Do you agree with /ourguy/‘s rankings?
Do you agree with /ourguy/‘s rankings?
Doctors that keep "people" like that fat sack of shit alive for longer should be put in gas chambers.
Last Jedi
Disney paid him with burgers and an unlimited mayonnaise supply.
What a fat hack.
put empire before new hope is a meme opinion that no one takes seriously anymore.
return of the jedi isn't even bad...the Ewoks just suck.
Putting any of the original trilogy anywhere other than top 3 slots immediately discredits anything you have to say about star wars.
why? hes basically a living clinical experiment on treating obesity and related diseases. why dont you leave medicine to the adults ok? thanks.
who gives a shit
who gives a shit
who gives a shit
who gives a shit
who gives a shit
who gives a shit
we already know what the cure to obesity is, death or discipline.
The empire
>Love me Disney! You're all I have left!
>Objective art
Do retards actually believe in that?
>that avatar
He's not dead yet?
Surprises that the fence sitter didnt put the last cuck in first place.
this needs an update
there are objective standards to film
its not all just "I think its FUNNNNNN"
Boogie (I know you started this thread because you accidentally posted it in your official discord), please get some help. You have serious mental issues and we want you to succeed but you gotta help yourself first.
>calling it "star wars" and not "a new hope".
I don't even like star wars, and I know not to take this person's list seriously.
I would put rogue one a bit higher but otherwise i agree
>Shakespearean drama
ESB=ANH>RotJ>RotS=Rogue One>AotC>PM>>>>>>TFA>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>TLJ
This is the only correct ranking. Rogue One is just as good Sith and it transitions Sith in to Hope very well. Could have been done better in the third act but it was a solid movie.
TFA and TLJ are uninspired trash, at least PM and AotC had cool scenes, characters and settings, even if the story wasn’t as good. TFA and TLJ lack creativity and make the SW Galaxy feel tiny.
The only correct answer.
Don't cut yourself on that edge man
Don’t agree with the stuff about the OT but I do agree with the ones about the Prequels and the Sequels.
Although for the recommended viewing, both The Clone Wars shorts and Clone Wars TV Show should be added for the prequels section. They elevate AotC and RotS higher to OT levels.
His wife left him though, which is good. No idea what she saw in him.
>we want you to succeed
i want to him to succeed in having a heart attack and die
Because he's fucking rich yet he still uses medicaid hence making all his medical bills the taxpayers problem
No one who's so unoriginal they have fucking numbers in their handle is "my guy"
A source of money?
Though imagine the stench that must come off him.
>No idea what she saw in him
Money you dingus
me liek stah wahs hehe pew pew yoder mi favrit caracturr
no star wars film has ever been better than the one before it
anyone who ranks any of the sequels, spinoffs or prequels above rotj is clinically retarded.
>rotj that low
>prequels not even individually ranked
>fa and la that high
He has been through more than you, pussy.
At this point I think it's a meme to hate on return. Sure the ewoks were stupid, but other than that it's still leagues better than anything outside the original trilogy
No there aren't
>rotj that low
You're not even getting a (you) for that shit tier bait
aotc was objectively the worst prequel movie, other than that this list is basically right.
I feel uncomfortable rating RO alongside any of the Lucas movies though because it just doesn't feel like SW. I think the most jarring thing about the new movies is the music, you see trailers with WUBS, SWOOOSHes shit in them and the music just feels so disjointed compared to the Lucas movies. Lucas never did that, he had more dignity than that.
The prequels, despite their shitty parts, had accompanying scores that were fully on-par with the originals. None of the new flicks feel the same.
This. The ewoks are annoying and Jabba's palace does drag on for a bit, but the throne room scenes alone make up for it and it serves as a fitting end to the original trilogy. It's still better than anything Disney has put out and miles above the prequels
The opinion of someone who likes Rogue One more than ROTJ is worhtless.
>listening to a literal cuckold
white "men"
The only correct order:
Maybe if he wasn't so fat he could have fought off a fucking woman. LMAO at your life boogie
Well, Rogue One is not a main line movie. Its a spin off, so if anything it can be counted out. But it is a competent movie, telling a decent story with a good scope to it in my opinion. It feels like we’re visiting parts of Star Wars we’ve never seen before. If anything, Rogue One should be after the Phantom Menace but it is infinitely better than any of the Sequels rehashing concepts left and right.
It feels more like Star Wars to me than the Sequels, even if the score isn’t on par.
no there really arent
>there are objective standards to film
>calls rogue one passable
LOL! you can't make this shit up.
May the soy be with you xD
Go back to Sup Forums
These idiots can shill all day long, not gonna change anything. TLJ is the worst SW movie to date
>tfw you are such a contrarian that you think the prequels are "great"
>force awakens, last jedi, rogue one
>above jedi
He is truly not only a fat slob, but a pleb as well
>People rating Rogue One above anything
But why?
ok fatty
Phantom Menace is worst. It is real fucking boring.
His taste is shit but at least he’s not movieblob.
