Can we please have an old-fashioned Lord of the Rings thread...

Can we please have an old-fashioned Lord of the Rings thread? These used to be some of the comfiest threads around where Tolkien buffs would share their knowledge and so on.

These three movies were the last great endeavor of hollywood, and the extended editions rival any other series in greatness. Even The Hobbit has a lot to love if you watch the Maplefilms edit, which reduces the trilogy to 4 hours with intermission, and makes it closer to Tolkien's book.

We can discuss the upcoming amazon series if you want, although I need to see more before getting any hopes up.

Other urls found in this thread:


>why didn't the eagles fly fredo to vulcan
>my brotha my nigga my kang
>and your other ring

there got your faggot beat a dead horse memes out the way for you

Name a better scene

Give it time.

Why didn't Frodo hide the ring in his ass?

who cares about some shitty game of thrones knock off

amazon series is the han solo of middle earth.
no one wants it and it will be guaranteed to suck.

kino from our friends at Sup Forums
