What were the point of these things...

What were the point of these things? What were they even going to do when they got close to the 10+ AT-AT's at the death star™ cannon?

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the movie is full of so many fucking plotholes and useless shit that i gave up trying to reason any of it and just realized it was a shitshow all around

There was literally no plan. Just scene designed to look pretty. They didn't fire a single shot iirc.

mm, salt

So Poe can show character development.

So Rose can do something (useless).

The entire sequence shouldn't exist. It felt like it climaxed in the throne room, then they realizes they needed more Star Wars, so they added some bullshit not-Hoth where nothing makes sense.

For a cool trailer shot.

Why didn't the ATATs fire at them?

The rebels should have just cut their loses and scattered all over that planet and met up at a later point like guerilla forces do. The rebels are the dumbest fucks in the galaxy.

Stop asking questions.

They're stupid just like Rian Johnson

You can only scatter 20 people so many times

They did?

Film was built around cool looking CGI/SFX fest set pieces with plot points bolted on and written in as an afterthought.

This. It's the most unrewatchable film in the Star War series. Probably the most unrewatchable sci-fi film in recent history too. I honestly don't understand how you can get something this wrong with the budget and amount of talent available behind you.

I don't understand what the fuck is going on in these movies anymore.
So the Galactic Republic doesn't exist because 5 planets in one solar system got blown up?
Shouldn't it be called a Stellar Republic then?

Snowspeeders had tow cables and were able to target weak spots from many angles because they can fly. The point of those things in TLJ was just to show you cool visuals, just turn off your brain bro, really.

They were too small

how did finn drag rose across hundreds of meters of open terrain back to the rebel base?

shy is this movie so dogshit?

Also how was Finn able to drag rose all that way in such a short amount of time? why did no one from the first order shoot at them? how was rose able to speed up and hit Finn if he was going full speed?

ATATs were distracted by Luke

Those skis make zero sense
When I saw the trailer I thought they were trying to throw up a kind of smoke screen... which would have actually made sense, but they are just there to look cool.
Why in a world with repulsed tech would you design a weird speeder that Ned’s a drag inducing hook to function? It’s fucking stupid
In the battle of both you get the impression they are using the tow cables for an unintended purpose, you know, improvising like a guerrilla force

It’s funny because in battlefront 2 it actually functions quite well as a smoke screen on this map but the writers at Disney don’t understand practicality

The timing still doesn't add up, Luke had just gone out when Finn comes in with rose

Dude you know this canon? Its death star tech, you know the lightsaber crystals? They power the death star too, everything is death star now
The past has to die btw

Not too stellar if it gets blown up halfway through the first film of the trilogy

Theres no sense of scale anymore, not in the sequels not in rebels
Three cruisers at most make a planetary battle

No, Finn doesn't get back with Rose until after the AT-AT's fire their barrage on Luke

My girlfriend's comment was "that entire planet seemed like a setup for a battlefront map", after which I looked it up when we got back and sure enough its their DLC.

When your film is nothing but twists, you've created something that can only be watched once

Hm, weird. I liked it a lot better during my second watch.

>The entire sequel trilogy shouldn't exist.

Kyber crystals always powered the Death Star laser.

Yeah sure and they were the core of stars and they changed the color depending on the mood right? Get the fuck out trying to mistify the lightsabers, they are just weapons used by the jedi

For a cool shot*

Movie is about visual.

Keep her user

Talking with a friend about it, we realized most of the film was a shitty Naruto filler arc. BELIEVE IT!

That’s Star Wars: cool looking ships made for toy sales that will never be used again

did they even had weapons?


>When I saw the trailer I thought they were trying to throw up a kind of smoke screen

thats what I thought, that it was a suicide mission but a last desperate act to throw up a giant salt cloud and give the rebels time to escape. I figured after the cloud settled the rebels in the trench, instead of escaping, would've rallied and charged the walkers under the cover and fought back bravely to sabotage them and climb them and shit.

nope. we got some weird rose/finn "save the things you love" scene.

I think they were supposed to just be a distraction. Finn wanted to do the right thing but Rose fucked everything up.

These things are absolute shit in BF2

Yeah, wait a sec, why were people in the trench at all? Were they just scouting for the useless suicide run?

Wait, if the ATATs weren't shooting, what was?

in BF2 they have starfighter-tier guns that rip through unshielded AT-AT's.

They're also paper thin and die easily, but AT-AT's are too slow to target them.

They came up with a "look" on some story board, and contrived a plot with tons of holes to create a forced scene, that's why.

The whole movie is full of this shit. They just thought a line of red mud spraying up over white salt looked cool. Other then that, there is no reason

They also die easy because it's like trying to control a kite in a hurricane

The point was even though they were in an unwinnable situation, they still continued to fight.

I didn't see any twists. I just saw a contrived plot; forced together based on concept art that Rian couldn't figure out how to manifest logically.

