SJW content in Image comics

For a while now I thought that Image was the new Vertigo. There are a lot of great series like pretty much everything Ed Brubaker is writing. Recently I have been watching a lot of videos on a Youtube channel called "Diversity & Comics" and that guy destroyed some comics that I planned to read.

Here's the ones he roasted and why:

Bitch Planet: It apparently is about a planet to which non-conforming women are exiled, all while feminists want all women to conform to their regressive ideology.

Low: Gender politics, the protagonist's son is a doofus while his daughters are all about science, adventure and fighting.

Saga: Gender politics, gender roles are questioned and reversed and there is an issue set in a place called "Abortion Town" where some guy is explaining that old men decide what women can do with their bodies.

I hate this identity politics bullshit and I don't like ideology shoved down my throat via entertainment. Are there more series on Image that do this? I am mostly interested in Hickman's "East Of West" and the other series written by Rick Remender. Please give me your thoughts about the Image comics you have been reading regarding to SJW content.

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Your knowhere Nier as smart ass ewe think ewe our.

We're not going to give you content for your videos Diversity and Comics guy, find it yourself.

OP here. I am not the Diversity & Comics guy. I just want to know which Image comics to avoid.

>Recently I have been watching a lot of videos on a Youtube channel called "Diversity & Comics"

I'm not even sure if this is for or against, But you are an idiot for listing to youtubes whine brigade.

>OP here. I am not the Diversity & Comics guy.

Sure you aren't.

Alright, you bunch of gender confused faggots, I will take this to Sup Forums instead.

Liefeld should write more comics

but if you are, do Rat Queens, because fuck that writer, he was rude to me on twitter

good idea, you seem to get triggered easily, so it will be best if you stick to your safe-space where nobody will hurt your feelings.

lol why are you such a little bitch?

Well there is this spiffy new series called The united States of Hysteria out.

But if you want the REALLY good opinions on comics check this channel:

It's a moderately funny channel. The politics get tedious, but seeing a copy of Ms Marvel get flushed was entertaining.

I justi figured it was a mistake to ask a serious question on a board frequented by a bunch of basement dwelling weebs.

>it's a "my channel is not successful so I hate every other channel and you should hate them too" episode.

There's this odd subgenre of Marvel-hating Youtube channels. Capn Cummings is another.

I don't like current Marvel either, but these people devote way too much time and energy to it.

>If someone thinks a YT channel is shit, it's just jealousy!

Also, OP is a faggot

I'm not OP but I'm seeing this trend all over Sup Forums, usually ending with "fuck e-celebs". I'm getting jealousy vibes from it.

That's usually Sup Forums posters.

Or, people just think e-celebs & the like are just shit. I don't hate every popular person on the internet, but I don't blame anyone for thinking they're garbage.

and Sup Forums posters as well

Whatever happened to that that series Morning Glories? It used to be talked about I haven't seen it mentioned in years. I gave up after three tpbs because I figured that the mysteries are just going to go on and on and the writer has no plan just like Lost

>and the writer has no plan just like Lost
Just like everything you dumb fuck

Nah, good stories are actually planned out ahead of time.

Dont be a plebber

Nick Spencer's too busy trolling Marvel readers these days.

The thing to remember about Image is it's essentially a vanity press. They don't have a cigar chomping editor sat behind a mahogany desk yelling
"Lesbians!! I need black disabled Lesbians! Parker what am I paying you for get me 8 issues about the patriarchy or your fired!!!"
All their creators are independent what ever they want to write, that's what Image publish. Even if it's Vescell level horse shit

>not just reading a couple of issues online and making up your own mind instead of letting some rando youtuber dictate what you read and what your opinion and takeaway should be from said reading material

Pot kettle, etc

Fuck off.

>Diversity and Comics
I really like his idea for RiRi Williams. I bet Marvel would love to see the back of him though.

>Bitch Planet: It apparently is about a planet to which non-conforming women are exiled, all while feminists want all women to conform to their regressive ideology.
this actually makes it sound like it's the sjws that are the bad guys.

Remember when Image was really hot for a minute?

