The style of this movie was fucking kino
Is this the most underrated movie of 2017?
nice wig tom
what did they mean by this?
Classic Cruisekino
no. drifted off a bit toward the end, but it was still good. hopefully cruise does more stuff like this.
what was his real name? and why do americans love showing how corrupt CIAniggers are
Best movie of '17 and criminally underrated
People including me are burnt out on muh Pablo cokeshit, but the tone and style of this were unique, classic, like Steve McQueen on a dose of modern pep. The movie had a almost wacky sense of humor to be this dark, the hardest equation to pull off well. Cruise was playing a character here, mortal and weathered. He smiled the entire time, but it was because his character had a modern sense of American doom. Even the wife character had spunk.
Cruise and Doug Liman should always work together, this and Edge of Tomorrow? Such sharp looking films, no SJW faggotry. Liman was exactly the director an action-oriented but harrowing Mummy reboot needed. He should have done the next M-I or Top Gun 2, instead of that Tron director who can't into human emotion. Even Jack Reacher would be kino with Liman. And it was great to see Cruise didn't kowtow and criticized the Bushes and the Clintons in one snarky swoop
>but the tone and style of this were unique
yh some of the early shots really threw me off quite 'uconventional' in a way when they pan just a little too long and rotate the camera itself
the color grading was pretty cool aswell
>endless stream of genre cliches
>nothing in the true story was true
I enjoyed it but the ending felt abrupt and clashed with the comedy vibe of the movie. It was probably intended as a clever spin but only felt messy and didn't work at all.
his real name was CIA
That was such a weird epsiode of Narcos. Why was Tom Cruise suddenly in it, he never appeared in the earlier episodes and it came totally out of nowhere!
I didn't like it because muh aspect ratio
i'm not being ironic
I hope you're joking. The movie was decent but the style was a complete mess.
What aspect ratio? Looked fine on my 55" plasma
How old is your tv?
i mean, if someone described the film to me I would assume 2.35:1.
I guess it was a goofy movie anyway so it might have been intentional
I enjoyed this movie simply because it has an interesting story. it has zero rewatchability because the writing and performances were average at best.
Just cruise being cruise. This dude literally cannot make bad movies.
It was 1.85:1 for some reason. Euro cinemas got it in 2.39:1 though. Still a good film even if you have to deal with black bars.
Like 10 years old probably or more
Good movie