Why does reddit love this so much? The story is so thin for a 3 hour movie

Why does reddit love this so much? The story is so thin for a 3 hour movie.

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Because Autism: The Movie.

dubs confirm
BENIS :DDDD villeneuve btfo

you don't have to be reddit to like the movie, it is visually satisfying at least

What exactly is "thin" about discovering what it means to be human?

>meme cinematography
>ryan gosling
>qt submissive girl
>le epic drone synth blaring non stop
>sicario (the quintessential reddit flick) director
>cheeto dust
>barely scratches the surface of deeper themes so reddit can think the movie is "smart"
the list goes on
basically if you only watch like 10 movies a year and they're all hollywood trash, you're going to be blown away by this movie.

what an utter piece of dishonest trash this flick was

Closet fags are desperately trying to force meme this quiver lipped Canadian soy into a Chad.

>"The Goose"
They unironically thinks it's a badass nickname

Thin if you're simple Jack

>>barely scratches the surface of deeper themes so reddit can think the movie is "smart"
>What exactly is "thin" about discovering what it means to be human?
Like clockwork lmao



>half the movie is just shootouts in a desert with harrison ford cameo
soo amaaaazing....... MOTY

Because it makes them feel smart. Same with Nolan fans.


wow this movie was SO smaRT
v ery intelligent
you need to be AT LEAST 200 IQ to understand this very
comPLEX and DEEP movie
yeah it was mostly shootouts and waifusim but YE IT WAS SO COOL
Sup Forums just doesnt get it
they dont' understand
smartest movie since fight club desu

>caring about what ledditors think
wtf is wrong with you people?

>the memory wasn't his..... it was the memory of the side character with 5 minutes of screen time
what a tweest!

>Why does reddit love this so much?
If Sup Forums had an upvote system, it would be just as circlerjerked here. The fact that you have to see, unfilted, contrarian opinions where people often get more replies based on how contrarian you are means there will never be a universally acclaimed movie here on Sup Forums/

Well, there was John Wick, but that movie is good only for brainlets who don't want to think while watching movies.

Is the sex scene awkward to watch if I were to watch this with my siblings?

dumb OP, the plot was a vehicle for the visuals, the innocence and brilliance of youthful perception, a love letter to our world and what's in it

>dumb OP, the plot was a vehicle for the visuals, the innocence and brilliance of youthful perception, a love letter to our world and what's in it
why do people think this movie is so brilliant? its literally just hollywood blockbuster trash. Almost as bad as the latest starwars.

>John Wick
A bunch of anons here got me to watch that. Never listening to you bastard again.

So you have zero interest in actually discussing the film. Got it.

There's nothing to discuss. It's a very below average straightfoward film that does nothing original or interesting. What is there to talk about?


Go away, Sup Forums. It's a legitimately great movie.

fuck is dishonest denis poster at it again with a different angle?


It was a comfy film. You can meme about anything if you just feel like hating stuff.

You can't run from the truth

Twist: it's the sneedposter

Fucking Sup Forumseddit cancer go home

I have never been to reddit. I do come from Sup Forums though.

Not enough explosions for you? It's supposed to make you think about life, not keep you on the edge of your seat.

>basically if you only watch like 10 movies a year and they're all hollywood trash, you're going to be blown away by this movie.
very true
you can tell by the other flicks listed in lists for "top x of 2017" posts

>spams and samefags the entire catalog with his shilling
So this is the power of reddit...

If reddit likes it, they can't. Their opinions are literally formed by reddit and then they come here and call everyone reddit.

OP is a faggot


No, there's nothing sexual about it, really.

Announcing sage is against the rules

>mostly shootouts


The Goose is a badass nickname because Gosling is a thing and so is to Top Gun. Your only nickname is
>"The Faggot"
and you don't even try to to contest it. kys.

They're Sup Forumsedditers

I honestly think that this is one of the best films I've ever watched. Entirely my opinion it just fits my aesthetic. Sound design was top tier. Visuals were comfy and not overwhelming.

That would be a really good twist.
But he takes off his mask and it's pusy poster.

Is it worth seeing?


See what I mean.
The Goose is for closet fags
Look at this little fruity pebble white knighting for his faptasy

It was a comfy kino directed by BASED Villeneuve and starring BASED Goose, literally /ourfilm/

>TFW no joi gf

You contrarian haters need to go back to Sup Forums

it's capeshit for people who pretend that they're too smart for capeshit

>He's literally only seen the poster.
If you've even seen the trailer you'd know that wasn't true.

I watched a few Criterion flicks so I could stack it up against the feeling of watching a sure-to-be good film before watching a new movie, and it honestly blew them all out of the water.

Yes, ignore all the fags who jump on these threads to jerk themselves off. They are the minority.
The movie is worth the watch for the cinematography alone.

The movie was redpilled as fuck. Haters aren't from Sup Forums

I thought Clerks was okay, actually.

>no superheroes
What the fuck

You're a comfy poster

>skinjob this, skinjob that
>racial epithet spraypainted on the door
>there's a wall in our society
>you bring that wall down and you start a war
>evil white male kills his ""children"" that mirror a lesbian whilst also believinghe is god
>poor black man is forced to have child labour to make stuff for the evil white man and his enterprise
>the savior is a mixed female (assuming deckass is human and the evil white male who enjoys the good old days was lying)
>aryan cop (madame) wants the mixed child and all evidence destroyed to protect the world
ye bro totally redpilled

Clearly you were on the wrong side in this kino

>he's not a superhero!
>he's just a guy that fights a cartoonishly evil bad guy from doing something evil and battles many people despite the odds and wins in the end

>Physical conflict of any kind = Capeshit

This is the first time ive been on this board since about the time 2049 came out and then, there were like 5+ threads everyday FULL of people saying it was a masterpiece. Now its reddit?

