Your BS argument would work if this was only a black / white thing. But if you look at other countries where the differences are not strictly Black People and White People, you'll see a similar system of disfranchisement in place.

>makes a statement
>okay then back it up
leftists are actually braindead holy shit, think for yourself for once

is that you Carl?

I think it's actually about half and half, half watch Fox other half watching the other networks combined. The more significant change in new commentary is that youtubers are more popular now and they aren't as beholden to advertisers who could limit what they talk about. Like you'd never see Richard Spencer getting into a debate on CNN even if it'd result in him spilling his spaghetti and start talking about black people being spiritually white or about ethical child pornography.

>crime statistics are strawmen meant to keep the black man down

that was bad

lol this is prime Sup Forums material right here.

We’re just waiting for them to actually do it. They got absolute power, they’re realizing that, like all extreme-right swings throughout recorded history, it’s not enough, they need to be destroying an enemy to feed their zero-sum worldview, after they’ve become hostile and found no outside enemies willing or up to full scale war, they turn inward, dividing up their own cultures into smaller and smaller factions and making war against them. States, races, faiths, cities, classes, neighborhoods, families. The mental illness of primitive chimp thinking makes an enemy of every distinction.

It’s good that they’re so emboldened they’re announcing themselves for all to see. Once they go too far it will make them easier to round up and prosecute.

Why can't liberals into nihilism?

>Blacks are in America still because the democratic party wants to make America less white
lol your grip on reality sounds very firm and well established
prolife hacktip: vs liberal
>think for yourself for once
like you're doing when you refuse to research a topic? you can use the link in this post too friend!
>here's a different strawman, that'll show him for calling my first strawman a strawman

Blacks are in America because you people wanted slave labor, and when you abolished slavery you didn't ship them back to Africa. You didn't even castrate them so that they wouldn't reproduce. Now the United States is a country of mutts.

>it's a strawman to call a strawman a strawman if the strawman is a strawman about calling things strawmen

Kyle and Beck are the only worthwhile parts of current SNL.

Thing is that most righties haven't forgotten how Obama pulled the race card on anyone who opposed his agendas and policies.

>Obama pulled the race card

They need to retire the show. It’s just not funny anymore, and hasn’t been for a long time.

All the damn time during his administration, were you living under a rock? The only point when he let up was toward the end of his tenure, but before then all his political enemies were secretly racist because why else would they oppose his will?


fuckin bottle isn't even open

sorry, was looking for actual examples, not "wasn't it OBVIOUS how right i was? you must be INSANE!!!"

I don't think he ever pulled the race card himself, he let his ball-lickers in the media do it all the time though.