Can anyone please explain to me what makes this film a masterpiece? I truly don't get it. No clear direction...

Can anyone please explain to me what makes this film a masterpiece? I truly don't get it. No clear direction, pacing goes from disorienting and fast to painfully slow, and it says a lot and nothing at the same time. How can I see it as anything but a film Fellini made for himself?

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guess what
critics are dumb and don't have access to the abundance of film we have now (most don't even have a ptp account)

Yet the movie persists in the top tens of so many modern critics.

Jonathan Rosenbaum is a modern critic with a KG account and 8 1/2 isn't in his top 10

Really makes you think

link to his profile?

It's basically a circlejerk of pseudo-intellectuals

The movie is garbage, and people like it because they think it makes them smart.

There's not much going on between your ears, is there?

All critics must be shot.
The audience consensus is the only way of knowing when a film is good or bad.
After all democracy is the best political system in the world.

Fast and Furious is this generations' Casablanca