50 years later, is it still kino?

50 years later, is it still kino?

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Yes. It's a great movie, definitely one of my favorites. It's beautiful and surreal, but not "LOL SO RANDOM" like Magical Mystery Tour

>I’m a born lever puller

My first ever DVD.
It's good 'cos the Beatles are not in it.

It's one of those unidentified flying cupcakes.

Best movie to watch on LSD.

>blue meanies have been spotted in the vicinity of this theater!

Counting 60 seconds is maybe the greatest film kino ever.
Rest is meh

I really wish more movies like this got made. An animated Alice in Wonderland movie with the same psychedelic art style and light-hearted tone would have been pure unadulterated kino.


>Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!

>They look too old for school
>University, then?
>University of whales.

Holy shit, I think I'd have a psychotic break if I watched The Wall on acid. Good film though.

>I’ve got a hole in my pocket

Some of the lines of this movie are golden

>"First time I saw that nowhere man, that nobody, I knew he was somebody."

The entire scene of John explaining Einstein's theory of relativity
>If I could come in, here, I think the theory put forward by Einstein could well be applied here. The people in the ball are obviously extensions of our own personalities, suspended, as it were, in time, frozen in space.
>Uh, John.
>According to the now-famous theory of relativity.
>Which, briefly explained, is simply a matter of taking two eggs.
>Beating lightly, and adding a little salt and pepper to taste.


>It's good 'cos the Beatles are not in it.


It's funny that the Beatles meet him and immediately begin singing about how stupid he is

>he’s a real nowhere man


just watch pulse instead.

>isn't he a bit like you and me