They're the same person aren't they?


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1.78m master race, can other heights even compete?
Protip:They can actually.

You're opening
my world right now
thank you.

No. One wears glasses. DUH.


Just like how Superman doesn't and Clark Kent does.

is jesse plemons the original identity? was he an actor that just wanted to keep a normal life?

Wow what a fucking manlet
t. 181cm

I'm 1.67m and I got things easy sometimes because people feel sorry for me

hi manlet


Fuck off lanklet
t. 103cm


Jesse plemons is the clone, that's why he looks younger

stay strong

I'm 1,83m and I don't feel particularly tall. Even though my countries average is supposed to be 1,78m, I feel like in my age group it's around 1,88m.

I'd wish you could delete posts immediately, or at least edit them.

Calm down sperg nobody cares

Short and dumb and lacking self confidence is no way to live user. So kill yourself :)

damn, I'm 1 centimeter shorter

> tfw 189

another manlet kang reporting in

5ft 8 is safely in manlet territory.

5.10 is the tallest of manlets. Because even thick-soled shoes won't complete the illusion of manful height.
You have to go for heels, and that's gay af. So no man-points are gained with the perceived increase in height.

1.99m, yes I can

He's called Meth Damon.

the plot thickens

I wanna see movie where they play twins!

>tfw 183 cm considered tall but all the kids from 2000s on are already 188 cm or taller, including your younger brother

You're fucking stupid

Big kids have always existed

5'10 is small but it doesnt stand out negatively like fucking 5'8

165 manlet race reporting in

Guys I'm 5'11.5''
Will anyone know I'm secretly a manlet?

studies prove women are most attracted to 5'9''-5'11'' when they don't know the height
They just all think they want 6 foot because most people add an inch or two to their height and women don't know how to estimate height very well

>Yuropoor measurements

5'8'' is still passable if your proportions are good, it's below that when it becomes hopeless

>In a double-blind study by Graziano et al., it was found that, in person, using a sample of women of normal size, they were on average most attracted to men who were of medium height (5'9" – 5'11", 1.75 m – 1.80 m) and less attracted to both men of shorter height (5'5" – 5'7", 1.65 m – 1.70 m) and men of tallest height (6'2" – 6'4", 1.88 m – 1.93 m)

A muscular build is proven to be way more attractive. but under 5'7'' is when it is gets empirically less attractive
5'8'' is pretty much average, not noticeably short. Depends where you live though. In the Netherlands it's probably too short. In Japan it's tall

yeah being a manlet in the netherlands or balkan states is a horrible experience, high school first graders are all at least 185 where i'm from, so i'm a manlet next to them despite being 176


Even if this turned out to be true, if given the option to be taller than 5'11 I'd take it any day

same with the penis.
women are notoriously bad at estimating sizes

I'm not especially tall myself but traveling on a Dutch public conveyance (which is actually designed for people who aren't fucking dwarves) is a positive pleasure...

How do europoors decide whether to use 178cms or 1.78ms, is there some kind of etiquette that dictates when you use full meters?

Dna test now

No one knows these measurements. Im 6 2

Depends on the language. In German we usually say Eins Achtundsiebzig, so the latter, because it's shorter

Why doesn't anyone ude "deci" seems like height is a perfect situation where it will work. "I'm 17.8 decimeters"

it is actually 1m 78cm

It's not like you measure height in inches, Amerimutt.

If you're form Hamburg that might be the case. There are huge differences between locations.

if you're not at least 194cm and live in any non asian country its time to hang yourself and become the tall nigga you need to be

>Not using ft as a measurement
Why so inferior

>tall nigga you need to be
to play apehoop?
do you really want to live in a world where you're average/ a manlet?


Are all Hollywood males literally manlets

Actually we do Muhammad

makes sense. the average us woman is 5"4', the ideal height difference for a couple is 7-8 inches, both bigger and smaller variation are awkward.
both men and women of average height have the largest potential dating pool.

It doesn't matter if you say "hundred seventy eight" or "one seventy eight". Nobody will get confused.

>tfw 182 cm and feel average at best in my country in which the supposed average height is ~177 cm
>once the older generation dies out I'll quite literally and figuratively be a manlet
Not ready for this 2bh

don't worry, the muslims coming in and breeding are all shorter, but there might be bigger worries in the future than being less than above average in height.

lanklets stay mad lmao

Manlets are the superior male variant. This is scientific fact.

>manlet king

Manlet royalty starts at 179 if you're eurotrash or 5'11 if you're an amerishard you peasant

t. 179

Maybe in a situation where food is scarce. We don't live in that world.

You're full of shit, I know someone who is 189 and he says it's a pain in the ass because he doesn't fit in any car. The world is build for manlets

They probably think you're in elementary school

People use the latter talking to each other, only on the internet or documents the former is used. Also people usually can do basic math

obviously you don't, lardass

morning or evening measurement?
>driving euro cuck durch freude mobiles

My height. Wtf I like Matt Damon now.

You also start to become progressively shorter with age after 40 because the discs between your vertebrae flatten and dry out

tfw 177cm
gonna kms