wtf I thought you guys said Valerian was undeniably terrible? Is it possible you guys don't even know what you are talking about?
Wtf I thought you guys said Valerian was undeniably terrible...
I have more charisma than the two leads, in my penis.
needing "charisma" in your leads is for babies because you need someone to lead you through the harsh film world by the hand. Whereas a strong and intellectually capable viewer reaches out to the characters, rather than the other way around. Dont post on this board again, plebshit
no, I hate the way you viewers like you are affecting my movies. You are responsible for the MCU, for Harry Potter, but probably all the way back to It's A Wonderful Life. There should be no character bias towards likability, but I guess people are needy.
This movie was Fifth Element 2 in everything but the name. That being said Valerian is not as good and is a pretty average movie..
>You are responsible for the MCU
This movie is total MCU tier though. Its fast food and a lot of special fx.
I hated the lead character. The most heroic thing he does in the end is decide not to be a total cock. And that is only because the girl has to convince him to not suck. First ten minutes are awesome, rest is crap.
White's an idiot, but Valerian is pretty good.