Could David Lynch make a Hotline Miami adaptation?
Could David Lynch make a Hotline Miami adaptation?
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I'd rather see Refn make it.
he already did
Gaspar NoƩ could work.
An adaptation of this game would be awful. There is no story.
>refn making a movie based on a game based on a movie that refn directed
that would be a bad combination
hotline miami doesn't really work as a movie since the story is told without any input by the protagonist whatsoever. the only moment that would hold reach emotional weight is the choice whether to murder Richter or let him live.
HM is a lot of good ideas but a top-to-bottom movie remake would be dull and unfulfilling. On the other hand, check out this movie:
Also Craig Zahler. He's pretty good at using violence.
Why would he adapt such trash?
Well it wouldn't be a hollywood movie but it could work as a movie done by a director who wants to make something experimental
>since the story is told without any input by the protagonist whatsoever
But that could be put on film, tho. Telling the story through the eyes of the russians and the people that interact with Jacket, while Jacket himself acts like a slasher villain type of some sort to fuck shit up.
HM2 adds a lot to the story, but the new characters suck so you can just make it entirely about Jacket.
Plus half the game is about Jacket in a hallucination talking to animal masks, its easy to work in some exposition there.
>hotline miami doesn't really work as a movie since the story is told without any input by the protagonist whatsoever.
I don't get it. the player has no input but the various characters in the story do. make it a cast movie instead. series of murders that all the characters are somehow connected to
If there is an adaptation of HM, I hope they change the ending and remove the 50 Blessings elements of the story.
>change the ending
why and to what?
>50 Blessings
make it into an delusion like valkyrs in max payne
I don't see why he would want to seeing as he has an audience of sophisticated film enthusiasts and video games are mostly for children.
>audience of sophisticated film enthusiasts
well seymour, I got a grip, despite your drugs
lynch would fuck it up. hes a no talent hack who Sup Forums praises because they think it makes them intelligent
I'd prefer if they'd made it more ambiguous and didn't try and tie up all the loose ends; I don't think we should know who's behind the calls. I specifically would remove 50 Blessings because my interpretation of the story (up until that point) was that everything was inside Jacket's head.
Something like a mix between the ending of American Psycho and the ambiguity of The Shining.
the guy who directed Upstream Color could do it for cheap with-out resorting to the master.
The neo-noir aesthetic yes but it's quite hard to make a good story.
I can imagine a story revolving around a guy involved in violent escapades set against the backdrop of a cocaine-riddles miami, dealing with his demons depicted as the animals but you'd have to invent an entire script because the game doesn't give any solid plot.
>HM2 adds a lot to the story
Heard that story sucked and is stupid.
Yeah I do see this problem. I'd like it if they followed that background and followed the game up until the moment when Jacket gets shot. From that point on, they should make it into their own thing.
What was the movie?
Nobody wants to see a film about the masked maniac! A film all about the infamous 'Miami Mutilator' would be much better!
Could you stick to discussing toys on please?
Could be better than Drive.
Who knows unless he does it?
Lynch couldnt adapt fucking water into a cup. He's a shitty fucking hack who makes "deep" schlock for turboplebs.
well you heard wrong
This. I don't know if HM1 had the same effect on other people, but when I played it I'd get such a fucking rush from all the killing and the music and feel genuinely concerned when I realised how many people I killed after the music went quiet. It's a feeling that can only be achieved in video game and a movie would just ruin it.
Only if it would benefit him
Lynch has a fucking cult
Raped his daughter
Killed jack nance and his wife
Responsible for the deaths of many twin peaks actors that died recently because they knew too much
Raped Amber Tamblyn (which is why she's such a psycho nowadays)
And that's not even the beginning. I bet he started this whole weinstein thing. He's friends with Ashley Judd who was one of the first who started this whole thing....Laura Dern, another one of his cult member and a bitch, his biggest plant in the industry now (was in the fucking biggest movie of the year) Charlyne Yi...the list goes fucking on. Lynch is a fucking devil.
His movies includes the evil people as well...Jeremy R Lindholm fucking murderer his girlfriend, robert knepper was recently accused of rape and shit, probably because he dared to criticize lynch in one his orgies. Jim Belushi, who fucking killed his brother and is a vocal supporter of Roman Polanski.
Lynch is the greatest conman and the devil of hollywood. All his movies are fucking biopics of his own events.
Nobody has ever claimed he's "deep" except you retards who, for whatever reason, are made insecure by his work, so you can think of nothing else but call him pretentious. As a matter of fact, Lynch is one of the least pretentious filmmakers out there, provided you know what the word means.
The turbopleb is you, user, and it's not even because you don't like his work. That would only make you a medium pleb.
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>could Terrence Malick adapt the day in the life of a pile of manure?
He already made The Tree of Life
Same here. Pretty sure that was the idea.
>new characters suck
I love Manny tho
I don't get it