Every GLAAD-Nominated Marvel Comic Has Been Axed


>Comic book readers are apparently not fans of progressive politics—a fact no more evident in Marvel’s decision to cancel every single one of its comics that has been nominated by the LGBTQ advocacy group, GLAAD.

>In December, the publisher announced its decision to cancel many of its comics, citing poor sales. LGBTQ, feminist, and social justice-themed comics involving stories that revolved around Black Lives Matter, illegal immigration, and LGBTQ issues were among those to end up on the chopping block.

>At a New York Comic Con panel in October, Marvel executives faced tough questions from retailers who complained about the company’s social justice push, with poor-selling products that took up valuable inventory space on store shelves.

>This year, GLAAD’s 2018 Outstanding Comic Book category included several of the canceled comics for their contributions to “queer culture” and social justice, reports Gizmodo.

>The lineup, which was announced yesterday, includes “America,” featuring a teenage Latina girl named America Chavez, whose stories revolve around her life as a queer immigrant in college. The comic’s author, Gabby Rivera, is an outspoken “Latinx” writer who goes on periodic rants about “sexism,” “antiblackness,” and President Trump on social media.

>Another GLAAD-nominated comic to get the axe is “Black Panther: World of Wakanda,” written by feminist and “body positive” activist Roxane Gay, and black writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, whose other comic, “Black Panther & The Crew,” was also canceled earlier in 2017 following dismal sales.

>Sina Grace’s “Iceman,” which reimagines the classic character as a gay man who “comes out of the closet” later in life, was also canceled in December. According to the author, the comic was a “hard sell for retailers.” ComicChron, which collects comic book sales figures, reported that “Iceman” sold around 15,000 comics when it first launched in July—a figure that decreased by almost 30 percent by the end of the year.

>None of the three titles managed to break past the top-100 rankings, selling a fraction of Marvel’s own “Star Wars” lineup, and DC’s “Batman,” “Justice League,” and “Suicide Squad” comics.

>Aside from DC’s “Batwoman,” which showed relatively poor sales throughout 2017, the rest of the comics that picked up nominations from GLAAD are largely published by BOOM! Studios, selling fewer than 3000 copies each month—a far cry from DC’s “Doomsday Clock,” which sold 158,000 copies in December.

>The Marvel titles on the awards slate have been widely derided on social media for being hamfisted, sociopolitically-charged drivel.

Can't imagine why.
Are DC counterparts faring any better?




is that a real word in the american language?

>Comic book readers are apparently not fans of progressive politics
Or maybe that's just not what they're looking for in fucking entertainment.

seriously that level of strawmanning wouldnt even be accepted on Sup Forums.

And this is a mainstream comic meant to be sold to normal people.

you have no idea how bad it is
and these are indie comics either

capeshit fans are only fan of established heroes anyway

its not like they spared those either.

Comics are probably the most extreme form of escapism.

Readers (mainly young men) don't want politics and sexuality shit crammed down their throats when they're just trying to read an entertaining action comic.

Simple as that. The political comics got nominated, but they have low readership, so they get the axe.

Probably shopped (I hope). Pic related is real.

>Comic book readers are apparently not fans of progressive politics
Comic books were the bastion of progressive politics for decades. Comic book fans just don't appreciate being bludgeoned over the head with poor writing that lacks any sort of subtlety or depth.

Lol this is kino

Marvel is big on going "let's make female/minority versions" of established heroes in the recent years so they have literally nothing to fall back on.

I want them to make a fem-Thor movie adaptaion and see how hard that will flop.

I think DC has the sense to not launch comic series that are certain to fail with this sort of propaganda.

Oh cute, he isn't aware of the current state of Hollywood films

Comics were shit before SJWs, they were shit during SJWs, and they'll be shit after SJWs, who cares you faggots.

>bastion of progressive politics for decades


based "muh everything sucks before SJWs anyways who cares you shitlords" poster

>admitting you like comic books
Just jump off a bridge.

No. It's a made up word by people with mental disorders.

This thread is about comics.

Nah, they tried it too. They just quickly cancelled it and brought 0 attention to them.

>Comic books are the refuge of the outcast male geek for decades
>Hipsters ironically adopt the entire culture because its "retro"
>Publishers think there is a real resurgence of comic book interest they can exploit by catering to those morons
>whoops turned out they dont even buy comic books and male nerds dont give a fuck about progressive identity politics


They are trying to force it. Some shit about gender I think. I go out of y way to say "Latino" specifically now instead of Mexican, because I'm not giving in to this bullshit.

>mfw this was their plan all along to get me to call them Latino even though it makes no fucking sense

Instead they launch movies!

Maybe you should start reading books instead of coloured drivel for ADD children

who has some female thor caps? Thought i had some but cant find them

Wait, what does this have to do with Sup Forums?


And? That's been Marvel's business model for a long time: start a brand new title, cash in on people jumping on with a shiny #1, and then cancel it as viewership drops (which is what inevitably happens, regardless of quality) to pump out more new #1's for everyone to jump on.


>let's not address the issue that someone is using a certain medium directed to easily impressionable people to instill propoganda into those people because they are for children anyways

>wouldnt even be accepted on Sup Forums.
Hey, we have standards m8.

Why do ugly people keep wanting people to call them beautiful. I'm ugly I don't need people to lie to me.

True. Marvel has the since to make failing comic series, with successful movies, while DC does the opposite. One of these approaches is much more profitable than the other.

How the fuck could the Hulk ever use a cell phone?

That's not the Hulk. That's some kid who also has the Hulk's powers, but acts more like some random jock who is more buff than usual.

eh the DC movies were still pretty profitable they just weren't very good


Thats something Cho, the super intelligence super strong guy who never lets a moment go by without telling you how smart he is.

>eh the DC movies were still pretty profitable
Pretty sure that on a pure profit bases, excluding everything that would actually be driven by the success of the movie, Marvel has been at least since 2008 in a far better position than DC.


So that was their answer to Supelman?


yeah of course, never said they were doing marvel numbers

That's the spirit,shit face!

i wonder how much money marvel has lost with all the progressive books that no one bought?

they literally replaced EVERY top selling super hero with a diverse counter part
cpt america was falcon, X23 became wolverine, thor was jane foster, hulk became asian etc.

wtf were they thinking?

t. mexican

Who ever reads comics anymore? Young people don't know what print is, older people are just nostalgia hounds, so who was supposed to buy these?

including everything*

Because Spanish is a gendered language the SJW are trying to make it gender neutral for some reason. You will only hear SJW in the US using "Lantinx". No one in Latin American is gonna used that stupid word.

>wtf were they thinking?
they were thinking that loud mouth crybabies on the internet represent what people in real IRL want. it would seem they heave learned a somewhat costly lesson.

>in real IRL

>LGBTQ, feminist, and social justice-themed comics involving stories that revolved around Black Lives Matter, illegal immigration, and LGBTQ issues

Dont forget Iron Man becoming a 13 year old black girl.

>Who ever reads comics anymore?
Comic fans. It’s a supremely niche community, but the current plight of the industry is a microcosm for what’s happening across all other media.