Things really hit the wall when they ran out of talent to poach and people started realizing all Image books are the fucking same.

if you don't supply an arguement to back up such a vague statement, then can you really blame people for thinking you have petty reasons to do so?

I know right ? It just seems downright pathetic to put this much energy into hating comics. I mean I know this is Sup Forums and everything but: Don´t these people have SOMETHING going on in their life ? Anything ?

I can think people are wrong for jumping to conclusions based on nothing, yes

>Don´t these people have SOMETHING going on in their life ?
For some reason, comic nerds always end up being the pettiest of all nerds.

>instead of a superhero comic, it's a fantasy/sci-fi comic
>with a bunch of swearing and ultraviolence so people know it's for adults
>and the best part is, I can be even less subtle with the sociopolitical commentary!

I have no idea what you're talking about

I always thought it was a joke, that people buy things they hate just to bitch...guess not

This. It's why SJW shit in Image comics although less subtle, is more tolerable. In that at least it's NOT corporate mandated bullshit. Anyone can publish whatever they want, as long as it sells.

Manifest Destiny is the only thing from Image that's currently worth reading.

I would also be interested in that.
I don´t want to buy comics that push sjw crap

Saga and bitch Planet is still good though

>these people devote way too much time and energy to it.
they are making money out of it. You'd do it too if you got paid to be angry

>Recently I have been watching a lot of videos on a Youtube channel called "Diversity & Comics" and that guy destroyed some comics that I planned to read.
>Unironically admitting you haven't even read those comics because some faggot on Youtube talked some shit about them and that you're just spouting the very same bullshit

Saga's quality is directly proportional to how often Robot appears.

>muh sjw

It's time to stop. No one is forcing you to read these things. There's plenty of comics without "sjw pandering". Go read Black Panther or go read something that isn't Marvel or DC.

>go read something that isn't Marvel or DC.
>image thread

You're on Sup Forums and from Sup Forums. You're desperately asking other people to censor your media in case you run into ideas you aren't comfortable with. You are the definition of faggot.

>ran out of talent
everyone of note writes through them these days though. The only ones that don't are Morrison and Moore and they're just hipster faggots

I don't understand why content gets this label. Gay people can read stories with straight people without a problem and non-white people can read stories with white people with out a problem, but people get triggered when the stories are about people who aren't white or straight.
Maybe I'm not understanding where the line of SJW is drawn, but it looks like capturing anything outside of a straight white reality makes people think politics first.

DC almost never dopes that though. At least not as much as Marvel. Marvel is poison these days. I want to read Spider Gwen and am afraid of purchasing a political pamphlet with pictures of heroes.

I don't think it's about the presence of gay or minority characters, but when the gay or minority characters are included as tokens or used as blunt instruments (Marvel's America is the best example I can think of), it is really frustrating as a reader that just wants a good story, or anything besides a propaganda piece.

Chew had gay and minority characters in it, handled well throughout.

Pretty much this. I am Hispanic and never even thought aboiut any of this race crap. I just cared for the good story and didn't care about there not being Hispanics in shows. Now they they stick niggers in everything including only being the dudes fucking the main white chick, it starts to bug me. Like if those faggots are being pushed then they have to do it with the rest of us. But i would rather it not happen at all, and just give us a good story without bringing in race baiting issues or random fags that don't add anything to the story.

Tokenism is pretty old. People were angry about the black Charlie Brown character back in the day. There's only a few stories with interracial couples, but they stand out and make people think SJW instead of it being something someone wants to write and something that just happens in reality. Life is full of random fags too. Started a job a year ago and I'm still learning who is gay.

>I want to read Spider Gwen and am afraid of purchasing a political pamphlet with pictures of heroes.
holy shit, the faggotry on the board is crazy today. Just read what you want to read.

>or random fags that don't add anything to the story

The problem is that hardly anyone asks straight while males to justify their existence as characters.

>Tokenism is pretty old
Yeah but they never shilled the whole race thing and it was more a s a joke or occasional thing that actually taught a lesson. They don't constantly keep doing it over and over and over. And fags were the butt of every joke. Those were the days. Japan still knows how irrelevant gays are.

>Just read what you want to read.
Why read something that is not at all going to focus on story telling and and instead just shove the writers political opinion on you every page? I don't pay for that shit.

