whats your top?
1>3>2 (pretty hard to rank because I really like all, especially ufos)

season 1 had some useless moments with Dennis (iasip) but my memories is a little cloudy as I watched it long time ago but had a good tension overall. that was the same sense I had with season 3.
even though both used the cliche cop does know it all but superior does not want to know with could be made other way.
Mike and the brothers were awesome season 2 and built very good moments like the road encounter.

what you have to say?

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Should I bother with 3 if I loved 2 but didn't care about 1.

It's ok, but just rewatch 2 instead

2 is the unique one
1 is more straight forward
3 would be like in between but closer to season 1


1 was just a rehash of original movie, with Lorne Malvo character saving it

Season 3 is shit. Dreadful television.

3 is pretty neat if only for VM eating scenes

This is the correct order


i did not watched the movie desu

i think season 3 varga got a little repetitive henchmans had not the same appeal of the other seasons.
but the brothers conflict and different motivation got my attention.

1 and 2 is great, season 3 is complete dogshit that I didn't even finish. Fuck season 3

1 >>> 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

maybe my mind is biased cos I just finished 3 and liked it
season 2 I watched with some long breaks between the episodes

as I said, hard to rank for me


2 was on a completely different level to 1. I haven't seen 3 yet, is it on Netflix now?

its worth watching still but not near as good

I think 3 is brilliant because every scene is crafted to insult the viewers as much as possible, it is the perfect 0/10 tv experience

Yes but skip episode 3 for a better flow you'll literally miss nothing of importance.

2>1>3 for me

the movie mentioned in season 3 can justify the ufo mid gunfight season 2.
yes the movie was never made but they might have shot some footage to fool Ennis.

cant decide

1 is bad bc almost copy paste of the movie, and god bc everything else. especially like a motivational.
2 silly bc ufos and also meme henchmen but great bc based jeffrey donovan
3 is fucked up bc ewan dies early and based bc mew and vm

Can someone explain the UFO thing?
It just seemed really random and nonsensical to me

>especially like a motivational.
I thought the moment where Lester suddenly becomes alpha was the worst moment desu

People have been "seeing" ufos in the midwest for a hundred years dude. That's really all there is to it.

It's like a character in Amsterdam eating some pot brownies, it's just some shit that happens there.

>he's never seen a UFO

yes but pot brownies are real, aliens in flying saucers visiting earth aren't
it still seems nonsensical to me

season 3 is pleb filter

Season 3 is the only one were almost everyone is unlikable, and where I didn’t get a fulfillness feeling unlike the other 2


movie >>> 2 > 1 > 3



They are all good.

Can someone explain why people hate season 3?

only half of Ewan

And you know this because?

2>1>>>anyone who gets asshurt because of ayy lmaos is autistic

Hi. By not being retarded and by refraining from taking LSD.

I bet you don't even wear a tinfoil hat. No wonder you are such a bootlicking jew cum sucking goverment drone

The period piece helped the show. Made it even better.
Season 1 suffers from trying too hard to be like the movie.
Season 3 suffers from trying too hard to be weird. And MEW's character&ass was awful.

I just wish it had the humor the movie had.

The first season is pretty different than the movie. The obly connection being the killing of the wife and a clueless bullied psycho, but even that's different.

>tfw a wild ray wise appears out of nowhere


The second series was one of the most amazing series of television I have ever seen. It's sheer kino from start to finish.

The Coens are so good that other people make kino on their behalf.

this is the tensest scene I've ever seen

2 and 3 I wouldn't even class in the same league as 1. Why? I felt that 2 and 3 the actors were all wrapped up in the accent and taking it beyond satire with their performance then making the accent too pantomime.
Also, I didn't enjoy the stories or characters in 2 or 3. That actor who everyone raved about *checks* Jeffrey Donovan, he pisses me off, can't explain why really, can't stand his face/attitude.
Oh *checks* Patrick Wilson did a good job though.
Only note worthy and good points were Kirsten Dunst looking absolutely top class.

Why? It's really just how you act/react on things and situations. There are many guy with shit looks being somehow successful all around.

Coon, mew

The ending was very underwhelming and episode 3 is filler.

yes le reddit man was simply epic!!

Season 2 is by far the best.
Season 1 and 3 both have their own strengths, but I'd say 1 is a bit more consistent.


for me
this one

2 > 1 >>>> 3

It's not about his looks
It's about his personality doing a complete 180
to me he was always a pathetic loser, and the change felt like pandering to edgelords
I felt similarly about Walter White in Breaking Bad, although I think Cranston did a good job of maintaining the pathetic and insecure aspect of the character, despite what the plot demanded of him

The problem for me is that there was no hook in the beginning. From episode 1 in both season 1 and 2 something very interesting happened and I was immediately very concerned for my favorite characters. And I continued to be thrilled and drenched in sweat all the way up until the end. Season 3 starts with two murders that don't matter. And while the season was going on I kept reading about theories how something was off about the glue murder and that there was probably something else to it. But there wasn't. Surprisingly, I was more worried about Sy than any of the main characters.

Well I can agree with that. I'm bit of an edgelord and I LOVED Lester's change. The moment he gets all evil while his brother is being put in prison is unironically one of my favourite moments of all cinema.

Season 2 is incredible TV.
Season 1 is a perfect fanfic tribute too the movie with great characters like Malvo.

The best part of season 3 for me was Wrench showing up, there wasn't as much motivation too root for characters as previous seasons, but it wasn't bad by any means.

Don't you wish that season 3 was tied into season 1 and 2?

That Varga was working for the same organization that hired Malvo?

Don't you wish that the Widow was from the Kansas City mob?

We don't need to delve into these things much. Leave it a mystery. Wouldn't a couple little things like that have made this universe epic?

Could it maybe be like a first and a seccond death star is ok but a starkiller base is too much? (the murder starts)

Sure, but they still did the murder start. It was just much less important to the overall plot. That being said, it'd be interesting to see a start for season 4 that wasn't a semi-accidental murder

Unironically Fpbp

what would tv think of the planet wyh the movie

>Season 1 had dennis
>Season 2 didn't have dee
>Season 3 had mac
>Season 4 will have charlie and frank

tfw they put in fucking key and peele in shit roles for a cameo but not more it's always sunny.

more like farTgo
capital t for Trash

The fuck, have many times have you written the same comment here? Deja fucking vu

It's the general consensus on the seasons. 3 was mostly shat on on this board.

Why was season 2 so serious and moody?

More inspired by miller's crossing. Still had plenty of absurdist comedy.

No I mean I've read the very same comment with the same wording multiple times on /fargo/ threads.

>Should I bother with 3 if I loved 2 but didn't care about 1.

hope for mc poyle's

who was in the right about money/stamps?

Malvo made it worse desu. try-hard edgy character. And Freeman is one of the worst actors ever that's been on a screen.

Why season 1 can't into cute ?

>i...i...just wanted some water :'(

I finished s1 recently and am trying to watch s2 but I don't find it compelling at all. Is it worth sticking with it or can I skip to s3?

Stick with it. I thought the same at first but it gets better and better.

Alright, cheers amigo.
I wasn't in love with season 1 at first either but ended up doing a 180 so hopefully that will be the case here too.

Eh I rewatched 1 with my gf and it wasn't half as good as I remembered
2>3>1 imo

It was for me. The kino moments come thick and fast in the second half.