But they didn’t fight. They blindly rushed at them in rickety ships, not firing a single time. Considering Poe had been chewed out for another, successful suicide run at the beginning of the movie, this doesn’t look good for the “growth” of his character.

They needed to save their ammo so they could shoot at Finn and rose running back to the base,.... oh, wait.... uh,...oh, they didn't do that, either,.... I guess it's hard to hit such a small target, like one or two small people,..... oh, but they shot luke dead on,..... um...... uh,..... hmmmmm,..... well, it looked cool, right guys,.... right? Yeah,... so cool

Why do they even bother holing up in one planet with no way to escape?

Because it looks like hoth, and matches some silly concept art that some imagineer came up with.

Almost every scene from this movie doesn’t make sense. How they even came up with all of these garbage choices and plot holes is amazing in itself.

They did fire shots, just not at the bigger threat of the AT-AT's and the laser battling ram. Finn got to show off his piloting skills (which he shouldn't have) to take down 3 of the enemies ship in one shot at the same time to save Shrek who ruins his one glorious moment of sacrifice.

>at the beginning of the film Poe organizes a desperate attack on the first order to save the resistance getting most of the pilots killed
>demoted for that
>at the end poe orders a desperate attack on the first order to save the resistance getting most of the pilots killed
>promoted to leader of the resistance because he showed “growth”

Did Rian Johnson suffer brain damage while writing this? Poe does the exact same thing he did at the beginning of the film and it is supposed to come off as character growth. How the fuck are people defending this bullshit?

Yeah... why is finn a pilot now? He talks about not being able to fly anything over and over again in TFA. That was the whole point of him needing Poe's help in the first movie. Does Johnson just totally hate JJ or something. He just completely ignores everything about TFA

The speeders aren't starfighters, it's probably not that much more difficult than driving a car

and we DO see Finn having more trouble with the speeder than the other characters, so it's not like they totally forgot he's not a pilot

It looked cool, right?
That's all that matters.
Star Wars is beyond logic now.

The medical tube that rebuilt his spine in 12 hours after Kylo Ren removed it with a lightsaber gave him a bunch of upgrades. His melee combat stat also increased, he went from getting beat by another stormtrooper and kylo ren to killing phasma in single combat. It was all explained in the books.

Star Wars was always beyond logic you complete twat

>he barely understands how yo use the guns in a tie fighter that his side uses
>rose tells him to activate the thing and he does it right away

To be fair, I don't know how to fly a plane but starting a car and driving in a straight line isn't too hard

The sad thing is I wouldn't even be surprised if you weren't being sarcastic.

Was being sarcastic, but whatever.

Really? I must have missed that, somehow. Was it before the Falcon showed up?

theyre rebel LARPer

I think that user is confused, it's definitely Rey that gets the triple kill, the speeder never fire a single shot

Honestly. Crashing through the enemy capital ship is just such an obvious finale moment.
It also should have killed Finn, Rose, Hux, Phasma, Rey, and Kylo since they were all aboard but that wouldn’t be a loss since this trilogy is so shitty.

Yes. They even zoomed in on the ones on Finn's ship melting as he was getting closer to the cannon

It reminded me on this battle at the beginnign of WW2:

>Colonel Kazimierz Mastalerz decided to take the enemy by surprise and ordered Eugeniusz Świeściak, commander of the 1st squadron, to execute a cavalry charge at 1900 hours, leading two squadrons, about 250 strong. Most of the two other squadrons, and their TKS/TK3 tankettes, were held back in reserve.

>The charge was successful: the German infantry unit was dispersed, and the Poles occupied the clearing. However, German armored reconnaissance vehicles appeared from the forest road, probably part of Aufklärungs-Abteilung 20, and soon the Polish units came under heavy machine gun fire, probably from Leichter Panzerspähwagen equipped with MG 34, or Schwerer Panzerspähwagen equipped also with a 20 mm gun. The Poles were completely exposed and began to gallop for cover behind a nearby hillock.

Fucking horses against tanks. No way to win.

It wasn't you stupid shit. Battles in New Hope and Empire were just WW2 with lasers. Luke almost died to a single Tie on his tail and needed Wedge to save him. Now Poe can destroy 10 Ties in 30 seconds and Falcon can destroy 20 with no effort.

Disney SW are some tension less crapfest for retards where every hero is a comic book character.

post questions you asked yourself WHILE watching the movie, things that Sup Forums revealed to you afterwards don't count
>why did luke throw his lightsaber away?
>why didnt they fire the big cannons at the dreadnought at the rebel fleet?
>why didnt they scramble any fighters to intercept poe?
>why did they send all of their bombers if they only needed 1 to complete the run?
>why do the cannons on snokes ship arc in space?
>why dont they just destroy the rebel ship with faster ships?
>why did leia not die in the vacuum of space?
>why did admiral pink hair not tell anybody that they had a plan?
>why did luke try and murder kylo with barely any reason?
>why was the milking scene in the film?
>why does yoda burn all of the books?
>why couldnt snoke sense that kylo was going to kill him?
>why do all of the tie fighters go after the falcon when they only needed 1 or 2 to destroy all of the rebel speeders?

