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wtf i like the last jedi now

>people pay attention to ""YouTubers""


Then why do I loathe it

thats actually his argument
>its not the worst squeal released recently!!1!

Stop advertising your channel on Sup Forums you fucking retard


cute dog tho

>a channel with 1.6 million subscribers would feel the need to shill his video that already has almost 1 million views

Should we all flag this channel for hate speech to make sure it is demonitized?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes

I didn't click it

literally unsubbed

when i was in a negative mood i liked listening to his rants as they where kinda funny but to do a 180 like this is just so fucking lame, cant these virtue signaling CUNTS think for themselves?
>I hate everything
Fuck sake its all the more pathetic [[they]] didnt even pay him to say this shit he actually believes it
>B-but user its not that bad
Its not even bad on purpose like this hilarious turd
Its so bad because it tried to be good yet still fucking failed so bad the director is personally having a spaz attack on twitter, interviews and pretty much vehemently defending the movie because he knows its shit.

I literally havent seen hate for star wars this bad since phantom menace/prequels.

I'd take another generic jar jar abrams softrek reboot over this crap, kill rey off for fuck sake

ironically when they trot out this crap in 10-20 years time they will kill her off except this time unlike luke skywalker, han and leia nobody will care

>I disagree with somebody and think they should lose their livelihood because of it.

"star wars franchise was already ruined, THREE TIMES"

>being a moralfag on Sup

if you make your livelyhood of youtube advertising you deserve to have the rug pulled from under you.

IHE jumped the shark

Lol no
Only faggot soyboy manchildren.

You have no integrity

>making your livelihood off YouTube

I didn't even watch the video but he deserves it for that alone

Stop shilling the prequels

OT fan here its true only the first two movies where any good, rest was shit

t. jealous of successful youtubers

>Cancerous non-contributers to society should not be purged

Imagine having this much of a wrong opinion. You support castration for children dont you?

>successful youtubers

Lol children of this generation are literally a meme

>references twitter/reddit as a hate machine... for star wars last jei
LEL this guy is fucked hes so wrong
>if you hate it you are a troll hater
the movie is still shit, just because its slightly better/worse than TFA in alot of ways doesnt mean they are any good

Think of it this way

IF the star wars universe started with the prequels or TFA, TLJ it would have been glossed over and flopped just like the 2009 2012 2015 trek reboots and discovery series they are boring bland generic and dumb.
>having a youtube account
>watching ads
LOL im not jelly of youtubers they are basically forced to make a video/videos a day

>of a YouTuber
>Literally the most fickle and unstable jobs an artist/content creator can have

Based counter-Judiasm

What's your job, user?

Fucking your mum for money

>implying you wouldn't make a half arsed tv post for a tenner

It's not hard to get a job or a car. Apply yourself, you miserable sperg.

Sup Forums was a reasonably moral place before the 2011 & 2015 mass immigrations.

Most boards were. Traditionally Sup Forums was the one exception that most people on the site stayed away from. Every dumbass Reddit traveler on here probably thinks that Sup Forums was solely composed of the raids and memes that were manufactured on Sup Forums.

It seems that all of the shittiest boards are the ones full of normalfags.

>That's just my opinion and hey, if you don't like it, leave
>That's just my opinion and hey, if you don't like it, Fuck you

Why do people preface their opinions with this

>having a single job instead of mastering a plethora of trades

Sounds boring and like something you would do if you weren't intelligent enough to apply yourself.

But seriously what's your job, faggot?

fuckin based

Sup Forums/tv just btfo

Then surely you can name one. You know, instead of boasting about how many jobs you have when someone asks you a simple question.

>Star Wars was already ruined THREE TIMES
Why is it that nu-trilogy defenders will always revert back to "But muh prequels were the werst!"

They can't handle insults or criticism so they preemptively pretend like they don't care. If someone says this online you should absolutely make fun of them

Which one or of which line of professions? Im not a teenager so I dont have one job. When you grow up you may get to the point where you learn to invest your capital so you dont have to "work" the majority of your life just to live.
By the way, "YouTuber" isn't a job lol.

Normalfags inevitably ruin everything they touch.
Just look at politics, now that it's not competent, autistic nationalistic politicians everything is going to shit.

Oh good, we sure did need to have this thread again.

>continues roleplaying and dodging my simple question
What are your "jobs" then, faggot? Better make up something good quick.

I can guarantee this faggot is fishing for replies for his shitty videos so he can make some reply video to the comments

Pick a line of professions. This is America, if you work "a job" your life is a meme. If you think its hard to live by trades you are also a meme.

This video is about as bad as Last Jedi. In that sense it makes sense to praise it.

If there are so many kinds of different aliens, then why are humans the only ones who a shit about the galaxy?

>this is america
No it aint.

Sucks to be you


Haha, my country is used to being raped and murder by immigrants.
You guys still have to get used to it.
So sucks to be you.

This guy is fucking unemployed lecturing others on what jobs they should have lmao. He couldn't even think of a job he could pretend he has

>what's your job user?
>Which one or of which line of professions?
>When you grow up you may get to the point where you learn to invest your capital so you dont have to "work"
>so you dont have to "work"

Based review

And he'll only reply to the dumb comments and not the well structured ones that btfo of him.

Why would you work a menial job when you have money? I don't understand the logic.

I'm so sad that I had to drop iZombie when they BLACKED her out of nowhere.

what an autist. The new trilogy has Destiny-level writing and this morons defends it

>youtube movie reviewer that isn't RLM
opinion discarded

But YouTuber isn't a job. Are you incapable of reading?

It's funny because when asked about having a job you reply with bullshit about being a retard if you don't have multiple trades and skills. You get asked 3 more times and continue this.
You could have just simply said "I don't need to work because I'm rich so suck it wagie."

So you are illiterate then
Mommy and Daddy won't be around to spoonfeed you forever, Timmy. Good luck with your life's work at McDonalds and trying to be a relevant """YouTuber""
fuck all these cinemasins tier youtubers

If being a youtuber isn't a job then it's the most lucrative hobby I've ever fucking seen

You're accusing me of being illiterate but your reply to that other user doesn't make any sense at all. Embarrassing.

Its true the prequels were utter dogshit. I re-watched attack of the clones about a week ago and the dialogue was ridiculously cringe worthy.


when does he talk about Snoke?

I have no problem with TLJ but I'm really not a fan of this guy