Why are children cartoons promoting race mixing?

And why do you give a shit?

>two men

That's not quite how that works, user.

who is the top

white bois love black dick almost as much as their girlfriends, get with the times OP

Black kids don't even have one dad much less two

black guy probably

If you crying about that, fuck off m8

Why not? It's a cartoon.
Enjoy the mental image

Better than having two moms and becoming a square

You aren't docking hard enough.


Do people still fall for this kind of bait? Are you proud of your lame attempt OP? I mean, seriously, this is the best you got? I miss good bait posts. Your summer causal faggots are the worst.

>Trying to reason Aryan traditionalist culture among the Sup Forumsmblr
If only

This shit need to fucking stop. Cultural Marxism is a disease.

Curse you Elder Lord Gabe!

Why are cigarettes not allowed in kids cartoons anymore but gays are?


Because faggotry doesn't give you cancer.

It gives you AIDS which is arguably worse

,.....was about to say this


You were supposed to say they traded fags for fags. That's the reason I posted it.

you sound mad

huh, never heard this one

This guy is has two dads, one human and another kryptonian.

Who was the pitcher and who was the catcher?

Only one type of fag at a time please.

Why not? Men can get pregnant too.


That lady(gentleman) is pretty damn fine lookin.

What the hell does that even mean?
Smelly dirty viking niggers who sack villages?


gay race mixing maybe

Lex took the DNA and made him, so Lexhad to have been catching what Supes was throwing.

Please god no.
Make it stop.
There's some autism that shouldn't be mixed.

AIDS has spread enough that the far greater straight populace is the problem now

Shiet dude women even have it easy for changing genders.

The bigger question is
Why are children's cartoon promoting gay relationships

I think the majority is not about race mixing, but rather just about being with the one you like, whoever they happen to be

What about omni-immunities resistant to that kinda stuff?

Underrated post

Nothing too bad is happening to him/her because she's pregnant.

Cause why not?