Cadet Sloane, I'm the Empire
Cadet Sloane, I'm the Empire
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M-me too..
Guess Darth really did know the true power of the Dark Side lmao
The Empire is white supremacist patriarchy except for all the diversity.
Ciena Ree > Rae Sloane
The Empire is human supremacist, there are no implied or stated resentments between human ethnicities in that world. And don't go quoting some obscure EU novel from the late 80s at me that totally confirms that black people are discriminated in the Star Wars universe, there's nothing in the movies that would imply anything of that sort.
Show one black Imperial officer from original trilogy.
The Empire's human supremacist, not white supremacist. As long as you're human, your skin color or gender doesn't mean much. If you're an alien, you'll have a tough life, but it's still possible to succeed if you're talented enough, such as was the case with Thrawn.
Chris Weitz wanted to note how these sentiments are parallel to real life white supremacy, and fucked up big time with awful phrasing.
The stance that the current canon takes is that black officers happened to be off-screen at the time.
For example, the black Imperial from the OP was a vice-admiral at the time of the Battle of Endor, and second in command to Piett.
>When you want to make all the villains white guys but just can't resist putting a black woman in a position of power.