What happened?

That's not what he said at all
God you're insufferable

>What happened?

The disease that is contrarianism.

trying to astroturf hate against the best movie of 2017 and acting like there wern't daily threads on Sup Forums praising this movie

>anyone in 2049
>cartoonishly evil

What the fuck is the poster supposed to mean?

Contrarianism -
Pretending quiver lipped Canadian actors are real life Chads.

Rules of acting.
A man must be less than a man to be a good actor

A woman must be more than a woman to be a good actor

>pretending Sup Forums is almost majority redditors by now
there's a reason why both places just happen to love the same movie, and it wasn't because the movie was that good either

what? contrarianism started kicking in about 2 weeks after its release, I can't imagine how you havent noticed it until now

>Why does reddit love this so much?
Because of the superior quality to any other movie in 2017, same as Sup Forums

Funny you never saw threads like this until after The Last Jedi

Literal retard who hasn't seen the movie

Why are Sup Forums and reddit so afraid of European cinema?

Jesus Christ, 2017 really was awful. Other than 2049 the only movie I'd consider watching again is Your Name and I'm pretty sure that was originally released in 2016.

shil your soycuck memeshit somewhere else soyboy

If you think this kino is reddit, you are reddit.

Actually, these threads popped up right after the torrent was released.

Contrarians and Disney shills, you'll notice the lack of arguments and buzzword ridden posts. Just post "cringe" and sage discretely

R-ddit doesn't love this movie,
Here is how I view r-ddit
>SJW cesspool
>pro female
>pro people of color
>pro equality
And none of those things apply to blade runner 2049, women are objects to be used by men, and only 2 niggers in the movie.
And seeing as how you are so well acquainted with r-ddit, you should go back and ask them why they "love" it so much instead of us. Oh and never return.

Actually you did, but like the redditors you are you quarantined yourselves into generals to hide away from actual Sup Forums locals shitting on inception2.0


>I'm going to torture you until you tell me where your daughter is so that I can use her to create a race of slave people
yea man he wasn't evil at all

Case in point

it was the same handful of autists praising it constantly because muh waifu and Gosling is just like me

most people said "it was meh" and stopped talking about it right after they saw it

the backlash now is just us telling the insufferable fanboys to fuck off with their boring surface level movie

I saw the opposite. Anyone here who went to the cinema actually enjoyed it.

Then you bitter fuckheads watching it on your 240p stream on your HP laptops came along saying it was bad. Now I can recognise their posting styles in every thread.

You're forgetting the part where the handful of redditoers said any criticism didn't count

I'm this poster, I think it's one of the best sci fi films of the decade, but it also fails as a blade runner sequel.
It didn't honor Phillip k dick in a way that it didn't have an ambiguous ending, blade runner lasted for so long because of its visuals and open ended finale, you weren't really sure of deckards humanity, while in this movie, there are no mysteries to carry on, just an open and shut film. Nothing to really ruminate over, still an excellent movie visually though

No, most people who saw it said something like "I don't know why you people love this movie so much it was pretty boring and pointless" and then they moved on. The people who saw it week one kept making the same threads jerking off over Joi or some picture of an orange sky for weeks on end saying they saw it 11 times in theaters.

It is very much a movie that should have been seen in theatres, the end text and location tags are almost indecipherable, and I watched it in 4k on a 55 inch 4k tv. But I was fucking working the whole time it was in theatres, I am actually considering investing in a 4k 3d projector so I can watch it on a bigger screen.

Well reddit is one of the most popular sites on the internet and is a great aggregate of high quality content, along with producing its own content. Reddit's seal of approval is definitely a positive.

No, everybody loved it when it was released and now it's a handful of bona fide redditors like you making thread after thread calling it "reddit" in a textbook case of what's called projection. The closest thing I've read to an argument on your side was something along the lines of "meme cinematography". Obviously this isn't r/cuckold so no one is going to bother with a post like that but make no mistake, this movie is /ourmovie/ just like the poll confirmed

I don't know how people said it was slow or boring, it had action scenes every 10 minutes or so, the original blade runner only had 3, and that used to bore people I would watch it with, despite being about half as short as 2049

action scenes don't make a movie interesting

Don't let the buzzwords fool you, most of the haters are capeshit lovers. They were praising Thor fucking Ragnarok to high heavens a few weeks after shitting on Blade Runner 2049. The underage scourge is real

it still irks me that Disney owns marvel, that would be like if Disney owned the entirety of westerns in the 60s,
Completely shackled and neutured for all eternity, and it's a shame, the capes could've been used as a vehicle for so much more.

I watched this back to back with the directors cut of the original and I thought it was a pretty good transition. I'm a practical effects fag though so visually for the most part I say the original is better. However, the story and the characters are a step up.

>everyone who thinks Blade Runner 2 Electric Boogaloo was mediocre loved Thor 4
this is the intellectual level of Blade Runner 2 apologists

I'm , I'd like to make a change to the last part of my comment. The story and characters are better in 2049 EXCEPT for Hauer's character and the ending of the original.