How do you go from this...
How do you go from this
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to THIS?
... to this
still want to such on those saggy tittays.
This woman never had a pretty face, she was just young. It's a shame how many women don't realize this and go through 15-30 thinking they're the hottest shit when the only thing they had was their youth.
We get it you’re sexually frusterated. Give it a rest
Crystal Meth
It even got Fergie
always apply factor 50+ sunscreen kids, don't smoke, don't do drugs
How does a celebrity, even d-list celebrities like Tara Reid get into doing something as low class as meth?
Same way anybody else goes into drugs
I mean not really, she must of had people telling her that meth was a really fucking stupid idea and would destroy her career.
But maybe her ego was too big to realize it at the time.
>those meth teeth
Thats why biocunts have no future. Only synthetic ones.
Same way they get into stupid shit like Kabbalah and Scientology.
They aren't the brightest sparks to being with.
Mountains of cocaine, and hitting the over 30 wall at about 200 mph.
When they can program these to do cleaning biobitches is dead
Are these the ONLY good 2 pictures that have been released so far? How much do these fucking things go for?
You think she ran out of money and couldn't pay and had to suck cock for her meth fix?
she looks like she fucks black guys
how old is this woman?
$2000. just google
wh*toid should just stay in your caves. look what happen when you wander off your safeplace. you just not fit to live under the sun
Drugs and too much sun.
>jesse, we need to cook
ew! yuck! groce!
Anyone here remember the scandalous nip slip?
[wheezes in nigger]
Can you even imagine what a mess her nether region looks like
turns out "she" was a tranny
Enjoy osteoporosis.
You over-estimate the number of people who unselfishly care about a celebrity.
Cocaine - evritiem
Still would, and all you too, don't be hypocrites.
theres an entire catalog of pics. dont be lazy
dont be shy
high def cameras were a mistake
People who marry White girls instead of Asian chicks are a special kind of dumb.
what the fuck does this bitch have aids or something
Meanwhile at 55
brit teef
Is that Ebrietas?
Coke for the actors
Heroin for the musicians
Meth for the skanks
God hates women, just like everyone else.
>da da da - da da dahhh
>dam dam dam - dam dam dam
Mutt genes
Black and Latina girls are also valid options. Girls of nearly all races age so much better than white women
It’s not that God hates them, it’s just that they don’t love themselves enough to take proper care if their bodies. Literally all women posted so far look like shit because of their own mistakes.
Looks fuckable to me
Why didn't God equip them with at least the intelligence of a German shepherd then?
still would, in a heartbeat
Zoom in on her teeth. WTF?!
Not for money.
there's no way that dude couldn't get younger, hotter pussy
Thank Jesus I was born in time for the Sex-Bot revolution
Sure... but can he get "richer" pussy.
Tara got that Sharknado money. I'd eat her wrinkly ass out and lick up her cottage cheese pussy drips for dat cash, baby.
how do you go from this... THIS??
He fell for the bad poosey meme
Have you seen what the average black/Latina woman looks like after 30? They average about 180-200lbs and look like goblins.
All the effort into hair and make up and she hasnt bothered with a tooth brush in YEARS.
>imagine waking up at night for a glass of water as she stands still on the corner watching you naked, and when you are drinking she appears behind you and rapes you
>pray to reptile dog god
>he does this
You take the Lohan expressway all the way to Brendan ave then you pull off at Dr Gino’s office.
Meanwhile at 54...
I bought one already. Already paid up front. Cant fucking wait
A woman's role was always his forte
What happened to her?
Oh look, its the one person who JUSTED herself harder then Lindsay Lohan.
T. American
obvious eating disorder
I never did a drug before ever the post.
150 lbs of Pussy & Ass
Jesus Christ
she should be the star of an anti drug commercial
it would be extremely effective
jesus fucking christ what kind of drugs do you have to take to fuck your body up THAT badly at 42?
You clearly haven't tried it (don't). I've been up for 5 days.
hot damn she fine as fu-
ohhhh noo.
Fuck is that a noonwraith?
Asians women have blessed genetics. But time catches up to them at 65. Then they all look like Yoda.
You don't smoke meth with people that tell you don't do meth it's bad
I think that's Kellyann Conway