What happened to him? How did he fall out of the scene so fast?
What happened to him? How did he fall out of the scene so fast?
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He has a good soyboy face
His wife keeps fucking him
Only lonely men accomplish great things
He's actually a director now.
Never go full retard
Swiss Army Man was fart kino
He has a CLASSIC face
just had his directorial debut at sundance
Who's that?
I think I saw him in 12 years a slave or something.
apparently his debut film is really good - called 'wildfire'
Yeah he wandered into set one day and made up that song that he sings on the spot.
We love you Dano.
Please breed me.
His gf is quite nice
probably working on some secret kino !
he's put out enough classics to be remembered for all time. if anything it's good he retire now before he loses his incredibly handsome looks.
False, it was actually a lullaby his mother sang him to when he was a kid.
He just directed a movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal premiering at Sundance. So there's that
No hoverhand. Respect.
He was in that Beach Boys movie and was really good.
It was classic.
his acting was actual unironic kino in There Will Be Blood
I guess Hollywood decided to go MODERN
He's not attractive and hasn't had enough standout roles to be considered an established character actor.
Awkward time in his career. Hope he toughs it out.
get out!
>very solid in LMS, 12 Years an Nigger and Prisoners
>absolutely classic in TWBB and Wilson biopic
>no stand out roles
He should have gotten the role of the bad guy intsead of Adam Driver.
classic little white boy ass
>age 33
>implying classic man wanted to have anything to do with that shitty star wars franchise.
he became classic
Somebody post the classic nudes.
I wish the entire movie was him as prime Brian instead of the shit we got desu
as in is was a good movie with farting or it was just a bad movie....