Is it kino?
Is it kino?
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indiana jones ripoff that mostly like forever killed iconic monster
it's funny garbage as it was supposed to be, even Brendan knew this isn't supposed to take itself seriously
Yeah and the 2nd one
ur wrong dude
unironically yes
the second one is a lot of fun but where the first one has a lot of serious horror moments and solid CGI most of which still looks pretty great today, the second one went way overboard with goofy humor, whacky macguffins and it drowns in bad CGI. it's a fun ride but it's like a saturday morning cartoon adaptation of the first one
the camels, beni.
Watched it last night for the first time
I don't even get the fuss, it wasn't that good
Maybe I had to see it in 1999 in the cinema to get it
rachel weisz in her prime
wanna argue with Brendan himself?
>"I don't take myself too seriously," says Fraser. "I think if you can treat comedy as normal then inevitably you will get more laughs. Even in adventure hokum you have to stick to the rules and parameters - then give the character a heart."
I remember, the movie has been literally panned upon arrival, there was more shitstorm than even with Cruise one, the only difference is back in 1999 not everyone had easy access to internet.
I watched it all the time as a kid but when I rewatched as an adult with a buddy I realized it was mostly shit
I want to cum all over Rachel Weisz's face however
Yup, you pretty much summed it up
Yes. There really isn't anything quite like it. Much more fun and fast paced than Indiana Jones.
Second one is garbage though. You may enjoy it because it's the Mummy sequel but it has no extraordinary quality that makes it stand out in a way comparable to the first one.
wait a minute that wasn't in the movie...........
1st one from 99 is great. The sequel has aged horribly. 3rd one is alright.
Congratulations for taking nostalgia glasses off.
Movie was okay, but tried to follow Indiana Jones too much. Mummys "romance" plot has been reduced to nothing more than kidnapping the girl. Then it focused too much on Brendans team trying to save her.
And there is special slap in face. They named one of sidekick guys Ardath Bey in spite of 1932.
Its cool adventure flick, but lacks mystical aura of original movie.
2017 reboot tried to get that back, but marvel-tier crap wasted potential.
3rd one gave me fucking Polio
2nd one was one of most lazy sequels ever
>Mummy: retrospetive story of main antagonist
Returns: retrospective story of main antagonist
>Mummy: Rick and soldiers team find city of undead, where he finds plot-key artefict
Returns: they explore something, finding plot-key artifict
>Mummy: action-filled plot leading to kidnapping one of main characters, to fullfill ritual
Returns: action-filled plot, leading to kidnapping one of main characters, to fullfil ritual
>Mummy: good guys use air vehicle to chase baddies
Returns: good guys use air vehicle to chase baddies
>Mummy: air vehicle down by gigant sand face
Returns: air vehicle down by gigant water face
>Mummy: heroes fight undead, to defeat antagonist from retrospective intro
Returns: heroes fight undead to defeat antagonist from retrospective intro
>Mummy: Rick fight Imhoptep, while Johnatan reads book with final help of Eve
Returns: Eve fight Anck-Su-Namun, while kid reads book with final help of Johnatan
>Mummy: main antagonist (Imhotep) is defeated, secondary antagonist (Anck-Su-Namun in this case) goes back to world of dead
Returns: main antagonist (this time Scorpion) is defeated, secondary antagonist (Imhotep) goes back to world of dead
>Mummy: heroes are escaping with what it seems like nothing, yet they still got some goods, and bad/greedy sidekick (Beni) killed by bugs
Returns: heroes are escaping with what it seems like nothing, yet they still got some goods, and bad/greedy sidekick (Aack-Su-Namun) killed by bugs
Get educated
great music, fun movie
I was always fascinated with the advertisement after the credits of the Mummy Game on VHS
Damn, I'd love to be an enemy at THOSE gates...
Does anyone remember the cartoon?
I'd prefer not.
1 - great
2 - fun
3 - literal hepatitis
you user have zero taste, this wasn't a rip off of indiana jones even remotely , and it wasn't garbage, the only thing thats garbage is your pretentious attempt at summarization.
Classic Brendan kino and way better than the new one.
you are literally retarded, Brendan himself knew it, there is even post with his quote