The Handmaid's Tale is feminist propaganda

The Handmaid's Tale is feminist propaganda

Churches were the main vehicle by which the Law of Moses was discussed.

The law thay governed Jewish life.

What did it mean when it said
>suffer not a woman to speak in church.
Were they speaking about spiritual things or temporal affairs?

Because in my mind in Judaism there is no real distinction from religion and governmental affairs.

Ergo christians are advised not to let women participate in politics.

Would bang.
I'm not very picky

what an old ugly histrionic bitch.

It saddens me that when I look at her I don't recognize the women she once was in Lost in Translation. I remember being a teenager and day dreaming about her in LIT. She'll never be Alone in Kyoto ever again and it's disheartening.

what was the Handmaid's Tale about? I'm not fucking watching it either way.

it was kino, faglet

t. Christard

>in Abrahamic Poop, your existence is an original sin
>in Feminist Poop, your existence as a white man is an original sin

>in Abrahamic Poop, porn and sexualization and objectification should be banned
>in Feminist Poop, porn and sexualization and objectification should be banned

>in Abrahamic Poop, criticizing Abraham/Jesus/Mohammed is blasphemy
>in Feminist Poop, criticizing women is blasphemy

>in Abrahamic Poop, the ways of God should not be questioned and should be blindly believed, for they are mysterious
>in Feminist Poop, women should not be questioned and should be blindly believed

>in Abrahamic Poop, all your critics and non-members of the club are "heretics" "heathens" "unbelievers" "kaafir" "infidels"
>in Feminist Poop, all your critics and non-members of the club are "sexists" "misogynists" "rapists" "white men (THE INHUMANITY)"

As usual, women only know how to make inferior copies of what men created, including religious sects organized to oppress and demean non-members by hiding behind false morals, false ethics, and false virtues that are a mere smokescreen.

let's be real if we can for a minute, real talk

James Franco whipped out his penis, and like it or not, if one of us whipped out our penis somebody would get pissed off about it

Even if you're James Franco you can just go around unleashing your monster like that. Anyone with a brain should know when the right time is to pull out your dingding. I mean you don't get to make a few movies and then suddenly have a license to go around flailing your wiener around in front of people.

>histrionic bitch.
Perhaps. But I really cant understand the way people hate her looks now. She's still attractive to me. Although her stomach tattoos are more worrisome.

Did people who say that actually watch the movie/show and read the book? Because it's like polar opposite.

but I used to do this all the time! and nothing happened except people laughed

we called it "mooning" people

Horrible Muslim society

>>in Feminist Poop, porn and sexualization and objectification should be banned
Aren't most feminists pro sex workers and camwhores though?

Let's be real, the bitch didn't care until this movement started so I don't care now

That's a very small feminist minority called sex positive feminism.
However sex positive feminism breaks the whole "everything is rape and everything is potential rape" narrative, so they are also called heretics within the feminist circle.
They should drop the feminist label and call themselves egalitarians or something, seeing as egalitarianism has a copyright claim on equality and liberation long before feminism came into existence in the late 1800's.

I just saw the synopsis for the movie, and i saw this
> In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
Every fucking time. Even in a film influenced by an ideology that claims that the differences between men and women are socially created, it can't escape that men and women tend to have different sexual desires. Beautiful.
It literally described a Caliphate.

Fuck off, clown hole.

>be humanity
>be reduced to sub replacement population levels
>government decides that desperate times call for desperate measures and a rape system needs to be implemented to sustain humanity.

Literally feminism

Not true, it shows the future of the West once the Muslim majorities take over.