It's better than TFA and TLJ.
Nah, real ranking
>great tier
4, 5
>good tier
>meh tier
>shit tier
1, 2, 3, R1
>irredeemable franchise killing shit tier
Rogue One is miles better than TFA or TLJ
It's edgy but the premise holds
>after a second viewing.
>having the last jedi above anything else.
It's not just a bad star wars movie but a bad film on it's own. Like the only things you could even like about the film were visuals or some small callbacks that actually worked. Though that same argument could be said for Bayformers if you don't care fore the fundamentally fractured storytelling that was TLJ. Also, when will the "I need multiple viewings" to truly understand a film end? That only works if you're diehard analyzing a film, not subjective ratings or rankings.
When the bar is set below sea level, you don’t have to do anything to do better. And that’s just what Rogue One did. Absolutely nothing.
>he actually calls ANH "Star Wars" like the fat autist he is
Return is my favorite sw movie. Jabs the hutt is my favorite sw character. Why does return get so much hate?
He is so fat and lazy he cant be bothered to finish writing the titles of the movies
Bullshit. TFA and TLJ has small aspects that are good.
Rogue one is full of shitty characters, pointless plot, and somehow worse humor than either of the other ones.
yeah, this.
She took the black cock, couldnt go back to jabba
OT, PT, R1 and ST are separate categories. It's unfair to compare PT and R1 to OT because they're really different but good in their own regard.
OT lays down a mythological foundation for a saga. It does not really explain the universe and simply throws whatever Lucas wants in the mix to tell a hero story.
PT + animated series and overall Expanded Universe cement the outline of SW universe, throw in a lot of action, explain space politics and military tactics and give more nuance to the conflict.
R1 is a fun action movie set in familiar decorations that doesn't add much to the universe or the overall message of Star Wars. It's basically an EU movie.
ST is just corporate crap. It attempts to reboot the OT and completely destroys the established universe in the process.
What a fat fucking pussy.
TLJ is boring as well. It's also painfully stupid and retroactively destroys good things about the OT. At least with the prequels you could go "whatever, this doesn't change the original movies".
How does it feel to be so incredibly wrong? I would take 3 hours of Ewoks over The Phantom Menace.
>that witch snoz
>those ill fitting glasses
>those teeth
>that gumline
I bet his party trick (other than been a roadblock) is to tell people that Episode 6 was originally Revenge of the Jedi.
>Return that low
I'd say to hang him but you'd never find a crane strong enough.
>All that is still better than Boogie deserved
I liked it. I liked all the cameos and easter eggs, it made the movie actually feel like an organic part of the Star Wars universe. It showed us some cool new planets and factions. I thought they did Darth Vader pretty well.
In essence, it felt like it took place in the same universe as I-VI as opposed to TFA and TLJ, which feel like they're in a completely different, sterile version of the Star Wars galaxy.
But idk, maybe I haven't spent as much time thinking about it as you guys.
Rewatching awful shit like TLJ will only let you find more plot holes and inconsistencies and it will make you angrier, why anyone would do this to themselves is beyond me.
>as much time thinking about it as you guys
They just watched a couple of Youtube reviews.
>R1 is a fun action movie
Dude what
The prequels were much better written, they had actual characters and story, not a bunch of memes and one-liners that lack any emotion or coherence. Luke is a cliched everyboy "hero" that goes through an absurdly rapid transformation between the fifth and the sixth episodes. Anakin's emotional instability and his exposure as a psychopath are gripping; and his doomed relationship with Padme is touching. In the compromised and boring "original trilogy" Han, Leia, Darth Vader and Obi Wan are complete meme characters, nothing about them is remotely believable or human. And why doesn't anyone care about deaths in those movies? Leia's planet destruction, Luke's stepparents' death, all of the blown up rebels--the list could go on--all the deaths are forgotten moments later.
As for direction, the movies from the "original trilogy" were mostly incoherent, badly edited and full of logical problems. The prequel trilogy is a work of a "vulgar auteur".
J. J. Abrams is a postmodernist with an eye for dense compositions and an autist (much like Lucas) who was a bad choice for a supposedly "charming" and "humorous" reunion movie--the only interesting character is the autistic Kylo Ren (the autistic Spock from "Star Trek" is the only interesting character there too), and overall lack of human "charm" emphasizes logical problems.
I feel neutral about the series overall, and honestly don't care about trolling or contrarianism. Here are my sincere rankings:
1. "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
2. "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"
3. "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"
4. "Star Wars"
5. "The Empire Strikes Back"
6. "Return of the Jedi"
7. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"
I don't plan to see "Star Wars: The Last Jedi".
Any list that puts Awakens over Last Jedi is a pleb list.
Is this why he emotionally abused his wife until she left him?
This is the only objective ranking, plus or minus AOTC.
OT only. Everything else is a B side.
the only ranking that matters
4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 7 >8
Objectively the correct ranking, have never seen anyone refute it.
this is the only objectively accurate ranking