>"Hey user, heard you're the go-to guy for good movies, what should I, or rather, we watch at your house tonight?"
"Hey user, heard you're the go-to guy for good movies, what should I, or rather, we watch at your house tonight?"
giv antifa gf!
The Greatest Story Never Told.
synechdoche new York, then tree of life and maybe a little under the skin after
Under the skin, up in them guts
Her nudes have been hacked from her iCloud and are frequently posted on Sup Forums
great date night movie
we're watchin pacific rim bih
I only have this one, there are others?
It's this great little rom com with a bit of a twist
oh boy, here we go
Dude seriously don't fuck around. Is dis the real life.
"Imma let you know right now... If we watch it at my house, that ass is getting fucked. Dead ass fám. You ain't leavin my house without me gettin dat pussy."
I've got work to do you malnourished cocksocket
my god
Artsy girls love Delicatessen
Someone pls gift me gold
I'm sorry, my taste is too refined to be watched with company.
Coming over is already euphemism.
All three Pusher films back to back. Then we can fuck during the remake cause dat soundtrack.
Fuck off
Grow uour hair out, you look like youre malnurished.
Who the fuck told you that you cow?
There's a foreign flick called Train To Busan...
I'm gonna fuck ya while watching Taxi Driver and I'll time it just perfectly so I'll cum when Travis says "Suck on this"
sent :)
Life would feel warm if a girl sincerely said this to me. Fuck. A GIRL not a hambeast (as if even a hambeast would say this).
I just read the description. What the fuck. Real talk though is it worth a watch?
Oh sweet dude thnx
>"I'm Anders Brevik, welcome to X-Play"
I'll keep it a surprise. It'll be a Mary Elizabeth Winstead joint since I reckon she's an role model of yours, honey.
TLJ. May I remind you that I absolutely hate this movie and will point out continuity and lore erros while were watching on my 14 inch toshiba laptop
Robocop, the original of course. Haven't seen it in a while.
Good choice, user.
For now you can keep making threads with topics in this style. I enjoy pretending it's real.
Gayniggers from Outer Space, the ultimate pleb filter
Why do so many soyboys love to box?
This :(
Yes, it's actually really good. Pretty strange, but amazing attention to detail. It is kino.
True Romance
>not Our Robocop Remake
Yoga Hosers. It stars 2 cute Canadian teenage girls whether it's a good or bad movie it'll be hot.
A 4/10 beta can bulk up to a 7/10 and get an 8/10 stacy. Don't be surprised when that beta parrots everything that stacy says.
We're gonna watch some '94 kino, then I'm gonna take ya in the back and plow ya. Sound good?
You think you can step to me, bitch? I'll fucking snap your chicken legs and have you crawling to my feet begging for mercy. Just maybe I'll let you have the honor of sucking my dick.
Better start at 3 in the afternoon.
"We're gonna watch Butch and Sundance."
Then I'll sing you Northern Downpour with my guitar.
You can open it that far, the fuck?!
cant see :((
wtf I love communism now
I'd just take her to Blockbuster to see her taste in movies. You guys have Blockbuster right?
>what’s a PC?
Just saying in this scenario where one watches TGSNT for a date (wew lad) it's a seven-hour long movie, not including breaks.
Sorry, biocunt. But I have a date with my wife-bot already.
Oh god, she looks like my ex-best friend, expect with brown hair.
Please, I've tried to move on this past year, leave my mind already.
There is no escape, your mistakes will haunt you in this life and the next
She was the one with good taste in films.and a 4channer too, an oldfag from when this site was just a few. Most level-headed woman I've ever met.
Get her back bro what are you doing
>i...i can't
Those are just lies you tell yourself. Get her back.
She moved on user, both figuratively and literally.
>need gold
mum wouldn't give me neetbux for Sup Forums gold reeeeee
>"Wow, that's some terrible taste you have there user, and I bet my boyfriend would think so too."
>Start dating again after 8 year relationship
>EVERY girl I date wants sex by the 2nd date, I'm just not at all comfortable with that shit. Not that I have a small dick or anything, I just like to be friends with a girl first so I don't stick my dick in crazy
>Dated 10 different women in the last 6 months
>EVERY one of them wanted to fuck when we go to the movies or when we're watching movies at home
>I just tell them "can it wait until after the movie?"
What exactly is wrong with this line of thinking? When I sit down to watch a movie, I want to watch the fucking movie. I don't want to be watching the movie with one eye, and making sure I'm not sticking my dick in the wrong hole with the other.
Male actors being on screen tend to give me whiskey dick as well, as well I can imagine is the guy sucking my dick or whatever.
wtf, my Sup Forums pass doesn't work on this?
Kinda the same deal when seeing a film and my ex wanted to fuck halfway through the movie: couldn't because something interesting happened on the screen and I would lose my boner in the middle of making out.
Selfies. Seriously, every time I go to the gym all the actual men with bear bodies are just doing their sets in peace, meanwhile the soys and sub humans are sitting infront of the mirrors snapping selfies, staring themselves in the mirror taking pics, and barely doing anything.
No shit, wtf is with women and wanting to fuck during movies? The last time I ever did was while watching Cop Out, and all I remember is seeing that ugly black guy pop up on screen going NO, NO, HELL NO! and my dick just going soft inside her.
If you fuck during a movie that has male stars and your dick stays hard, then you're probably gay.
Deathrow Gameshow and Videodrome,bb
If you have your penis inside a woman and it goes flaccid for WHATEVER reason, you're probably gay or latent.
Ah fuck, guess I'm finally gonna have to buy a pass to see this image. You win again, Koreamoot.
good taste
>what is erectile dysfunction
being able to maintain erection has nothing to do with hetero or homosexuality.
You're posting on a site where 95% of the userbase has porn-induced ED.
It has nothing to do with sexuality.