>hardly anyone asks straight while males to justify their existence as characters.
>Hardly anyone asks normal to justify being normal

>Hardly anyone asks normal to justify being normal
> the whole world is america

It's kinda like WWE fans these days, they bitch and bitch about how every little thing about the product is shit nowadays and yet they continue to eat up every little thing they put out.

On which country is it normal for fags to be the majority? Aside form yours apparently.

the DON'T read Spider Gwen. It's not like she's a deep character with tons of material that you are invested in. Or do you only want to like her cause
>Hur dur, she's mah new Waifu and I've never read a book of her cause she's literally brand new

I don't think Franklin was an original Peanuts character. Introducing a character just so they can be black isn't really interesting.

Sorry, man, but if you're going to make a big deal about a character being gay, you've at least got to explain why it's a big deal. It's difficult when you're being told it's not a big deal if someone is gay (or otherwise different) and then writers or publishers make a big deal about it when a character is gay (or otherwise different). I used Chew as an example earlier, and I'll continue, I understand why John Colby was written as a bisexual character- so he could create a funny and interesting dynamic between his boss at the FDA and Tony. Later, it was expanded on, but it was never a "big deal" that he was bisexual. I had empathy for the character, there wasn't too much attention drawn to it, and it was within my suspension of disbelief. Is that too much to ask for?

It's weird that you want to take comics back to minority characters existing to make a point or a joke and then getting out before we see them as anything other than that.

Wow how fucking mad can you get? I just want her to be a web slinging hero saving the day and looking hot while doing it, with no politics shoved in it. Is that too much to ask these days?

Read one of the other spider-character books then. They never have a shortage of them and most of them are boring as fuck cause that shit has been done to death.

Or make comics about them by minorites and not white liberals who think they know how said minority acts? Seeing Paco character number 15 adding random unnecessary Spanish words in his sentences is getting old. And it is not how most of us talk. Honestly just don't add the uncomfortable race baiting they add into everything. And you know damn well the only minority characters being shilled hard are blacks. Cisco Ramon and so far Marco from Star VS are the only cool Hispanic main characters I can think of that aren't a walking stereotype.

I have a thing for Gwen Stacy. I always liked her over MJ. I like blondes..... a lot. And that hairband hhhnnnnnggg

>I like blondes..... a lot. And that hairband hhhnnnnnggg
and people wonder why comics are looked down on.

Not that user, but if you don't like what they're doing with Spider Gwen then just don't read it. I don't give a shit about black characters or LGBT characters being in comics so long as they're well written, but if comics like Spider Gwen are shit to me, I'd stop reading it.

Who cares, they will eventually start being like video games. Video games used to be exclusively for nerds and now hot chicks pretend to enjoy them on youtube and twitch. Let comics be, it doesn't need the approval of normies.

>but if you don't like what they're doing with Spider Gwen
But I haven't read it at all. I said I want to, but judging by that response it is a political pamphlet right?

>I don't like ideology shoved down my throat via entertainment
I don't think you know what this means.

I think you're a child with no perspective or experience and you should probably lurk the fuck moar before posting.

Who makes a big deal about gay characters? I don't follow the blogs so I don't see what people are saying, I just read what I want because marketing is almost always obnoxious and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

There was that gay character in that Dragon Age video game that Sup Forums was saying that the studio was making a big deal about without being a substantial character, but no one could quote the studio or any of their marketing efforts beyond the clickbait "journalists" who write awful headlines on purpose for SJW and anti-SJW alike. I was curious and someone linked a Q&A about the character, and in it the studio representative spent like a 1/5 (maybe less, I remember being surprised) of the interview talking about the character being gay and how that relates to the story. And it was actually kind of interesting, but not good enough to keep it from being a bad game.
What I'm trying to say is that there's this kneejerk reaction some people have anytime they see someone outside of straight and white.

>with no politics shoved in it

Vigilantism in itself is political, idiot.

>disliking Ms. Marvel
This guy clearly doesn't even hate on the right Diversity Comics

>Vigilantism in itself is political, idiot.
You made that much of a stretch to make a come back? Get the fuck out of here.

yeah, and it's not like there aren't hundreds of other comics and games that people can still enjoy. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO CATER TO YOU SPECIFICALLY. Don't like it, find something else.

