Is this true? Will Breaking Bad never be topped?

Is this true? Will Breaking Bad never be topped?

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Better Call Saul is better though
As are a ton of other shows

Vikings is a better show

Breaking bad is poor man's Sopranos.

LOST was better, if you ignore everything after season 3

Mad Men ran alongside BB for it's entire run.
The fact that BB is the one that is held up as the 'standard' for television is criminal

this, lost is the peak of tvkino

>ten years

>Ignoring The Incident
>Ignoring The Constant
>Ignoring The Shape of Things to Come
>Ignoring Ab Aeterno
>Ignoring He's Our You

Fuck off

my main problem with Breaking Bad was the final season (or two half-seasons, whatever). The main overall story climaxed with killing Gus Fring and and toppling the cartel at the end of Season 4. After that, the show just felt like it lost the plot, like it was just plodding along even though the driving motivation for the story was concluded.