Hey, do you remember the 80s? No? Well, do you remember seeing things that were from the 80s?
Is there a bigger nostalgia bait film than this?
Hey, do you remember the 80s? No? Well, do you remember seeing things that were from the 80s?
Is there a bigger nostalgia bait film than this?
Other urls found in this thread:
use proper Sup Forums edit poster
It's a bad sign when your poster is more entertaining than your movie will inevitably prove to be.
I clapped when I saw Tracer.
Someone post the excerpts from the book where the protag is autistically listing all the pop-culture references he includes in his gamer profile. It is cringe kino.
I refuse to believe that this is real
its posted 12 times in every fucking ready player one thread you gooney bird.
I mean it's clearly fake
That's not real it's just the shitty Bane meme
This. Overwatch and video games are my fucking life.
Nah, I'm pretty sure that's real dude.
Get this HOTHEAD outta here!
>Sup Forums edit
>not Baneposting
how new?
>character from a game that came out two years ago
>80s pop culture
Kys Spielberg
From what I've heard of the book that sounds like a faithful adaptation.
>not real
nice meme
The tagline might as well be "THESE ARE THINGS I KNOW"
That fucking leg
I saw a comment complaining about Tracer being in the trailer even though Overwatch was obviously not in the book. How the FUCK did they get Speilberg on this?
>and Kevin Smith
how thick is his fucking neckbeard?
>a guy who watches porn complaining about the objectification of women
do people not realize what they say as they say it
>alright... its to game on. Ready, Player One?
jesus christ! really, spielberg??
>I saw a comment complaining about Tracer being in the trailer even though Overwatch was obviously not in the book. How the FUCK did they get Speilberg on this?
Rumor is Spielberg barely directed it. Also, it's so fucking stupid that they basically let anyone who would pay to be in the movie get references thrown in whether they were in the book or period appropriate.
user, you misquoted Ernest Cline's shining moment. It's:
>And, of course, Kevin Smith.
The OF COURSE really emphasizes the greatness of Kevin Smith. No "greatest directors of all time" list is complete without the legendary Kevin Smith.
Some guy I was working with the other night said this was his favorite sci-fi book of all time. Isn't it just a bunch of MEMBER THIS shit?
>Rumor is Spielberg barely directed it.
Source? If Spielberg was barely doing anything then did someone else step-up and take over? Did fucking Ernest Cline direct it?
YEah uh we need some HEad Coolant ovea here!!
>how thick is his fucking neckbeard?
He's posting bad poetry about awful porn on reddit. So literally maximum theoretical thickness. As a matter of fact the neckbeard density caused us to refine out calculations because this was outside of our prediction models about what should exist in nature.
what’s with his right leg?
>Some guy I was working with the other night said this was his favorite sci-fi book of all time.
That guy is pleb of the highest order. He needs to read some sci-fi that has more thought put into it than "I LOVE THE 80S! I LOVE POP CULTURE! REFERENCE! REFERENCE! REFERENCE!"
What 80's nostalgia fest would be complete without a refference to "My Left Foot"?
>Isn't it just a bunch of MEMBER THIS shit?
Here you go.
You should have asked him to name another sci-fi book he also liked.
Because he wouldn't have been able to, unless it was fucking animorphs.
Thanks for clearing this up. I needed some help like a preacher needs pain, like a needle needs a vein
>And, of course, Kevin Smith.
He said his other favorite was The Martian. Now the movie was probably the closest thing I'd ever seen to Literally Riddit: The Movie in tone. It was a pretty celebrity hangout where everyone got along and constantly dropped pop science facts to make the audience feel like the movie was smart just because the characters were smart.
I don't want to judge the book by the same merits but if the guy who I was talking about was anything to go by, it's probably the same vapid, vague, science worship for people not into science at all.
How did publishers not see through this shit and tell him to fuck off?
Here's a leaked scene
>"After journeying through Overwatch Iron Giant Final Fantasy, I've finally become... the Ready Player One™"
What did they mean by this?
Member overwatch xDD?
Nice try CIA
Thanks for the You's
>haven't played video games in years
>only aware of this bitch due to the overabundance of 3D CG porn and cosplaying camwhores
It's like those japanese battleship sluts all over again.
Is there still time to CGI in Ugandan Knuckles?
Honestly, I didn't hate the martian. It's pretty wanky in places, but for a free short story published online, it's fine.
I'd struggle to place it under the genre of sci-fi, though. It's basically just castaway with a Mars backdrop.
>The '80s was a long decade (ten whole years)
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Its mostly the 90s millenial-kun
Half the nostalgia shit in that trailer was from the fucking 90s or later. Why is just saying the phrase “the 80’s” supposed to trigger nostalgia?
>more people will see the Iron Giant in "Ready Player One" than saw "The Iron Giant" in theaters
it's not fair >:(
currently listening to audiobook on my way to work / going back home. it's a weird sort of enjoyable hack job. you can see right trough the reddit tier bullshit, but if you think of it as a long ass Sup Forums pasta instead of real book, it's kinda ok.
They had enough time to bring in Whedon and CG Superman’s lip
There's so much wrong here.
The authors list:
>John Scalzi
>Richard K. Morgan
>Orson Scott Card (he's a one hit wonder. Ender's Game is his only worthwhile work.)
>no Philip K. Dick
>no H.P. Lovecraft
>no H.G. Wells
>no Isaac Asimov
>no Frank Herbert
>no Arthur C. Clarke
>no pre-1950 authors except for Tolkien
The Holy Trilogies list:
>The Matrix trilogy
>the Star Wars prequels
>no Dollars trilogy
>no Evil Dead trilogy
The directors list:
>Kevin Smith
>George Lucas
>no John Carpenter
>no pre-1970 directors except for Kubrick
The Japan list:
>no Akira Kurosawa
>Godzilla and Gamera are the only live action films
>all of the anime is shonen tier
All of that plus he masturbates to mindless 1980s cartoons that were cynically made to sell toys. I also find it really funny how most of his list is entry level stuff but then when he talks about video games he brings up the most obscure shit. It's like at some point while he was writing he said to himself "oh fuck, I look like a basic bitch! I need to throw in some shit no one has heard of to show I have real nerd cred!"
Hotheads out
user you have good taste. Wanna hang out?
>Ender's Game is his only worthwhile work.
Come on, speaker for the dead was interesting enough.
As for the video game shit, I'm pretty sure he just went on wikipedia and searched games by alphabetical order. Basically everything he listed is what normies think nerds are into. It's an utterly bland list of anything vaguely "counter-culture" that he's probably spent his whole life consuming just because he wants to fit in with other nerds.
Not once, for even a single second, did he develop some taste. Through thousands of pieces of pop culture, he attempted to carve himself an identity as some sort of expert, and all he became was a laughing stock jack of all trades. You can tell from the way he lists these things off that he thinks mindless consumption is some substitute for a personality. If you are that boring, at least be discerning.
Sure, senpai.
It's just yet another white bois wish fulfillment fantasy. It's cringe overload.
wait hang on
is that the fucking 80's??? HOLY SHIT
>It's just yet another effeminate cuckold's wish fulfillment fantasy.
>I also find it really funny how most of his list is entry level stuff but then when he talks about video games he brings up the most obscure shit.
At the beginning there are two "nerds" fighting over who knows more about Swordquest. It may be obscure for the normies, but then again, it's the same people who think that Rick and Morty is only for individuals with over 150 IQ. Fucking AVGN came out with more interesting facts about Swordquest in his video.
It's pretty modest, he could do to eat a lot more and shave a lot less
But he's training with the master