Writers can write characters that are outside their race. I'm Hispanic too and I'm "whiter" than the white people I work with. There's just too many ways someone can actually be that keeps me from being offended by how these minority characters are portrayed most of the time.
>And you know damn well the only minority characters being shilled hard are blacks.
I didn't know that but thanks for telling me what I know.


Superman sez: buy war bonds! Then kill yourself.

Normal isn't everyone being a straight white male. Absolutely normal would be following the percentage quotas of the setting exactly, which usually would involve a one or two gay characters.

Have you seen The Walking Dead's new character "Princess"? I hope she's a parody of SJW culture since Kirkman always seemed pretty redpilled.

>but if you're going to make a big deal about a character being gay

Companies rarely make it a big deal unless they're specifically targeting and pandering to the queer market. It's whiny little assholes who get triggered over gays existing in media that make the most noise.

Remember Alan Scott being gay? DC let it accidentally slip someone was going to be reintroduced as gay in an upcoming comic in a Q&A and the Internet blew up because idiots were lising their shit because they thought Batman was going to be outed as a homosexual, forcing DC to have a press conference to clarify they were going to introduce a gay Alan Scott in Earth 2. And after that all it was was anti-gay people whining about how muh GL can't be gay before the comic was even out.

it is definitely a fact that queer characters are over-represented in comic books. In the last twenty-four hours, Marvel's Facebook page has shared two Pride month highlights of LGBT characters, and Occupy Avengers (not directly related, but still politically charged.)

Other than that, there's this picture of Captain America, and there was the Trump MODOK thing.

I don't disagree that poorly written queer characters get more flak than poorly written straight characters, but because the public has been told that representation matters very much to minority communities, I don't know what else can be expected. I've outlined my criteria, and I'll stand by it.

>censoring media

Are they over represented? Now that the list is released, how does that match up with the complete list of characters?

>Writers can write characters that are outside their race.
THIS is what pisses me off so much about today (and this is a problem across all mediums). Cultural appropriation is not a real thing, or is not a problem depending on how you classify it. An editor at a book publisher sent out a letter encouraging people to write outside their race. What happened? Him and others who supported his view ended up resigning from their positions. For what? Supporting progressive ideas? This nu-left idea of culture is all about splitting people up into catagories and as an old school leftist it's pissing me off. It used to be about unity and inclusion but now only blacks can write blacks. only gays can write gays.

I wonder what they would have thought about Elvis playing 'black music' if he were around today.

Because it's Pride month. It's basic marketing.

It's not a requirement that they do this. DC seems to have done nothing, Image changed their profile picture but nothing else.

Remember kids, politics and comics have always been separate! This is a new development that should make you angry!


stopped reading right there

take your whiney political bullshit somewhere else

No, you guys don't get it, political ideology in comics is OK as long as it's one I agree with!

The thing is is that nu-left voice is in the minority, but it's a loud minority. Appropriation is real and it's good to have conversations about the limited view of each individual experience, but we can at least suspend our disbelief.

Yes, and? It fits entirely with how Marvel operates. If it triggers you so much, stop reading Marvel. Crying about them being progressive and hip to what kids of the day care about is you being mad over something that has been a thing for over fifty years now.

>i should not expect any progress to be made in 70 years

DC didn't do MUCH but they did some extra talking about Midnighter and Apollo

But Ed Brubaker is a massive SJW.

The only real case I ever saw of actual cultural appropriation was by the Chinese on Tibet. I remember I was watching some video about a Tibetan dog breed and this Chinese guy was talking about how that breed was such an important part of Chinese history and culture. And that's when it hit me, that guy and the Chinese really do consider Tibetan history to be part of Chinese history since Tibet is now occupied by China, and that was real cultural appropriation, not writing a comic about a race other than your own.

the problem is, at least when this topic is raised, is that no one in the main stream left even questions it.
>Appropriation is real
Only if you are TAKING SOMETHING AWAY. Otherwise it's call SHARING OF IDEAS AND CULTURE and that is a good thing because people learn and communicate with others.