Sup Forums crossovers you WANT to have happen

>Sup Forums crossovers you WANT to have happen

Fuck, that would be cool

In the Emperor's name, let none survive.



Is this the work of an enemy stand?

I'd be happy to see anything related to Carmen Sandiego nowadays.

Godzilla and other Toho kaiju being hunted by a dickload of Predators.

The Preds wouldn't be using their usual arsenal, either. They'd basically be geared as if they were going to war.

I just remembered that this was, more or less, something that happened in the Dark Horse Godzilla comic.

"A predatory alien race is hunting the biggest trophy in the galaxy -- Godzilla's head! They've tagged the injured lizard with a tracking device and are stalking him over land and sea in hopes of electrocuting him with a high-tech net. Will the green Goliath escape the aliens' bloodthirsty ritual, or will G-Force find Godzilla's fricasseed, headless carcass floating on top of Portland's Willamette River?!"

Whatevs! I'd read a blatant retelling using actual Predators instead of lawsuit-friendly Predators.

>trogdor with a red ring
Would there be anything not on fire by the end?

You know, kinda surprised it's never happened. Especially with all the typical Tuesdays red has.

Is there a single character Hellboy couldn't have a cross over adventure with and have it be awesome?
I submit to you that there is not!

I'd kill for Hellboy and Conan

Don't DH own the publishing rights to Predator comics? That's really weird.

Lupin the Third in Gotham

What if a Mass crossover between all the goofy supertheives and super detectives?

>a xeno Primarch

they had licenses to both but its quite possible there would be a ton of red tape involved in making a crossover

Clearly he was II or XI.
But thankfully that was taken care of.

How many Super Thieves even are there? Lupin, Lupin 3, Fantomas...that's all I can think of

He doesn't stand a chance


Seriously though, Doom would make a God-Emperor tier Primarch. Oh shit, you know what? I've changed my mind on this . I want a crossover where it's Doom leading the XI Legion, and Emps eventually has to slap his shit because he gets too ambitious. Pic definitely related. I would read the fuck out of that.

>not even the greatest detective could take down Carmen SanDiego

Badoon is such a silly name.

Only goofy ones?
Carmem Sandiego, Kaito Kid... give me some time and I can maybe think of others. But really, with Carmem, Lupin and Kaito there's enough to steal the world. Original Lupin and Fantomas don't work in the same time period as the others... Artemis Fowl could work.
Maybe Simon Templar? The guys from Oceans Eleven and other heist type films? But those have the problem of being much more 'realistic' than the first three. More like the crew they would use to help with concerted robberies and to create distractions for the detectives.
I can think of a lot of ones from fantasy and sci-fi but they wouldn't work well fo a multi xover.


This cover was so good it became true.

Now imagine a Warhammer 40K version of the Superman/Spider-Man crossover where they faced Doctor Doom and Parasite

I really felt sorry for the Martians. Then again they seriously had it coming attacking Mega City One

Are the Martians just masochists? I mean seriously - first Judge Dredd, then friggin' Popeye? Da fuq?


hellboy works with everything in a good way

WOY x Samurai Jack.
I know it will never happen, but I think both shows would work pretty well in a crossover.

Maybe Hater x Aku wouldn't work that well, but I think Jack x Wander would be a perfect fit.I think SJ's atmosphere in which there are aliens coming to earth and stuff and Wander's will to help everyone would make the crossover work pretty well.
Folks call me Wander, that's my pal Sylvia. We offer you the gift of friendship.
What's your name?
They call me Jack.