How come Western art was never able to surpass this masterpiece?

How come Western art was never able to surpass this masterpiece?

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Bebop is extremely overrated.
The atmosphere is OK, but everything else is mediocre at best.
Literally baby's first aneeemay.

Western animation doesn't exist anymore. They only storyboard and send that off to Korea now.

wonder if a gundam mov adapt could sell as good as transformers.

not OP but name some better anime series. I'm not being facetious either, I just want some good shit to watch since I finished Bebop

The plot episodes like the ones with Vicious were 10/10, the problem is every other episode was really variable in quality.

Outlaw Star is literally "Bebop but good."

Why does Sup Forums only know about surface level media?


there's only one...

Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Death Note

If you like Cowboy Bebop and want more stuff to watch, I'd recommend watching those two shows.

I like Outlaw Star quite a bit but overall I think Cowboy Bebop is better. That episode where Jim unkowningly kills the girl he had a date with is literal kino though.

I have watched a shitton of anime and I still take Cowboy Bebop as the best one Ive ever seen. There are so many good ones I saw but the Ive never spend so much time thinking about any of them after I finished it.
It might be the fact that I take atmosphere to a very high regard and I love games like souls/bloodborne especially for its atmosphere.

Outlaw Star is 4 episode intro of good story, 4 episode outro of good story, and a middle of filler that's entertaining but not that interesting.

>Literally baby's first aneeemay
I don't understand this meme. I mean CB is quite different to majority of other animes. I don't think a regular normies trying to get into anime will love it and if they do they probably won't love majority of regular animes.

Why is this /wsr/ thread still up zero?

Everything by this studio. Watch literally all of it. It's all kino.

I watched Death Note already. I really liked it in the beginning but thought it went to shit after L died
I've heard good things about Hunter x Hunter so I might give that one a shot

I'm not really into anime but I seriously love Hunter x Hunter. The show is amazing, I can recommend it highly enough.

>Tears to Tiara

Code geass is prolly the best I have seen after bebob.
I also liked Full metal alchemist.

Hunter x hunter was okay I guess, just a shame it felt so unfinished and rushed.


Yeah, I'm not a huge anime fan, I typically avoid it, but I enjoy Cowboy Bebop (as well as Samurai Champloo to a lesser extent) because they seem to do things a little different.

Does it get better or something, or do you mean the new one? Could only bear a few eps of the original, like the most simple-brained childs cartoon

Holy shit that's all trash nice meme

How come Sup Forumseddit didn't just ask Sup Forums?

I've thought about watching this but it seems like it's aimed at little kids

Not that I'd agree there's not a lot of equally symbolic anime, but symbolism isn't everything user - shit meme

ill watch this tonight