DBZ, from a technical perspective, blows my fucking mind. Specifically, the lights and sounds...

DBZ, from a technical perspective, blows my fucking mind. Specifically, the lights and sounds. This show was made in the early 90s, before computers and such were a thing. So how the fuck did they make energy blasts look illuminated. Pic related. And the sound effects... youtube.com/watch?v=z9_mhCunDds ...

How the fuck did they do this?

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they used pens to colour it

Silicon Graphics. Computers have been a thing since before you were an ache in your father's balls.

there were computers in the 90s

Are you retarded?

>Sup Forums
>being this new

You must be over 18+ to post, user

>what is back lighting

something invented by Disney in the fucking 1940.

>in the 90s before computers were a thing

Dragon Ball has existed since the 80s, and computers have been around since the 50s. Read a fucking book.

OP is retarded but he is not wrong that DBZ is awesome. Only long running anime worth a damn. The Supernatural formula before Supernatural.

>made in the early 90s, before computers and such were a thing
>before computers and such were a thing

here's your (You)

anime is allowed on all boards, retard. So sayeth Moot.
>Calling others newfags
I swear the decree is like two years old


So back lighting explains the effects, what about the sounds youtube.com/watch?v=UAr0bZoEmEc

dbz calls from a fairly general suite of sfx used by japanese studios for years and years, some of those sounds have been used literally the late 70s.

they are good SFX for sure, made more with the more organic process of mixing and sampling like what they did for a lot of the sfx in the star wars movies.

so just hitting a phone pole with a wrench?

no they use a katana over there.

First of all, this doesn't belong on this board. Second of all, do you know how fucking cels work? Do you know what animation even is?
Are you entirely unaware of synths being in existence?
This is an example of nearly 100% electronic music from 1979 Japan for comparison. Kraftwerk was even earlier and is probably a better measuring stick, but doesn't come from the same country.

It was a different time.
Animation has come a long way.
>pic related


Nice tits.. why is that one guy grabbing the other guy's dick though?
Those Japs sure are weird.
Two nukes weren't enough...

I can tell by the pixels

There's only one or two scenes in the anime worth watching over the manga imo.

Just keep on being (You) user.

This will stay up even though OP is clearly underage simply because zerosugar is a Sup Forumsedditor like him

Dragonball > dragonball z

>in the early 90s
>before computers

wew lad

I don't get it.