Why is the roman legion full of niggers?

Why is the roman legion full of niggers?

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(((Cultural Marxism)))

More important question:is it mummy kino?

To shit on fascists
Eh fuck off

within a few short years thanks to push in diversity, people will stop giving a shit about black people and unironically think that black people enslaved white people first.
It shall be hilarious to behold

screencap for posterity

>they already unironically think africa would be wakanda if it wasn't for white men

>white people were retarded cavemen
>white people brought down the spacefaring wakandian egyptian melanoid civilization

Are they ever going to pick one?

they may have had the technology, but the numbers were on our side
it's not the first time a higher civilization was brought down by savage hordes

Is the show based on the comic with the same name?

I don't think so, no.