*dethrones RLM*

*dethrones RLM*

Other urls found in this thread:


What can they do now?

*imitates RLM**






everyone else

His short films would be much better if he actually had a budget

did he review TLJ yet?

He looks like a sociopath

No thanks

I don't like this manlet. He seems really pretentious and his fans defend him by saying "he knows about movies... he's a film student!"

You mean Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockdotORG) who is a dograpist and enjoys bestiality?

What the hell happened? These are literally who numbers

>liking YourDogSucksMyDick

This guy's still fucking at it?

>he likes ISuckYourDogsRedRocketDotOrg

because he is a retard

He did a little mini review about it but that was it; he just said it was okay.

He's funny. He's a deeply disturbed degenerate but he's funny.

>He's funny. He's a deeply disturbed degenerate but he's funny.
You have no sense of humour. Literally name one funny thing he's said.

He was the only one who had the balls to say wonder woman sucked. He has my support.

But his best jokes have more to do with editing than dialogue.

He isn't funny. He has a whiny manlet twink voice. He isn't particularly film-literate. He's basically worthless.

If RLM weren't funny they'd be worthless too, for the record. They'd be intolerably dull. This is what all their imitators on YouTube don't understand and why they all fail.

*dethrones RLM*
>Part 1/3 - 1h30m long


If you watch this you unironically have no life.

That argument could apply to any movie, tv show, or video.

>(This) was good
>(This) was also pretty good
>I really enjoyed (this)
>(This) was bad
>I didn't really like (this)

He's pretty shit. I've watched enough of his videos because he baffles me. He really gives no opinion. There's no real thought to his reviews or analysis.

Yes, more over exaggerated stories of him being a badass/drug dealer. He has no style. His short films are laughable. They don't come off as a passion project, they're more like an ego boost for him.

>Rlm are funny
wait youre serious?
They have the same 3 jokes on repeat every video so unless youve just recently discovered them (welcome to Sup Forums) then youve got dementia

Literally who?

>RLM aren't funny
>Makes an "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ..wait you're serious?" Joke

That TFA just gave me AIDS.

>Check out channel
>Another series is an eight part series called "RE: 'In Defense of Dark Souls 2' - A Measured Response"
>Clocks in at over 490 minutes in runtime
>Nearly an hour longer than "Santantango"


>RLM makes fun of bad films
>The Room is better than their movies

I think this dude thinks that if you make long videos you dont have to come up with arguments

once he gives up the dream like rlm did, he will be good

how would you know, you haven't watched it. No wonder the tripfag has a shit opinion

Literally who?

hello MauLer! please stop disguising as me!!!!

You do know that he isn't into beastiality right?

he is a pedophile furry faggot


>that lame cartoon avatar

*blocks your path*

I like Ralph but his reviews aren't nearly as substantive as RLM

>Dude this movie is just awful. I mean it's just so awful. I mean I really can't communicate just how awful this movie is. I mean my crappy student films are better than this movie. Btw watch my student films.

Plus he loves RLM so I don't see why you think there's a rivalry

Voxis Productions > Dog Rapist > Reddit Letter Media
Ralph >>> IHE > everyone else

>Watching any of this youtube shit

YMS understands movies much better than him, which is hilarious because Ralph studies film and Adam never did.

Plus Ralph hides too much behind strawmaning his detractors. YMS takes criticism in stride and has said that people have a right to mock him. Ralph just goes "everyone who dislikes me is a hater".

YMS has never made a movie though, so he really doesn't understand movies more than him.

>not watching Kino Of the Worst

>Confused Matthew is back
Oh lord, I thought he was gone forever. I guess autism never dies.

If you think those view numbers are bad, you should check out SEO Toy Reviews, the one that Ryan from Mike and Ryan of Cinemassacre does his toy reviews with "friends". They have some viral videos here and there but there recent numbers are abysmal and they release more videos than their are days in a month. There is no way they can be profiting from this.


Unless he's talking about superhero movies, he's pretty good. Watching him lose his shit with the reviews of The Bye Bye Man was fucking hilarious.

He sounds like a normie now, happy, sharper, no song, redditized avatar, other people doing voices in his videos (including a female), etc. I think he found a cure for autism.

*shakes your hand*

He's good but his taste is absolute trash.

His favorite movie of all time is actually Moulin Rouge, not even kidding.

Where did all these YMS dick suckers come from?
What's next, IHE fags dick riding him?

if morty was a real human this is him.

you are awful, dogfucker

Adam's great but I don't believe for a second that it takes him three months to make a 10 minute video.

he is terrible. his one semi-decent thing is the takedown of the first two seasons of the walking dead. everything else is utter shit, he's an idiot.

Spends a lot of his time on game streams and his shitty music. I mean, if it's what his Patreon schmucks pay him to do...


This autistic cunt is the definition of nitpicking. You never hear him talk about character development or story or anything to do with the emotional impact of a film. I remember that during his Fury Road review he literally complained that the sound of the engines were mixed down so that we could hear the dialogue better, which isn't "realistic" and "takes him out of the movie". His reviews are filled with with that sort of garbage. Fuck this guy, I heard he raped several puppies.

Ralph genuinely thinks Mr Robot is a masterpiece.

That is worse than IHE thinking Star Wars is good because PoTC is bad imo.

Some fags at KiwiFarms who patrolled his FA account say otherwise.


Well you have to fuck a dog to have an account there so they would know.

*introduces himself*


I don't get it. Did he appear on that show?

>mother! on Best Movies list
>Logan Lucky on Worst Movies list

On what rank does this dude fit into all of this?

He hasn't released a video in like over a year

Fucking awful reddit shit.

This is Sup Forums, user. When the meme becomes fact, post the meme.

he's unfunny and god I can't stand him showing his lopsided ugly face

Red Letter Media is awful now. Their Half in the Bag for TLJ was atrocious.

So are you a TLJ fanboy or are you one of those autists who thinks they should've been more vicious towards it? Either way, you suck cocks.

Review Screw is on the come up in the Facebook normie world albeit receiving complete and utter disdain on Sup Forums.

>only 1h30m

what about stand in stan though

>Voxis Productions

Nah nigga

>assblasted su fag

distilled autism

The only patrician choice for Youtube movie crtics

His Blade Runner 2049 vid was a few months ago

I don't watch this faggot but that sounds like an honest criticism, if he wanted to argue that they should have done a completely different thing so as to avoid an unrealistic scenario (i.e. just either have them yell over the engines, or not have the scene) then it seems fine to me, there is a debate to be had about how much suspension of disbelief is appropriate in specific contexts/tones/films/whatever

are you bitching about him because he actually criticizes the technical aspects of the movie instead of just sitting around circlejerking about "just opinions bro" and fellating movies to stay on base with the masses, like RLM and such? that's fine if you like it, but it "just sits around talking about how fun a movie was with occasional nods to technical filmmaking" doesn't have to be literally everyone's schtick. if a channel is based on explaining the shit parts of a movie's craft, that isn't nitpicking so much as... actual criticism, if that means he has to tear apart popular movies then maybe popular movies should try being less shit?

This post is obnoxious as fuck
