"Anyone Can Be Batman"


Is he right?

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No. You need to be a billionaire

The billionaire thing has been downplayed for a decade now. If they need to show Bruce has money, they show the batcave or a generic business meeting with Fox.

>Cosplay as Batman
>Try and stop a crime
>Get your Jaw broke or shot
>Cry as the police arrest you for vigilantism

Yeah sounds great

>immediately starts talking about racism
>tries to relate some shitty minor villain to a law passed in 1882
>systemic racism is real guys!

Holy fuck, this guy is as sneaky as they come

Good luck R&Ding all of batmans shit bruh.

and replacing it when it gets broken.

Batman has to be white because his parents are white.

Check and mate :)

Just like Anyone can be The Joker after a bad day, am I right?

That’s a very jewish voice.

batman is a scientist with an IQ of like 200, that's without even his bat money.

the dude funds his entire arsenal. You know, the thing that makes Batman, Batman?

Whatever point he tried to make got lost at the beginning when he went into the Chinese Exclusion Act for no real reason (and also tried to say it's racist to have laws that exclude people from certain countries from coming into your country even though that's literally just immigration laws).

Unironically this

Mikey is an addict cunt who gave himself a stroke and is pretending he was misdiagnosed with MS or some shit.

I hate his self-involved videos. A grown man still emulating RLM, can you imagine the autism

they are not going to rest until batman is a nigger

if you're willing to spend years becoming a master martial artist and detective with a budget of billions of dollars for future technology then sure

Affleck can't

Even Superman?


Batman is a billionaire. Only the privileged can be billionaires, and only white males have privilege.

Therefore he has to be a white male.


Batman's parents were shown to be big SJW's.

They definitely could adopt a niglet.

You have to be white
There's just no chance of a black batman working

stop shilling your shit here u retard





Anyone worthwhile can be Batman. That was the point made in Batman Beyond before they made that fucked epilogue.

Well, there have been many different batman's in the comics. There is already a batgirl and batwoman.

If you like traps, you already are gay.

>the dude funds his entire arsenal
And like I said, this stopped being a remarkable characteristic of his about a decade ago. Mostly because people don't wanna bring up the ridiculous gadgets and vehicles from past times.

This sounds like he wants an adaptation of Batman Incorporated.

No. Bruce is rare genetic stock. His people are leaders of industry. Innovators. Nation builders.
He is what happens when one of those people gets traumatized and sets his mind against something.
In this case the broad concept of inter-personal crime. If he was against systemic crime, he'd operate differently.
He's extremely pathological and narrow in his focus.

Most people who have their parents murdered in front of them do not manifest these identity disorders.
Very likely he was extremely "indoor-catted" as a child due to his mind breaking from his suddenly exposure to violence and horror.

Not anybody could be Robin either. Again, a very specific genetic selection took place.
Even Miller didn't get that right with Carrie Kelly. Some gymnastics at school aren't going to make you a crime-fighter.
You have to be beyond Olympian level, performance-wise. Top percentile physical and mental specimen on all counts.

Checkmate, Atheists

Exactly, Batman has reached Physical and Mental perfection after all his years of training. Very few people could even train themselves to be anywhere near his level, assuming it was possible to be reach Peak physical condition.

He's also a Renaissance Man which requires a high level of Discipline to achieve.

Batman doesn't wear hockey pants.

Is this guy schizophrenic? He makes some frankly bizarre leaps and sees meaning in every random frame of a film, there's no way typical directors put as much thought into every shot as this guy seems to.

Doesn't matter that they don't rub it in your face, he still needs a lot of money to fund his entire operation

Sorry user, you need to actually have sex to be gay. Incels like you don't have a sexual orientation.

>this stopped being a remarkable characteristic of his about a decade ago.
no it fucking hasn't you retard.

hey now

You're an idiot user.

