I'd like to make one more thread to say this movie wasn't very good

I'd like to make one more thread to say this movie wasn't very good.

Can I join you for the next 300 posts?

Eh I quite liked it despite the obvious pitfalls.

I'm not cucked enough to go see the Han Solo one though. It looks terrible.

Last Jedi threads are a pretty small niche on this site.

You're right. It was great. First SW I've been back to the theater multiple times to see and I've been going since Phantom Menace which was released when I was in high school.

Good on you, OP. Now where is the DIDF...

u mad disneyshill

It is the best disney star wars film

yes. Go see Star Wars again

Yeah, can we keep this alive please

>Enjoy it as I'm watching it
>Have a few of the dumb scenes spoiled so the effect is lessened
>Come out of it fairly positive
>Then it starts settling

This is the first film I went from 'sort of enjoying' to 'despising' in the space of two days.

This. So much this. This board has a neckbeard problem, and it tends to bring down the general discourse. Nothing will satisfy an army of angry GamerGaters stewing in their own contempt and nihilism.

This film was FANTASTIC. I was so-so on TFA. It still held onto the past with too much reverence. It almost felt like fan fiction, like it was consciously aping Lucas's style and his point-of-view.

Let's face it... Star Wars needed a real overhaul. It needed to be brought into the 21st century. It isn't going to be this narrow, parochial little thing enjoyed by a few alienated white dudes and manchildren anymore. It's got to mean something new to a generation that's grown beyond the original vision.

The team at Disney (Kennedy, the Story Group, and others) have set up a bright, diverse, and exciting canvas for creators to paint on in the future. This film was about letting the past die, and I loved that element of it. It was exactly right.

So so so so glad to see I'm not alone in seeing its many great qualities. This is OUR Star Wars now. The Force doesn't belong to a few embittered neckbeards anymore. It belongs to the world. And that's fucking beautiful.

ok reddit

You need to go back

The further away you get from the time in the theater, the more it dawns on you that it was crap.

I get the feeling you anons are describing but this movie wasn't even that. It's objectively bad and it felt like someone was shitting and farting in my face for 2 hours while I eat popcorn

Honestly, I don't understand the praise it gets. It has so many plot holes and a pointless sub plot that was extremely boring. It did nothing new except kill Snoke, which was fucking dumb and didn't matter since we know nothing about him. They subverted all of the subversions so everything you thought would happen happened but it took slightly longer. Even without being a fanboy, it's an objectively bad movie with a terrible plot.

>tfw no animu gf

The way I sort of feel about it is it's like going to a magic show and the magician up front says he's about to do the ol' rabbit out of the hat trick. He does the whole thing, shows the crowd it's empty, taps the side, sticks his arm inside and roots around making silly faces. He eventually pulls out and reveals and empty hand to the audience. He shows his flat palm to the crowd and waits a second before saying proudly, "Ta-daaa!" The crowd scratches it's head for a ment and the magician explains, "Haha! You thought I was going to pull a rabbit out! But then I didn't! Aren't you all surprised!? Y'all just got subverted!"

The audience, in order to save face, begins clapping, feeling like there must be something to the trick they're not getting but dammit they paid good money for the tickets so it must have all meant something.

Ha I didn't care to see this joke, star wars is a overall bad series, I hate the face that it started with #4 and they went ahead but than came back and did part 1 2 and 3, 3 was alright I thought but these past 3 new ones have been trash, the only thing I liked was the bad guy that is like darthvader, " you may tell from my writing I really don't give a fuck about this series but I sighed enough into it to understand star wars and just sad."
Don't feel bad tho a lot of other franchises in movies are bad, but star wars is a like a piece of shit that won't flush and when you finally do it takes another shit.

These past 3 movies have just been so the fathers of the last generation can connect with there son's today and give unknown back story the child most likely will not know.

This, only i had an inverse effect.