Oh... yeah that happened

Oh... yeah that happened.

Yes, it happened. Do you have a problem?

my neighbor was in this movie, used to give him shit about it

More like Air Kino

kino bud

This reminds me. What was that movie with the kid in the wheelchair and the bald, mute kid?

kino kino

name a better cover art. i'll wait.

Oh... yeah that dog is dead now.

Mac and Me

Starter of the high school basketball team. Sad how things turned out for Bud after he got drafted to ‘Nam

How about a monkey surfing on a briefcase?

The 90s were just too rad.

Yup, apparently it died of sickness a few months after the making of that movie. Supposedly it's an old dog too, so it's probably not having much time left anyway. Perhaps someone can link the article?

Nope, in fact I actually like it as a kid, along with Free Willy and Homeward Bound.

9 is not that old for a golden retriever.

>Be Dunston
>Check in

This was damn good. Along with the Mask, I rewatched those two tape and their bad Bg dubbing too much.

>that scene when Connor won't stop barking at the Vietnamese couple and is taken away to get put down

Harrowing. Also Jacob's Ladder completely ripped off the hallucination sequences.

>that scene where airbud has to watch all 10 of his gang buddies get gunned down by a rival cartel

I mean I get that they were trying to show that basketball was his escape, but damn.

That was the same dog from Full House. Bob Saget said so in his autobiography

Fuck you OP, and God bless Air Bud.
Another classic.

Yet to see, but I hear it is this generation's Apocalypse Now.

It spawned a whole series of awful direct-to-video sequels, often found at the supermarket check-out stand

Disney killed that dog...

wow wtf i hate disney now

air kino
