>show has been over for years >Valentine's Day >posting this at 7:10 A.M.
I watched The Office until Steve Carrell left and it fucking imploded, so I stopped really paying any attention to the likes of Jenna Fischer; then browsing Sup Forums lately showed me stuff like pic related.
I don't think 7am is really early enough for it to be any more weird
Cooper Evans
>hey will farrel, why don't you act awkard first and the like an asshole, not like the goof you usually pla? what were they thinking?
Brayden Long
>W-when are we gonna do a reunion show guys? G-guys?
Ethan Perry
>I watched The Office until Steve Carrell left and it fucking imploded Not a bad decision.
Oliver Foster
There's a very simple difference between the genders when it comes to choosing partners. When a woman sees a man she likes then she thinks, "I want THAT man." On the other hand, when a man sees a woman he likes he thinks, "I want a woman just LIKE her." When you understand this everything begins to make sense.