The contrast between the white empty space and red was so beautiful it gave me goosebumps, it was like watching a painting by Zdzisław in motion (who, by the way, is my favorite painter of all time).

They were going to warp through the AT-ATs.

So you would rather watch the shitheap that is episode 3?

>>why does yoda burn all of the books?

He doesnt. Rey have stolen them and put them on the Millenium Falcon.

Funny that seems the state of nu-wars. The prequels had tie-in books and comics which just added to the chracters and story.
But the sequels now rely on additional things to fill plotholes and give us something of worldbuilding. That just feels as forced dlc.


>What were the point of these things?
What is the point of movies anymore?

>episode 3

Nice bait

Because youre a retard. Go watch it a third and a fourth time you'll surely like it more every time

>why didn't the FO scramble fighters immediately, is Hux really this dumb?
>why don't they just split the fleet and jump half of them in front of the rebels?
>why don't they just keep the TIEs out since it's obvious nothing can stop them now
>why is Leia not completely shredded from the bridge explosion? Why is she not dead from several minutes of vacuum exposure while being barely conscious? Is this scene really fucking happening?
>how is Finn coincidentally the janitor of the one weak spot of every major FO installation?
>does the codebreaker live in this casino they can't seriously be expecting to just run into him without knowing his routine or anything about him other than that he frequents this place or what he wears
>is Luke's idea of confrontation now to just creepily stand over Kylo while he's sleeping with his lightsaber drawn?
Once Finn and Rose wind up in the same cell with some guy who coincidentally also happens to be able to turn off a super duper star destroyer's shields I was in full le turn your brain off mode.

Even AoTC is better than the garbage fire that is TLJ.

I haven't seen TLJ but when I saw the trailer it seemed pretty apparent that he's just made a copy of the scene in TFA where the X-wings are flying across the water. I haven't seen anyone else mention this for some reason, perhaps I am incorrect.


Episode 3 is unironically a good movie and shit all over the new sequels. Nothing in them even touches Ian's performance

>Episode 3 is unironically a so bad, is good movie and shit all over the new sequels. Nothing in them even touches Ian's performance

one of my main problems with TLJ was how comically inept every single villain is, despite the film trying to present them as an actual threat

that's right altright manbaby, no one thinks your a threat

i have a gf btw


In TfA Hux at least seemed like he had a modicum of competence as far as Star Wars villains go. Combine that with his fanaticism and you have a dangerous combination. So naturally in this he becomes a bumbling idiot who can't even be bothered to look out the window to make sure nobody's trying to abandon ship on the last obstacle to his almost complete victory. Really subverts my expectations.

There was no point, Rian was just trying to force his own "iconic" scene at any cost and didn't even bother to try and make sense of it. This isn't even the only scene, the bomber scene instead of using y wings or something and not even explaining why bombs drop in space(please buy our book!) is clearly just Rian jerking off over muh ww2 references which was his top priority over doing something that makes sense and fits the saga.

This movie might honestly be the greatest example of visuals over story/plot. I don't think there's anything like it. Rian just thought up a few scenes he wanted and wrote the script around them with little to no thought just to get to those scenes.

I haven't even seen the movie but I can only assume their purpose is to sell toys. You do realize that that's the main purpose of these films, right? To sell toys, video games, lunch boxes, tampons, etc.

It's not good but at least it's fun.

Well the very first shot of Hux establishes that he's fucking exhausted and insane. I was very excited to see a powerless human desperate to keep his job, attacking the rebels with increasingly risky tactics.
But then "yo momma!"

How come Finn can fly now? The entire plot of his character in TFA was that he needs a pilot. He needs a pilot to get him off the Star Destroyer. He needs a pilot to get him off Jakku. He needs a pilot to get him out of weird orange lady's bar.

In TLJ he flies the ship to the space casino and flies the weird speeder ski thing. Suddenly, and with no explanation, he's now a very capable pilot who even destroys several enemy ships while flying.

How in the name of all that is fuck did none of the hundreds of people involved in making this film not see that problem?

>and not even explaining why bombs drop in space

star wars has never cared about science

In TFA he is trying to escape
In TLJ he's trying to get to Rey

They also deployed the Speeders because they were prepping the X-Wings for evacuation.
They also deployed ground troops to take out the shield generators. This is all explained IN THE MOVIE.
I forget the explanation for not nuking them from orbit in TLJ (Holdo's ass pull taking out all their weapons? But not their ability to mobilize ground troops?)

Is seriously written like shit. Is amazing that the more one digs, the more garbage one finds.