Ayo remember when Movies with Mikey was this fun little hangout show where a quirky loveable goof talked about films he liked, keeping politics in the sideline, even if he mentioned them a bit?
And now it's his political soapbox? And he busts out some black-and-white footage or some dramatic piano to spice up his bullshit?
Seriously, his Iron Giant video is downright shameful. Only time when that shit worked was in his Serenity review, but that's a personal little story that actually adds to the video.

Also going "muh Cultural Apropriation" over Emperor's New Groove is retarded of god fucking murder me

This guy's video is autistic, I can't even agree or disagree with him, the editing in this and the sounds, makes me want to kill myself.


It took me about 2 seconds to realise this guy was some self loathing sjw cuck

black panther and blade isnt enough i guess

Need a spinoff with a female batman.

This is some pretty effective viral marketing.

Disgusting samefag
kys you dumb youtuber

Batman is Batman partly because his "wonderful toys", a vehicle that can get across town super-fast, Batarangs, swinging across ceilings, body armor etc.

You try to stop crime in a goofy costume alone you're gonna get your ass handed to you, like Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character in "Kickass".

>W H I T E H O L L Y W O O D

Can anyone be Black Panther?

Batman has to be dead because his parents are dead

>white people have privelage
>ANYBODY can come from a billionaire family!

What did they mean by this?

does this mean Oprah has privilege?
she's richer than most white people combined

>years of training
>countless hours of studying in different subjects for criminology purposes
>daily exercise routine to keep body in peak performance
>good genes
>somehow able to function with 2 hours of sleep everyday
>gazillion dollaridoos


You forgot

>Mostly because people don't wanna bring up the ridiculous gadgets and vehicles from past times.
he still has all those crazy vehicles just now they are darker and grittier and more realistic to pander to the man children that eat this shit up

unironically this

It's funny, really. Nearly every argument he made for a nigger Batman could be made for a white Black Panther.

it would make an astronomical amount of more sense for Bruce to just fund his own high security police force that monitors every street corner. It would be insanely cheaper too than having to build a underground military cave, a bat mobile, bat jet, all the fighting gear, etc. When you actually break it down and think about it, Batman is by far the most unrealistic and dumbest superhero. Thor makes more sense, Captain America makes more sense, Hulk makes more fucking sense than Batman. Batman is as supernatural as they come. A human being literally couldn't fight crime all night, and then run a billion dollar business by day. Just not happening.

They won't stop at nothing to cast Batman as a nigger. What next? Black Superman because he's an alien and his race doesn't define him? They wanna make the whole argument of "HURRR RACE DOESN'T DEFINE THE CHARACTER SO ANYONE CAN PLAY HIM" but when that logic is used on non-white characters then it's a big fucking deal. Seriously, fuck this dumb faggot.

>Implying the real police would want a private police on their territory.
They barely tolerate batman and he's been declared an outlaw many times too. Also what you're proposing would probably result in budget cuts for the real police so there's that.

>And like I said, this stopped being a remarkable characteristic of his about a decade ago

So I guess I can pick up full body bat armor, an armored tank/car hybrid vehicle, titanium ninja stars, and experimental high end military equipment at walmart, right?

I'm quitting american media because of this sjw influence. Gonna watch foreign stuff now, except from UK or Sweden obviously.

>Batman, Inc

>and then run a billion dollar business by day
Him being the rich guy who owns it doesn't mean he actually has to manage it.

It's implied in almost every Batman work that Wayne never runs Wayne Enterprises directly, outsourcing it to executives and does the occasional public appearance for philanthropist purposes.

A billionaire and trained by Martial art masters, studied ninjutsu, be in perfect physical health and strength, be a master detective and scientist, and have sci-if-defying equipment.

Its easy. Ruin your local neighborhood with crime and drugs. Then act proud about it.

You're an all-star

Are you saying he is an autist ?

>from past times
As opposed to now? He still has them.

A Chad Alpha male autist.

almost every movie and comic he is these days, show bruce buying shit when he is not using the mantle

>how did you saved my mother house from the bank
>i bought the bank